2023-05-06 11:47
  • 熊黎明
  • 熊黎明 - 教授-北京理工大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




Educational Background
-06/1999 06/2001(Ph.D.), Dept. of Appl. Math., University of Twente(特文特大学), Enschede, The Kingdom of Netherlands, Ph. D. Thesis: Circuits in Graphs and the Hamiltonian index, PDF.

-09/1990 07/1993(M.Sc.), Dept. of Appl. Math., University of Science and Technology Beijing(北京科技大学), Beijing, M.Sc. Thesis: The Vertex Arboricity of a Graph.

-09/1983 07/1987(B.Sc.), Dept. of Appl. Math., Jiangxi Normal University(江西师范大学), Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Working Experience
-06/2002 present, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology(北京理工大学), Beijing 100081.

-09/1993 05/2002, Department of Mathematics, Jiangxi Normal University(江西师范大学), Nanchang, Jiangxi.

-07/1987 08/1990, Department of Mathematics, Yichun University(宜春学院), Yichun, Jiangxi.




[115] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for a graph to have a hamiltonian path square, Graphs and Combinatorics, PDF.

[114] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for graphs with (near) perfect matching to be hamiltonian, Quaestiones Mathematicae, In press.

[113] Zemeng Liu and Liming Xiong, Degree sum conditions for hamiltonian index, Applied Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese University, In press.

[112] Tao Tian, H.J. Broersma and Liming Xiong, A note on sufficient degree conditions for traceablity of claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 111883. PDF.

[111] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian extendable graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, In press

[110] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Petr Vrána and Liming Xiong, A note on singular edges and hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Graphs and Combinatorics, 36 (2020) 665-677, PDF.

[109] Xia Liu and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs on Hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics,343 (2020) 111841. PDF.

[108] Xia Liu and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for collapsible graphs and supereulerian graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, In press.

[107] Zhihao Hui, Junfeng Du, Shipeng Wang, Liming Xiong and Xiaojing Yang, Forbidden pairs for the matching extendability of graphs with connectivity at least 2 or 3, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 111694, PDF.

[106] Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, 2-connected hamiltonian claw-free graphs involving degree sum of adjacent vertices, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 40 (2020) 85-106. PDF.


[105] Junfeng Du and Liming Xiong, The local structure of claw-free graphs without generalized bulls, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35 (2019) 1091-1103. PDF.

[104] Wanpeng Lei, Liming Xiong, Junfeng Du and Shipeng Wang, Forbidden pair of disconnected graphs excepting claw for traceability of block-chains, Ars Combinatorics, 145 (2019) 353-366.

[103] Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Spanning trail in a 2-connected graph, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (3) (2019), # P3.56. PDF.

[102] Binlong Li, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Large degree vertices in longest cycles of graphs, II, Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 7(2) (2019) 277-299. PDF.

[101] Win Min Aye, Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, Number of vertices of degree three in spanning 3-trees in square graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 357 (2019) 258-262. PDF.

[100] Wanpeng Lei, Liming Xiong, Junfeng Du and Jun Yin, An extension of the Win theorem: Counting the number of maximum indenpendent sets, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B, 40(3) (2019) 411-428. PDF.

[99] Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, On the indenpendence number of traceable 2-connected claw-free graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 39 (2019) 925-937. PDF.

[98] Mingqiang An, Yinan Zhang, Kinkar Ch. Das and Liming Xiong, Reciprocal degree distance and graph properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 258 (2019) 1-7. PDF

[97] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Two upper bounds for the Gutman indices of (four) F-sums of graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 143 (2019) 117-134.

