2023-05-06 12:03
  • 许美玉
  • 许美玉 - 副教授 硕导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




2001/04-2005/03 日本岐阜大学生物资源科学博士
1982/09-1987/07 吉林医学院医学检验学士
1999/12-2001/03 日本岐阜大学生物资源科学
1987/07-1999/12 吉林医学院附属医院






1. Xi L, Wang C, Chen P, Yang Q, Hu R, Zhang H, Weng Q, Xu M*. Expressions of IL-6, TNF-α and NF-κB in the skin of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii).Eur J Histochem. 2017, 61(4):264-269.
2. Xi L, Liu Y, Tang Z, Sheng X, Zhang H, Weng Q, Xu M*. Expression of leptin receptor in the oviduct of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii).Am J PhysiolRegulIntegr Comp Physiol. 2017, 312(6):912-918.
3. Xi L, Hu R, Guo T, Wang Y, Sheng X, Han Y, Yuan Z, Weng Q, Xu M*. Immunoreactivities of NF-κB, IL-1β and IL-1R in the skin of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii). ActaHistochem. 2017, 119(1):64-70.
4. Hu Ruiqi, Xi Liqin, Cao Qing, Yang Rui, Liu Yuning, Sheng Xia, Han Yingying, Yuan Zhengrong, GuoYan, WengQiang, Xu Meiyu*.The expression of prostaglandin-E2 and its receptor in the oviduct of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii). Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat.2016, 124:9-15.
5. Yang Lubing, Ma Sihui, Han Yu, Wang Yuhan, Guo Yan, WengQiang, Xu Meiyu*.Walnut Polyphenol Extract Attenuates Immunotoxicity Induced by 4-Pentylphenol and 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol in Murine Splenic Lymphocyte. Nutrients 2016, 8, 287; doi:10.3390/nu8050287
6. Yang Lubing, Ma Sihui, Wan Yifang,DuanShuqi, Ye Siyan,Sheng Xia, WengQiang, Taya Kazuyoshi, Xu Meiyu*.In vitro effect of 4-pentylphenol and 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol on murine splenic lymphocyte populations and cytokine/granzyme production.J Immunotoxicol. 2016, 31:1-9.
7. Hu Ruiqi, Liu Yuning, Deng Yu, Ma Sihui, Sheng Xia, WengQiang, Xu Meiyu*. Immunoreactivities of IL-1β and IL-1R in oviduct of Chinese brown frog (Rana dybowskii) during pre-hibernation and the breeding period. ActaHistochemica. 2016, 118(2):164-169.
8. Ma Sihui, Huang Di, ZhaiMengxin, Yang Lubing, Peng Seng, Chen C, Feng X, WengQiang, Zhang Bolin, Xu Meiyu*. Isolation of a novel bio-peptide from walnut residual protein inducing apoptosis and autophagy on cancer cells. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2015 Nov 23;15:413. doi: 10.1186/s12906-015-0940-9.
9. Weng Ji, Liu Yuning, Xu Ying, Hu Ruiqi, Zhang Haolin, Sheng Xia, Watanabe Gen, Taya K, WengQiang, XuMeiyu*. Expression of P450arom and Estrogen Receptor Alpha in the Oviduct of Chinese Brown Frog (Rana dybowskii) during Prehibernation. International journal of Endocrinology.2015:283085. doi: 10.1155/2015/283085. Epub 2015 Feb 23.
10. Huang Di, Yang Lubing, Wang Chenlu, Ma Sihui, Cui Li, Huang Shiyang, Sheng Xia, WengQiang, Xu Meiyu*. Immunostimulatory activity of protein hydrolysate from oviductusranae on macrophage in vitro. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014:180234. doi: 10.1155/2014/180234. Epub 2014 Dec 22.
11. Zhang Mengyuan, Sheng Xia, Sun Rongbo, Li Qinglin, Zhang Haolin, Zhou Jiao, Xu Meiyu*, WengQiang, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi. Seasonal changes in immunoreactivity of inhibin/activin subunits in the epididymis of wild ground squirrels (Citellusdauricus Brandt). Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2013,59(3):302-307.
12. Sheng Xia, WengJiaju, Zhang Haolin, Li Xiaonan, Zhang Mengyuan, Xu Meiyu*, WengQiang, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi. Immunohistochemical localization of inhibin/activin subunits in the wild ground squirrel (CitellusdauricusBrandt) ovary. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2012, 58(5):531-536.
