2023-05-06 11:56
  • 盖颖
  • 盖颖 - 副教授 硕导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料







1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,杨树细胞壁多糖与木质素消长关系机理研究,项目号:31300498。
2. 主持北京市高校“青年英才”计划项目,新型植物激素油菜素内酯与独脚金内酯对植物生长与形态建成影响的机理初探,项目号:YETP0755。
3. 主持北京林业大学新进教师科研启动基金项目,杨树细胞壁结构多糖中单糖组成与连接方式和连接序列解析研究,项目号:2010BLX03。
4. 参加“十二五”国家“863”计划,落叶松、杉木、马尾松分子育种及新品种创制,项目号:2011AA100203。
5. 参加教育部“创新团队发展计划”项目,项目编号:IRT13047;北京林业大学创新团队项目“树木生长发育与木材形成的分子机制”,项目号:TD2012-02"



1. Xie Jin, Shuxin Liu, Qi Qi, Jiayin Hou, Ying Gai, and Xiangning Jiang*. Identification of Proteins from Cambium Tissues of the Chinese White Poplar (Populus Tomentosa) Sampled during the growing season. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2014, 46(4): 1269-1275.
2. Nan Chao, Shuxin Liu, Bingmei Liu, Ning Li, Xiangning Jiang, Ying Gai*. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of nine cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase family members in Populus Tomentosa. Planta, 2014, 240: 1097-1112.
3. Botao Han, Shaoli Liu, Ying Gai, Xiangning Jiang*. Preparation of cinnamoyl-CoA and analysis of the enzyme activity of recombinant CCR protein from Populus tomentosa. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 23(4): 348-357.
4. Ke Li, Shichang Liu, Yupeng Tan, Xiaoming Tian, Nan Chao, William A. Powell, Xiangning Jiang and Ying Gai*. Optimized GC-MS method to simultaneously quantify acetylated aldose, ketose, and alditol for plant tissues based on derivatization in a methyl sulfoxide/1-methylimidazole system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61: 4011−4018.
5. Xiaoming Tian, Jin Xie, Yanling Zhao, Hai Lua, Shichang Liu, Long Qu, Jianmei Li, Ying Gai*, Xiangning Jiang*. Sense-, antisense- and RNAi-4CL1 regulate soluble phenolic acids, cell wall components and growth in transgenic Populus tomentosa Carr. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 65: 111–119.
6. Shichang Liu, Weiqi Chen, Long Qu, Ying Gai*, Xiangning Jiang*. Simultaneous determination of 24 or more acidic and alkaline phytohormones in femtomole quantities of plant tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–ion trap mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013, 405(4): 1257-1266.
7. Shichang Liu, Weiqi Chen, Kai Fang, Xiangning Jiang* and Ying Gai*. Classification and characterization of unknown cytokinins into essential types by in source collision induced dissociation electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 26:2075–2082.
8. Yonglin Hu*, Ying Gai*, Lei Yin*, Xiaoxue Wang, Chunyan Feng, Defeng Li, Xiang-ning Jiang and Da-Cheng Wang. Crystal Structures of a Populus tomentosa 4-Coumarate:CoA Ligase Shed Light on Its Enzymatic Mechanisms. Plant Cell, 2010, 22(9): 3093–3104. (*同等贡献共同第一作者)
9. Yupeng Tan, Ke Li, Lei Hu, Shu Chen, Ying Gai and Xiangning Jiang*. Fast and Simple Droplet Sampling of Sap from Plant Tissues and Capillary Microextraction of Soluble Saccharides for Picogram-Scale Quantitative Determination with GC-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(18):9931–9935.

