2023-05-06 12:03
  • 谢响明
  • 谢响明 - 教授 博导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




, 1989年硕士毕业后分配到湖北省孝感学院生物系工作;1993年9月进入中国农业大学(西
1996年获理学博士学位,1996年7月博士毕业后分配到北京大学生命科学学院从事相思树的遗传工程研究。1997年3月至11月在印尼金光集团亚洲浆纸业公司研究发展部从事相思树的基因工程博士后研究工作,1997年11月至1998年6月作为访问科学家到美国Michigan 密歇根理工大学从事木质素合成途径中有关酶的基因克隆和相思树的遗传转化工作。1998年7月至2000年6月任印尼金光集团亚洲浆纸业公司研究发展部研究员,主要从事相思树和桉树的分子生物学和遗传改良研究工作。
在相思树的基因工程研究方面具国际研究前列,曾作为第一作者与通讯作者被邀请在国际知名期刊Transgenic Plant Journal.发表研究综述(Invited Review: Somatic embryogenesis and genetic engineering in Acacia species. Transgenic Plant Journal. 2007,1((((((((((((((((1) :244-249),并主持过相思树国家转基因专项的研究任务,以责任作者在Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture上发表2篇Sci文章。近3年来,在国际著名期刊Journal of Microbiological Methods,以及SCi期刊 J EnvironmentalScience and Health A, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Mycotaxon, Journal of Environmental Sciences等发表多篇SCi论文,在资源与环境微生物学研究方面也形成具有特色鲜明的研究方向。