[96] Shipeng Wang, Shoichi Tsuchiya and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs for equality of connectivity and edge-connectivity of graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35 (2019) 419-426. PDF


[95] Roman Čada, Kenta Ozeki, Liming Xiong and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Pairs of forbidden subgraphs and 2-connected supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1696–1707. PDF

[94] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Some results on the inverse sum indeg index of a graph, Information Processing Letters, 134 (2018) 42–46. PDF

[93] Xia Liu, Houyuan Lin and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs and weak locally connected graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 34 (2018) 1671–1690. PDF

[92] Shengmei Lv, Liming Xiong, Guifu Su and Ning Zhao, Induced claws and existence of even factors of graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 41 (2018) 1529–1540. PDF

[91] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Petr Vrána and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected {claw,hourglass}-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1806–1815. PDF

[90] Hong-Jain Lai, Liming Xiong and Huiya Yan, Line graphs containing 2-factors with bounded number of components, JCMCC, 107 (2018) 171-179. PDF

[89] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Erratum to [Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trail, Discrete Math., 340 (2017) 1012-1018], Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1192-1193. PDF

[88] Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, Traceability on 2-connected line graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 321 (2018) 461-471. PDF


[87] Jun Ekstein, Baoyindureng Wu and Liming Xiong, Connected even factors in the square of essentially 2-edge-connected graphs, Electron. J. Combin., 24 (2017) No. 3 Paper 3. 42. PDF

[86] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general sum-connectivity index, Ars Combinatoria. 131 (2017) 255-271.

[85] ​Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden set of induced subgraphs for 2-connected supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 2792-2797. PDF

[84] Junfeng Du, Binlong Li and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for traceability in connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 2194-2199. PDF

[83] Liming Xiong, Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for the existence of even factors in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 223 (2017) 135-139. PDF

[82] Zhi-Hong Chen, Hong-Jian Lai and Liming Xiong, Minimum degree conditions for the Hamiltonicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 122 (2017) 167-186. PDF

[81] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Even factors with a bounded number of components in iterated line graphs, Science China Mathematics, 60 (2017) 177-188. PDF

​[80] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trail, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 1012-1018. PDF


[79] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Minimum Number of Components of 2-Factors in Iterated Line Graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 39 (2016) 361–371. PDF

​[78] Akira Saito and Liming Xiong, The Ryjáček closure and a forbidden subgraph, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36 (2016) 621-628. PDF

[77] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Supereulerian graphs, colapsible graphs and matchings, (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 39 (2016) 871-877. PDF

[76] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general Randić index, J. Comb. Optim., 31 (2016) 635–647. PDF

[75] Binlong Li, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Large degree vertices in longest cycles of graphs, I, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36 (2016) 363–382. PDF

[74] Mingqiang An and Liming XIong and Guifu Su, The k-ordinary generalized geometric-arithmatic index, Utilitas Mathematics, 100 (2016) 383-405. PDF

[73] Jun Yin, Liming Xiong and Haixing Zhao, Hamiltonian claw-free graphs and o-heavy graphs involving induced cycles, Graphs and Combinatorics, 32 (2016) 823–833. PDF

[72] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Xiaofeng Su and Guojun Li, Maximally edge-connected graphs and zeroth-order general Randić index for α≤−1, J. Comb. Optim., 31 (2016) 182–195. PDF

​[71] Kindar Ch, Das, Guifu Su and Liming Xiong, Relation between degree distance and Gutman index of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 76 (2016) 221-232. PDF

​[70] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Ivan Gutman and Lan Xu, Reciprocal product-degree distance of graphs, Filomat, 30 (2016) 2217-2231. PDF


[69] Jun Yin, Liming Xiong, Conditions for a graph to have a connected even [2, 2s]-factor, Utilitas Mathematics, 98 (2015) 387-391. PDF

[68] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Closure and hamilton-connected claw-free hourglass-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31(2015) 2369-2376. PDF

[67] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong, Some results on the difference of the Zagreb indices of a graph, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 92 (2015) 177-186. PDF

[66] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Xiaofeng Su and Xianglian Chen, Some results on the reciprocal sum-degree distance of graphs, J. Comb. Optim., 30 (2015) 435-446. PDF

[65] Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, The Chvátal-Erdös condition for a graph to have a spanning trail, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 1739-1754. PDF

[64] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Multiplicatively weighted Harary index of some composite graphs, Filomat, 29 (2015) 795-805. PDF

[63] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong and Runli Tian, 2-factors in claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Czechoslovak Math. J., 65 (2015) 317-330. PDF

