2023-05-06 11:56
  • 范俊峰
  • 范俊峰 - 副教授 硕导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




2000.9– 2006.6:中国业大学,硕士博士研究生;


1. 林产食品加工、营养与质量控制
2. 杂粮加工及抗血栓、抗糖尿病研究
3. 中药杜仲、枸杞和食醋的生理活性研究
4. 食品生物技术,包括果酒和果醋的加工
5. 蔬菜保鲜与加工"承担项目

1. 宁夏森淼股份有限公司:叶用枸杞的精深加工



1. Wanqi Zhu, Baoqing Zhu, Yao Li, Yanyan Zhang, Bolin Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Acidic electrolyzed water efficiently improves the flavor of persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan) wine. Food Chemistry, 2016, DOI : 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.10.106. (SCI, 影响因子IF3.391)
2. Feng Wang, Guoyong Yu, Yanyan Zhang, Bolin Zhang, and Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitory peptides derived from oat (Avena sativa L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum), and highland barley (Hordeumvulgaretrifurcatum(L.) Trofim) proteins. J. Agric. Food Chem.,2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04016.(SCI, IF2.912)
3. Guoyong Yu, Feng Wang, Bolin Zhang, Junfeng Fan(通讯作者). In vitro inhibition of platelet aggregation by peptides derived from oat (Avena sativa L.), highland barley (HordeumvulgareLinn.var. nudum Hook. f.), and buckwheat (FagopyrumesculentumMoench) proteins. Food Chemistry,2016,194, 577–586.(SCI,IF3.391)
4. Jing Li, Yanyan Zhang,Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Acetic acid in aged vinegar affects molecular targets for thrombus disease management. Food & Function, 2015, 6, 2845–2853. DOI: 10.1039/C5FO00327J. (SCI,IF2.791)
5. Yanyan Zhang, Hongxia Zhang, Feng Wang, Dandan Yang, Ke Ding, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者), The ethanol extract of EucommiaulmoidesOliv. Leaves inhibitsdisaccharidase and glucose transport in Caco-2 cells, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,2015, 163, 99–105. (SCI,IF2.998)
6. Dan Zhou, Lin Li, Yanwen Wu, Junfeng Fan, Jie Ouyang. Salicylic acid inhibits enzymatic browning of fresh-cut Chinese chestnut (Castaneamollissima) by competitively inhibiting polyphenol oxidase. Food Chemistry,2015, 171, 19–25. (SCI, 影响因子IF3.391)
7. Jing Li, Guoyong Yu, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Alditols and monosaccharides from sorghum vinegar can attenuate platelet aggregation by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1 and thromboxane-A2 synthase. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.2014, 155, 285–292. (SCI,IF2.998)
8. Junfeng Fan, Michelle H. Johnson, Mary Ann Lila,Gad Yousef, and Elvira Gonzalez deMejia. Berry and Cirtrus phenolic compounds inhibit dipeptidylpeptidese IV, implications in diabetes management. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2013http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/479505. (SCI, IF2.175)
9. Fan, Junfeng; Johnson, Michelle; de Mejia, Elvira Gonzalez. Citrus and berry flavonoids inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase-IV enzymatic activity by binding to the catalytic site. Joint Annual Meeting of the ASPET/BPS at Experimental Biology (EB), 2013/4/20-2013/4/24, Boston, MA, USA, 2013/4. (SCI)
10. Michelle H. Johnson, Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia, Junfeng Fan, Mary Ann Lila, and Gad G. Yousef. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins from blueberry–blackberry fermented beverages inhibit markers of inflammation in macrophages and carbohydrate-utilizing enzymes in vitro. Mol. Nutr. Food Res.2013, 57(7): 1182–1197. (SCI, IF4.909)
11. Fan JunFeng, Zhang YanYan, Zhou LinNa, Li ZaiGui, Zhang BoLin, Masayoshi Saito and Wang XiaoNan. Nutritional Composition and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Five Chinese Vinegars. JARQ2011, 45(4), 445-456.