13. Zhang Haolin, Sheng Xia, Hu Xiao, Li Xiaonan, Xu Hui, Zhang Mengyuan, Li Ben, Xu Meiyu*, WengQiang, Zhang Zhixiang, Taya Kazuyoshi. Seasonal changes in spermatogenesis and immunolocalization of cytochrome P450 17alpha-hydroxylase/c17-20 lyase and cytochrome P450 aromatase in the wild male ground squirrel (Citellusdauricus Brandt).Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2010,56(3):297-302.
14. Xu Meiyu, SugiuraYoshimasa, Nagaoka Satoshi, Kanamaru Yoshihiro*.Involvement of SDS-stable higher M(r) forms of bovine normal milk alpha-lactalbumin in inducing intestinal IEC-6 cell death. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2005, 69(6):1189-1192.
15. Xu Meiyu, SugiuraYoshimasa, Nagaoka Satoshi, Kanamaru Yoshihiro*. IEC-6 intestinal cell death induced by bovine milk alpha-lactalbumin. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2005, 69(6):1082-1089.
16. Liu Yuning, Weng Ji, Huang Shiyang, Shen Yong, Sheng Xia, Han Yingying, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*.Immunoreactivities of PPARγ2, leptin and leptin receptor in oviduct of Chinese brown frog during breeding period and pre-hibernation.European journal of histochemistry.2014 Sep 9;58(3):2422. doi: 10.4081/ejh.2014.2422.
17. Li Xiaonan, Zhang Haolin, Sheng Xia, Li Ben, Zhou Jiao, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi. Immunoreactivities of androgen receptor, estrogen receptors, p450arom, p450c17 proteins in wild ground squirrels ovaries during the nonbreeding and breeding seasons. Journal of ovarian research. 2012 Sep 25;5(1):26. doi: 10.1186/1757-2215-5-26.
18. WengQiang*, Tsubota Toshio, Dai Mingdao, WengJiaju, Tian Yang, Xu Meiyu, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Immunolocalization of steroidogenic enzymes and their expression during the breeding season in the testes of wild raccoon dogs (Nyctereutesprocyonoides).Animal science journal. 2012 Jul;83(7):535-542.
19. WengJiaju, Li Ben, Sheng Xia, Zhang Haolin, Hu Xiao, Zhou Jiao, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Seasonal changes in immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial factor and its receptors VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 in the uterus of wild ground squirrels (Citellusdauricus Brandt). Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2012, 58(5):537-543.
20. Zhang Mengyuan, Sheng Xia, Zhang Haolin, Wang Qian, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Seasonal changes in morphology and immunoreactivity of PDGF-A and its receptor PDGFR-α in the epididymis of wild ground squirrels (Citellusdauricus Brandt). Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2012, 58(3):353-359.
21. Li Ben, Sheng Xia, Song Moshi, Zhang Haolin, WengJiaju, Zhang Mengyuan, Hu Xiao, Zhou Jiao, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi. Expression of nerve growth factor and its receptors TrkA and p75 in the uterus of wild female ground squirrel (Citellusdauricus Brandt). General and comparative endocrinology. 2012, 176(1):62-9.
22. Lu Lu, Zhang Haolin, Lv Na, Ma Xiaoting, Tian Long, Hu Xu, Liu Shuqiang, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Immunolocalization of androgen receptor, aromatase cytochrome P450, estrogen receptor alpha and estrogen receptor beta proteins during the breeding season in scent glands of muskrats (Ondatrazibethicus).Zoological Science. 2011, 28(10):727-732.
23. Shen Yong, Liu Yuning, Ma Jiajia, Ma Xiaoting, Tian Yang, Zhang Haolin, Li Lin, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Immunoreactivity of c-kit receptor protein during the prehibernation period in the oviduct of the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis.Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 2012, 74(2):209-213.
24. Ma Xiaoting, Zhang Haolin, WengJiaju, Sheng Xia, Lu Lu, Hu Xiao, Liu Shuqiang, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Immunolocalization of inhibin/activin subunit proteins during the breeding season in testes and scented glands of muskrats (Ondatrazibethicus).Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 2011, 73(9):1199-1205.
25. Li Qinglin, Weng Ji, Zhang Haolin, Lu Lu, Ma Xiaoting, Wang Qike, Cao Han, Liu Shuqiang, Xu Meiyu, WengQiang*, Watanabe Gen, Taya Kazuyoshi.Immunohistochemical evidence: testicular and scented glandular androgen synthesis in muskrats (Ondatrazibethicus) during the breeding season.European journal of histochemistry. 2011, 55(4):e32. doi: 10.4081/ejh.2011.e32.