[62] Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Discrete Mathematics, 338 (2015) 2042-2050. PDF

[61] Guantao Chen, Yinkui Li, Haicheng Ma, Tingzeng Wu and Liming Xiong, An extension of the Chvátal-Erdös theorem: Counting the number of maximum independent sets, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 885-896. PDF

[60] Zhaohong Niu, Liming Xiong, On traceable line graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 221-233. PDF


[59] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong and Kinkar Ch. Das, Two upper bounds for the degree distances of four sums of graphs, Filomat, 28 (2014) 579-590. PDF

[58] Mingqiang An, Hong-Jian Lai, Hao Li, Guifu Su, Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, Two operations on a graph preserving the (non)existence of 2-factors in its line graph, Czechoslovak Math. J., 64(139) (2014) 1035-1044. PDF

[57] Liming Xiong, Induced hourglass and the equivalence between hamiltonicity and supereulerianity in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 332 (2014) 15-22. PDF

[56] Qingning Wang and Liming Xiong, Branch-bonds, two-factors in iterated line graphs and circuits in weighted graphs, Int. J. Comput. Math., 91 (2014) 1385-1396. PDF

[55] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong and Zhaohong Niu, On Hamiltonicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 30 (2014) 1261-1269. PDF

[54] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Smallest k-edge-connected claw-free graphs without special spanning trails, Utilitas Mathematics, 93 (2014) 233-248. PDF

[53] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Xiaofeng Su, Maximally edge-connected graphs and zeroth-order general Randic index for 0<α<1, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 167 (2014) 261-268. PDF

[52] Zhaohong Niu, Liang Sun, Liming Xiong, Hong-Jian Lai and Huiya Yan, On extremal k-supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 314 (2014) 50-60. PDF


[51] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Ivan Gutman, Harry index of the k-th power of a graph, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 7 (2013)94-105. PDF

[50] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Lan Xu, On the Co-PI and Laplacian Co-PI eigenvalues of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (2013) 277-283. PDF

[49] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Yi Sun and Daobin Li, Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequality for the hyper-Wiener index of graphs when decomposing into three parts, Theoretical Computer Science, 471 (2013) 74-83. PDF

[48] Xiangwen Li, Chunxiang Wang, Qiong Fan, Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Spanning eulerian subgraphs of 2-edge-connected graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 29 (2013) 275-280. PDF


[47] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong, On hamiltonicity of 2-connected claw-free graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 27 (2012) 234-242. PDF

[46] Zhaohong Niu, Liming Xiong and Shumin Zhang, Smallest 2-edge-connected claw-free graphs without a spanning trails, Utilitas Mathematics, 88 (2012) 381-397. PDF

[45] Jan Ekstin, Premysl Holub, Tomas Kaiser and Liming Xiong, Shenggui Zhang, Star subdivision and connected even factors in the square of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012) 2574-2578. PDF

[44] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong and Zhaohong Niu, On 2-factors in claw-free graphs whose edges are in small cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 312(2012) 3140-3145. PDF

[43] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Lan Xu, The Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequalities for the Zagreb index and co-index of graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25 (2012) 1701-1707. PDF

[42] Weihua Yang, Liming Xiong, Hongjian Lai and Xiaofeng Guo, Hamiltonicity of 3-connected line graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25(2012) 1835-1838. PDF

[41] Zhaohong Niu, Hong-Jian Lai and Liming Xiong, Spanning subgraph with eulerian components, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012) 1013-1018. PDF


[40] Liming Xiong, Closure operation for even factors on claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 311 (2011) 1714-1723. PDF

[39] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Gerhard J Woeginger, Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian index is NP-complete, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159 (2011) 246-250. PDF

[38] Liming Xiong, 2-factor with the bounded number of components in line graphs, Applied Mathematic Letters, 24 (2011) 731-734. PDF

[37] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Lan Xu and Beibei Ma, On the maximum and minimum first reformulated Zagreb index of graphs with connectivity at most k, Filomat, 25 (2011) 75-83. PDF