(2) 生物制浆、生物漂白以及生物降解的微生物生物技术研究
(3) 微生物生物防治




[1] Zheng F , Tu T , Wang X , Wang Y, Ma R, Su X, Xie X, Yao B, Luo H. Enhancing the catalytic activity of a novel GH5 cellulase GtCel5 from Gloeophyllum trabeum CBS 900.73 by site-directed mutagenesis on loop 6[J]. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2018, 11(1):76. IF=5.497
[2] Wang X, Zheng F, Wang Y, Tu T, Ma R, Su X, You S, Yao B, Xie X*, Luo H. Improvement of the catalytic efficiency of a hyperthermophilic xylanase from Bispora sp. MEY-1[J]. Plos One, 2017, 12(12): e0189806. IF=2.806
[3] Wu Y, Sun X, Xue X, Luo H, Yao B, Xie X*, Su X. Overexpressing key component genes of the secretion pathway for enhanced secretion of an Aspergillus niger glucose oxidase in Trichoderma reesei[J]. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2017, 106: 83-87. IF=2.502
[4] Wang X, Ma R, Xie X, Liu W, Tu T, Zheng F, You S, Ge J, Xie H, Yao B, Luo H. Thermostability improvement of a Talaromyces leycettanus xylanase by rational protein engineering[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 15287. IF=4.259
[5] Wang Y, Li X, Jiang L, Han W, Xie X, He X, Wu R. Novel Mutation Sites in the Development of Vancomycin- Intermediate Resistance inStaphylococcus aureus[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7. IF=4.165
[6] Wang X, Huang H, Xie X, Ma R, Bai Y, Zheng F, You S, Zhang B, Xie H, Yao B, Luo H. Improvement of the catalytic performance of a hyperthermostable GH10 xylanase from Talaromyces leycettanus JCM12802[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222:277-284. IF=4.917
[7] Zheng F, Huang H, Wang X, Tu T, Liu Q, Meng K, Wang Y, Su X, Xie X, Luo H. Improvement of the catalytic performance of a Bispora antennata cellulase by replacing the N-terminal semi-barrel structure[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218:279-285. IF=4.917
[8] Wang X, Luo H, Yu W, Ma R, You S, Liu W, Hou L, Zheng F, Xie X*, Yao B. A thermostable Gloeophyllum trabeum xylanase with potential for the brewing industry[J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 199: 516-523. IF=4.052
[9] Wang W, Sui Y, Zhang L, Tan W, He X, Xie X*. Recognition of an important G-quadruplex in the HIV-1 promoter with natural small molecules[J]. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 94(1): 60-65. IF=1.061
[10] Liang D, Gong L, Yao B, Xue X, Qin X, Ma R, Luo H, Xie X*, Su X. Implication of a galactomannan-binding GH2 beta-mannosidase in mannan utilization by Caldicellulosiruptor bescii[J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 467(2): 334-340. IF=2.371
[11] Liu Y, Dun B, Shi P, Ma R, Luo H, Bai Y, Xie X*, Yao B. A Novel GH7 Endo-beta-1,4-Glucanase from Neosartorya fischeri P1 with good thermostability, broad substrate specificity and potential application in the brewing Industry[J]. Plos One, 2015, 10(9): e0137485. IF=3.057
[12] Zheng R, He S, Yang Y, Xie X. Progress of Adhering Mechanisms of Latic Acid Bacteria in Digestive Tract of Aquatic Animal[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology, 2014, 16(3):134-142. IF=0.890
[13] Liu W, Yu W, Hou L, Wang X, Zheng F, Wang W, Liang D, Yang H, Jin Y, Xie X*. Analysis of miRNAs and their targets during adventitious shoot organogenesis of Acacia crassicarpa[J]. Plos One, 2014, 9(4): e93438. IF=3.234
[14] Yu W, Liu W, Huang H, Zheng F, Wang X, Wu Y, Li K, Xie X*, Jin Y. Application of a novel alkali-tolerant thermostable DyP-type peroxidase from Saccharomonospora viridis DSM 43017 in Biobleaching of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp[J]. Plos One, 2014, 9(10): e110319. IF=3.234
[15] Jin Y, Hou L, Zhang M, Tian Z, Cao A, Xie X*. Antiviral activity of Eupatorium adenophorum leaf extract against tobacco mosaic virus[J]. Crop Protection, 2014, 60: 28-33. IF=1.493
[16] Jin Y , Zhang Y , Wan C , Wang H, Hou L, Chang J, Fan K, Xie X.Immunomodulatory activity and protective effects of polysaccharide from eupatorium adenophorumleaf extract on highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza infection[J]. Evidence-Based Complementray and Alternative Medicine,2013,(2013-9-18), 2013, (9):194976. IF=2.064
[17] Yao D, Jin Y, Liu W, Wang X, Guo H, Xie X*. Plant regeneration from mature zygotic embryo explants of Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn Ex Benth. Via adventitous shoots[J]. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2013, 13(2): 86-92. IF=0.492
[18] Wang Z, Jin Y, Wu H, Tian Z, Wu Y, Xie X*. A novel, alkali-tolerant thermostable xylanase from Saccharomonospora viridis: direct gene cloning, expression and enzyme characterization[J]. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 28(8): 2741-2748. IF=1.532
[19] He X, ChengL, Zhang D,Xie X, Wang D, Wang Z. One-year monthly survey of rotavirus, astrovirus and norovirus in three sewage treatment plants in Beijing, China and associated health risk assessment[J]. Water Science & Technology, 2011, 63(1):191.IF=1.247
[20] Zhao G, Liu X, Xie X, Cao A. Saprobic dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Shennongjia region, China[J]. Nova Hedwigia, 2009, 88(1):217-227. IF=0.763
[21] He X, Cheng L, Zhang D, Li W, Xie X, Ma M, Wang Z. First molecular detection of group arotaviruses in drinking water sources in Beijing, China[J]. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009,83: 120-124. IF=1.480
[22] Yang M, Xie X*, Zheng C, Zhang F, He X, Li Z. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Acacia crassicarpa via organogenesis[J].Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2008, 95(2): 141-147. IF=1.3
[23] He X, LiC, WeiL, Xie X, Ma M, Wang Z. Detection and distribution of rotavirus in municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs) and surface water in Beijing[J]. Environmental Letters, 2008, 43(4):6.IF=4.541
[24] Liu X, Xie X, Duan J, Zhao G. Colletotrichum yunnanense sp. nov. a new endophytic species from Buxus sp.[J]. Mycotaxon, 2007, 100(0): 137-134. IF=0.535
[25] Hu Q, Dou M, Qi H,Xie X, Zhuang G, Yang M. Detection, isolation, and identification of cadmium-resistant bacteria based on PCR-DGGE[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19(9):1114-1119.IF=3.120
[26] Liang R , Liu X , Liu J , Ren Q, Liang P, Lin Z, Xie X. A T7-expression system under temperature control could create temperature-sensitive phenotype of target gene in Escherichia coli.[J]. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2007, 68(3):497-506.IF=1.701
[27] Xie X*, Yang M. Invited Review: Somatic embryogenesis and genetic engineering in Acacia species[J]. Transgenic Plant Journal, 2007,1(1): 244-249.
[28] Yang M, Xie X*, He X, Zhang F. Plant regeneration from phyllode explants of Acacia crassicarpa via organogenesis[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2006, 85(2): 241-245. IF=1.3
[29] Wu Y, Xie X, Zhang Y, Pan W. The research on bleaching of Triploid P. tomentosa Carr. kraft pulp with the enzyme of Saccharomonospora viridis[C]. The 1st International Conference on Energy Conversion and Efficient Utilization of Woody biomass. Beijing, China. May 14-16,2006: 491-498.
[30] Xie X, Zha J, Li W, Yang D, He X. Isolation of degrading bacterial strains in papermaking effluent and preliminary characterizationof lignin-cellulose modifying enzymes[C]. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns (ICEC) Innovative Technologies and Management Options. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. Oct. 2004: 1368-1372.
[31] Wang Z, He X, Xie X. Molecular technologies for monitoring pathogens in drinking water[J]. J Ecotech Res, 2004, 10(3):113-118.
[32] Xie X*, Chen X, Han L. Plant Regeneration in Eucalyptus pellita[J].Forestry Studies in China, 2001(1):7-14.

