2023-05-06 12:02
  • 王望
  • 王望 - 讲师-北京林业大学-材料科学与技术学院-个人资料




2015/07-至今,北京林业大学,木材科学与工程系,讲师 2009/09-2015/07,北京林业大学,材料科学与技术学院木材科学与工程系,博士 2005/09-2009/07,华中农业大学,园艺林学学院林学系,学士




1. Wang Wang, Yiheng Huang, Jinzhen Cao*, Yuan Zhu. Penetration and distribution of paraffin wax in wood of loblolly pine and Scots pine studied by time domain NMR spectroscopy, Holzforschung, 2018, 72(2):125-133
2. Wang Wang, Cong Chen, Jinzhen Cao*, Yuan Zhu, Improved properties of thermally modified wood (TMW) by combined treatment with disodium octoborate tetrahydrate (DOT) and wax emulsion (WE), Holzforschung, 2017, DOI: 10.1515/hf-2017-0043
3. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Pascal Kamdem, Monitoring electrical properties of thermally modified wood as a possible tool for quality assessment. Holzforschung, 2016, 70(4):351-359
4. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Xi Guo, Thermal modification of Southern pine combined with wax emulsion preimpregnation: effect on hydrophobicity and dimensional stability, Holzforschung, 2015, 69(4): 405-413
5. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Wenjing Sun, Correlation between dynamic wetting behavior and chemical components of thermally-modified wood, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 324: 332-338
6. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Morphological, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of Cathay poplar/organoclay composites prepared by in situ process, Materials & Design, 2014, 59(6): 233-240
7. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Ru Liu, Improvement of dimensional stability of wood by in situ synthesis of organo-montmorillonite: preparation and properties of modified Southern pine wood, Holzforschung, 2014, 68(1): 29-36
8. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu, Jinzhen Cao*, Evaluation of copper leaching in thermally modified southern yellow pine wood impregnated with ACQ-D, BioResources, 2013, 8(3): 4687-4701
9. Wang Wang, Jinzhen Cao*, Futong Cui, Xing Wang, Effect of pH on chemical components and mechanical properties of thermally modified wood, Wood and Fiber Science, 2012, 44(1): 46-53