[36] Longsheng Han, Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong and Huiya Yan, The Chvátal-Erdös condition for supereulerian graphs and the hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010) 2082-2090. PDF

[35] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Even factors with the bounded number of components, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 48(2010) 269-279. PDF

[34] Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong, Huiya Yan and Jin Yan, Every 3-connected claw-free Z8-free graph is Hamiltonian, Journal of Graph Theory, 64(2010) 1-11. PDF

[33] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Liming Xiong and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Closure concept for 2-factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010) 1573-1579. PDF

[32] Liming Xiong and MingChu Li, Supereulerian index is stable under contractions and closures, Ars Combinatoria, 97 (2010) 129-142. PDF

[31] Hong-Jian Lai, MingChu Li, Yehong Shao and Liming Xiong, Spanning eulerian subgraphs in N2-locally connected claw-free graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 94 (2010) 191-199. PDF

[30] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Supereulerianity of k-edge-connected graphs with a restriction on small bonds, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158 (2010) 37-43. PDF

[29] Lina Wang and Liming Xiong, On stability of the Hamiltonian index under cycle closure (in Chinese), 应用数学学报~ACTA Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 33 (2010) 424-431. PDF


[28] Akira Saito and Liming Xiong, Closure, stability and iterated line graphs with 2-factor, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 5000-5010. PDF

[27] Liming Xiong and Minmin Zong, Traceability of line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 3779-3785. PDF

[26] Zhi-Hong Chen, Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong, Huiya Yan and Mingqian Zhan, Hamilton-connected indices of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 4819-4827. PDF

[25] Mingchu Li, Yongrui Cui, Liming Xiong, Yuan Tian, He Jiang and Xu Yuan, Circumferences and minimum degrees in 3-connected claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 3580-3587. PDF

[24] Liming Xiong, Mei Lu and Longsheng Han, The structure of even factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 2417-2423. PDF

[23] Přemysl Holub and Liming Xiong, On distance local connectivity and the Hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 2798-2807. PDF


[22] Liming Xiong and Qiuxing Wu, The Hamiltonian index of a 2-connected graph, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 6373-6382. PDF

[21] Liming Xiong, Qiuxin Wu and MingChu Li, Radius and subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 5325-5333. PDF

[20] Liming Xiong, The existence of even factors in iterated line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 5891-5894. PDF

[19] MingChu Li, Liming Xiong and H.J. Broersma, Connected even factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 2282-2284. PDF


[18] Liming Xiong and Mingchu Li, On the 2-factor index of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 2478-2483. PDF

[17] Fujisawa Fu, Liming Xiong, Yoshimoto Kiyoshi and Shenggui Zhang, The upper bound of the number of cycles in a 2-factor of a line graph, Journal of Graph Theory, 55 (2007) 72-82. PDF

[16] H.J.Broersma, Liming Xiong and K.Yoshimoto, Toughness and hamiltonicity in k-trees, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 832-838. PDF

[15] MingChu Li, Cheng Guo, Liming Xiong, Dengxin Li and Hong-Jian Lai, Quadrangularly connected claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 1205-1211. PDF

[14] Qiuxin Wu, Tingzeng Wu and Liming Xiong, Even factors with degree at most four in claw-free graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489 (2007) 397-400. PDF

[13] MingChu Li and Liming Xiong, Constructive characterization of regular connected claw-free graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489 (2007) 329-333. PDF


[12] Liming Xiong and H.J. Broersma, Subpancyclicity in line graph and degree sums along paths, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006) 1453-1463. PDF


[11] Tomas Kaiser, MingChu Li, Zdeněk Ryjáček and Liming Xiong, Hourglass and Hamiltonian cycles in 4-connected claw-free graphs, J. Graph Theory, 48 (2005) 267-276. PDF

[10] Liming Xiong, Zdeněk Ryjáček and H.J.Broesma, On stability of the Hamiltonian index under contractions and closures, J. Graph Theory, 49 (2005) 104-115. PDF

[9] Liming Xiong and Roman Kuzel, A note on shortness coefficient and the hamiltonicity in 4-connected line graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 21 (2005) 137-144. PDF


