2023-05-06 12:07
  • 吴孝松
  • 吴孝松 - 研究员--吴孝松-个人资料




吴孝松 Education
B.S. Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Ph.D Institute of Physics, CAS, Beijing, China
Research Experience
Postoctoaral researcher, Louisiana State University
Electric transport and magnetic properties of paramagnetically limited ultrathin superconductor films; spin-orbit scatterring in quasi-2D metals; magnetic susceptibility of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor CePt3Si at ultralow temperatures.
Postoctoral fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology
Epitaxial growth of graphene on SiC; quantum transport of electrons in epitaxial graphene on SiC and in its meso- and nano-structures; fabrication of all-graphene electronic devices and their properties.


""My research interests have been in the quantum transport of electrons in low dimensional systems, where quantum effects dominate the behaviors of electrons and in some cases, electron spins play an important role. These effects can lead to novel electronic properties. The current research mainly focuses on a recently discovered 2-dimenional material, graphene. Owing to its unique electronic structure, graphene exhibits exceptional properties that make it a promising material for the next generation electronics. My efforts concentrate on growing large size and high quality epitaxial graphene on SiC and studying its transport properties. The goal aims at making all-graphene meso- and nano-structures and exploring their potential application in electronic devices."""研究兴趣集中在低维电子体系在低温强磁场下的量子输运行为,以及对这些行为的量子调控。在低温、强磁场的极端条件下,电子的量子效应往往起决定作用,主导着其行为。同时,电子的自旋的作用也在特定环境下凸显出来。这时候系统可能表现出一些新颖的电子性质。\r


X. S. Wu, Yike Hu, Ming Ruan, N. K. Madiomanana, C. Berger and W. A. de Heer
Thermoelectric effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
Applied Physics Letters 99, 133102 (2011)
X. S. Wu, Yike Hu, Ming Ruan, N. K. Madiomanana, J. Hankinson, M. Sprinkle, C. Berger and W. A. de Heer
Half integer quantum Hall effect in high mobility single layer epitaxial graphene
Applied Physics Letters 95, 223108 (2009), selected as a highlight of National High Magnetic Field Laboratory 2009 annual reports.
X. S. Wu, M. Sprinkle, X. B. Li, F. Ming, C. Berger and W. A. de Heer
The epitaxial-graphene/graphene-oxide junction, an essential step towards epitaxial graphene electronics
Physical Review Letters 101, 026801 (2008), featured in Research Highlights of Nature Nanotechnology, 18 July 2008 and also selected for the July 21, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
W. A. de Heer, C. Berger, X. S. Wu, P. N. First, E. H. Conrad, X. B. Li, T. B. Li, M. Sprinkle, J. Hass, M. L. Sadowski, M. Potemski and G. Martinez
Epitaxial graphene
Solid State Communications 143, 92 (2007).
X. S. Wu, X. B. Li, Z. M. Song, C. Berger and W. A. de Heer
Weak antilocalization in epitaxial graphene: evidence for chiral Electrons
Physical Review Letters 98, 136801 (2007).
C. Berger, Z. M. Song, X. B. Li, X. S. Wu, N. Brown, C. Naud, D. Mayou, T. B. Li, J. Hass, A. N. Marchenkov, E. H. Conrad, P. N. First and W. A. de Heer
Electronic confinement and coherence in patterned epitaxial graphene
Science 312, 1191 (2006).
X. S. Wu, P. W. Adams, Y. Yang and R. L. McCarley
Spin proximity effect in ultrathin superconducting Be-Au bilayers
Physical Review Letters 96, 127002 (2006), featured in Physical Review Focus, 5 April 2006.
X. S. Wu, P. W. Adams and G. Catelani
Orbital response of evanescent cooper pairs in paramagnetically limited Al films
Physical Review Letters 95, 167001 (2005).
D. P. Young, M. Moldovan, X. S. Wu, P. W. Adams, and Julia Y. Chan
Low-temperature susceptibility of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor CePt3Si
Physical Review Letters 94, 107001 (2005).
Book Chapter
X. S. Wu
Growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC
Chapter in the Two-dimensional carbon: Fundamental properties, synthesis, characterization, and applications, Pan Stanford Publishing (2014).
W. A. de Heer, X. S. Wu, C. Berger
Epitaxial graphene
Chapter in the Handbook of Nanophysics: Functional Nanomaterials, Taylor and Francis Books, ed. by Klaus D. Sattler (2010).
C. Berger, X. S. Wu, P. N. First, E. H. Conrad, X. B. Li, M. Sprinkle, J. Hass, F. Varchon, L. Magaud, M. L. Sadowski, M. Potemski, G. Martinez and W. A. de Heer
Dirac particles in epitaxial graphene films grown on SiC
Chapter in the Advances in Solid State Physics, Taylor and Francis Books, ed. by Klaus D. Sattler (2008).
Invited Talk
Quantum interference in Epitaxial Graphene: Evidence for Chiral Electrons.
APS March Meeting, 2008.