12. Junfeng Fan, Yanyan Zhang, Xiaojie Chang, Bolin Zhang, Da Jiang, Masayoshi Saito, and Zaigui Li. Antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities of methanolic extract of aged sorghum vinegar. J. Agric. Food Chem.,2009, 57, 8683-8687. DOI:10.1021./jf901680y
13. Junfeng Fan, Xiaozhong Hu, Szesze Tan, Yanyan Zhang, EizoTatsumi and Lite Li. Isolation and Characterisation of a novel angiotension I-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptide derived from douchi, a traditional Chinese fermented soybean food. J. Sci. Food Agric.,2009, 89, 603-608. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.3482
14. Junfeng FAN, Yanyan ZHANG, Xiaojie CHANG, Masayoshi SAITO, and Zaigui LI. Changes in the Radical Scavenging Activity of Bacterial-Type Douchi, a Traditional Fermented Soybean Product, during the Primary Fermentation Process. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.,2009, 73(12), 2749-2753.
15. Fan Junfeng, Zhang Yanyan, Tan Szesze, Li Fengjuan, Zhou Manyu, Masayoshi Saito, EizoTatsumi and Li Lite. Improving Functional Properties of Soy Protein Hydrolysate by Conjugation with Curdlan.J.Food Sci.2006, 71(5), c285-c292.
16. Fan Junfeng, Masayoshi Saito, Zhang Yanyan, Tan Szesze, Wang Lijun, EizoTatsumi and Li Lite. Gel-forming Ability and Radical-scavenging Activity of Soy Protein Hydrolysate Treated with Transglutaminase.J. Food Sci. 2005, 70(1), c87-92.
17. Fan Junfeng, Masayoshi Saito, EizoTatsumi and Li Lite. Preparation of angiotension I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from soybean protein enzymatic hydrolysis.Food Sci. Technol. Res.2003, 9(3), 254-256.
18. Fan Junfeng. Chapter 6 Sufu, in Traditional Chinese Foods: Production and Research Progress, edited by Li Z.G. and Tan, H.Z. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. 2009, 241-258.
19. QiuJu, Fan Junfeng, Ren Changzhong, Masayoshi Saito, Li Zaigui. Antioxidant activities of aged oat vinegar in vitro and in mouse serum and liver. J. Sci. Food Agric.,2010, 90(11): 1951-1958.
20. Yunping Zhu, Junfeng Fan, Yongqing Cheng, Lite Li. Improvement of the antioxidant activity of Chinese traditional fermented okara using Bacillus subtillis B2. Food Control 2008, 19, 654-661.
21. Xiangning Chen, Junfeng Fan, Xi Yue, Xuerui Wu, and Lite Li. Radical scavenging activity and phenolic compounds in persimmon (Diospyros Kaki L.cv. Mopan). J. Food Sci., 2008, 73(1), C24-C28.
22. Y.P. Zhu, Y.Q. Cheng, L.J. Wang, J.F. Fan, L.T. Li. Enhanced antioxidative activity of Chinese traditionally fermented okara (Meitauza) prepared with various microorganism. International Journal of Food Properties, 2008, 11, 519-529.
23. Jianhua Zhang, EizoTatsumi, Junfeng Fan, Lite Li. Chemical components of Aspergillus-type Douchi, a Chinese traditional fermented soybean product, change during the fermentation process. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2007, 42, 263-268.
24. Wang Lijun, Li Lite, Fan Junfeng, Masayoshi Saito, EizoTatsumi. Radical-scavenging activity and isoflavone content of sufu extract form various regions in China. Food Sci Technol. Res. 2004, 10(3), 324-327.
25. Li Feng-Juan; Yin Li-Jun; Cheng,Yong-Qiang; Yamaki Kohji; Fan Jun-Feng; and Li Li-Te. Comparison of Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Activities of Pre-Fermented Douchi (a Chinese Traditional Fermented Soybean Food) Started with Various Cultures. International Journal of Food Engineering. 2009, 5 (2), 1-12. (article 10) DOI: 10.2202/1556-3758.1661.
26. CONG YJ, LOU F, LI LF,XUE WT, WANG J, ZHANG H, FAN JF. Identification and Quantification of Major Peanut Allergens with IgEbinding Property in China. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2008, 32, 353-367.
27. Hu Xiaozhong, Cheng Yongqiang, Fan Junfeng, Lu Zhanhui, KogjiYamaki, Li Lite. Effects of drying method on physicochemical and functional properties of soy protein isolates. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2010, 34, 520-540.
28. 李克剑,王储,金明,王立英,徐士梅,张柏林,范俊峰. 菜用枸杞叶的营养价值及营养等级评价.中国食物与营养,2016,接收。(通讯作者)
29. 张艳艳,葛姿言,李庆卫,李红卫,吕林童,范俊峰. 淡丰后梅仁成分分析、油脂组成和蛋白质的物理性质. 食品科学, 2015, 36(16), 203-206.(通讯作者)
30. 张红霞,杨丹丹,王凤, 范俊峰. 杜仲叶乙醇提取物的降糖作用机理及其制备工艺.食品科学, 2014, 35(17), 197-203.(通讯作者)
31. 陈曦,范俊峰. 高粱醋皂苷提取工艺以及对家兔血小板聚集的影响. 中国酿造, 2013, 32(5), 92-95. (通讯作者)
32. 李婧, 张红霞, 王芳, 杨丹丹, 张新颖, 范俊峰. 杜仲叶醋抗α-葡萄糖苷酶活性研究. 中国食物与营养, 2013, 19( 8): 58-61. (通讯作者)
33. 何璐薇, 李志敏, 孙严, 张艳艳, 范俊峰. 醋酸及陈醋低分子量成分的抗血小板聚集活性.中国食物与营养,2012,18(8),65-67. (通讯作者)
34. 张艳艳, 张红霞, 程妮, 范俊峰, 李博生. 气相色谱-质谱联用分析发酵脱腥前后螺旋藻风味物质. 食品科学, 2012, 33(22): 181-185. (通讯作者)
35. 周琳娜, 张红霞, 张艳艳, 郭准, 范俊峰, 张柏林. 纤维素酶辅助水解杜仲叶醋的发酵条件. 食品工业科技. 2012, 33(12): 201-204. (通讯作者)
36. 张心颖, 祝旭楠, 潘黄蕾, 张红霞, 周琳娜, 范俊峰. 超声辅助法提取杜仲叶α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂. 中国食物与营养, 2012, 18(9): 49-51. (通讯作者)
37. 畅晓洁, 范俊峰, 郑必胜. 黑燕麦醋对血小板聚集功能的影响.食品工业科技. 2010, 8, 334-337.
38. 畅晓洁, 王慧敏, 范俊峰. 陈醋体外抗栓及溶栓活性的研究. 现代农业科技. 2009, 13, 344-346.(通讯作者)
39. 范俊峰, 李里特, 张艳艳, 齐藤昌义, 辰巳英三. 2种蛋白酶的大豆蛋白水解物对血管紧张素转换酶的抑制作用. 食品与发酵工业. 2004, 30 (1): 80-84.
40. 范俊峰, 李里特, 张艳艳, 汪立君, 齐藤昌义, 辰巳英三. 中国传统大豆发酵食品的生理功能. 食品科学. 2005, 26 (1), 250-254.
41. 范俊峰, 李再贵, 石谷孝佑. 中国小杂粮的生产加工与综合利用. (日本)食品工业. 2008, 51(18), 70-74.(日语)
42. 陈湘宁, 张艳艳, 范俊峰等. 大豆多肽的凝胶性及抗氧化性研究. 食品科学. 2005, 26(5), 71-75.
43. 食品生物加工技术,化学工业出版社,北京,2004。