[8] Liming Xiong, H.J. Broersma, Xueliang Li and MingChu Li, The Hamiltonian index of a graph and its branch-bond, Discrete Mathematics, 285(2004) 279-288. PDF


[7] Liming Xiong and Zhanhong Liu, Hamiltonian iterated line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 256 (2002) 407-422. PDF

[6] Liming Xiong, H.J. Broersma, C. Hoede, and Xueliang Li, Degree sums and subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 242 (2002) 255-267. PDF

[5] H.J. Broersma and Liming Xiong, A note on minimum degree conditions for supereulerian graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 120 (2002) 35-43. PDF


[4] Liming Xiong, The Hamiltonian index of a graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 27 (2001)7 75-784. PDF


[3] Liming Xiong, On subpancyclic line graphs, J. Graph Theory, 27 (1998) 67-74. PDF

[2] Liming Xiong, Edge degree conditions for subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 188 (1998) 225-232. PDF


[1] Liming Xiong , Some results on closed 2-manifolds (in Chinese), 应用数学~Mathematica Applicata, 10 (2) (1997) 37-39. PDF
Visiting Positions
Nov. 20/2019-Nov. 24/2019, 28th workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland.

4/2019-5/2019, 10th workshop on the Mattew-Sumner conjecture and related problem, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Repubic.

11/2018 11/2018, 11th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, National University of Laos, The Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

9/2018 9/2018, Visiting, University of Twente, The Netherands.

4/2018 4/2018, The 59th Midwest GrapH Theory Conference, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA.

11/2017 11/2017, 10th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, Myanmar.

​04/2017 04/2017, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic.

05/2016 06/2016, Nihon University, Japan.

05/2015 06/2015, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University.

04/2015 05/2015, University of west Bohemia and Institute of Theoretical Computer Science (ITI), Charles University, Czech Republic.

04/2014 06/2014, University of west Bohemia and Institute of Theoretical Computer Science (ITI), Charles University, Czech Republic.

06/2010 06/2010, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA.

08/2009 10/2009, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic.

06/2004 07/2007, Academia Sinica, Taibei, Taiwan, China.

09/2004 10/2004, Nihon University, Keio University, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan.

10/2001 12/2001, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic.

10/1997 01/1998, University Antwerpen, Belgium.
Research Projects
Natural Science Funds of China (Chief Investigater)~国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持):

4. Forbidden subgraphs and properties of graphs and parameters~禁用子图与图的性质及参数关系研究, Funded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No. 11871099, Jan. 2019-Dec. 2022, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.
3. Locally conditions for existence of factors in graphs~图中因子存在性的局部性条件, Funded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No.: 11471037, Jan. 2015-Dec.2018, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.
2. Researches on new contents and methods of the existence of factors in graphs~图中因子存在性的新内容与新方法研究, Funded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No.: 11071016, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.
1. Even factors in graphs and stablity of parameters in graphs~图的偶因子及参数的稳定性, Founded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No.10671014 , Jan. 2007-Dec. 2009, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.

​Ministry of Education Fund for Overseas Study (Chief Investigater)~教育部留学回国基金项目(主持):
Parameter of a graph and its Hamilton index~图的参数及哈密尔顿指数,

Natural Science Funds of Jiangxi Provinc (Chief Investigater)~江西省自然科学基金面上项目(主持):
1. Haimltonian index of Graphs~图的哈密尔顿指数, Funded by Natural Science Funds of Jiangxi Province, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.
2. Hamiltonian graphs and parameters in graphs~哈密尔顿图及图的参数, Funded by Natural Science Funds of Jiangxi Province, Chief Investigator: Liming Xiong.

1. Some research on connectivity of group and the existence of subgraphs with its related problem~群连通及子图存在性及相关问题研究, Funded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No.: 11171129, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2014, Chief Investigator: Xiangwen Li (Central China Normal University), Main Participators: Liming Xiong and Liang Sun.
2. 递归多项式的根几何及其应用, Funded by Natural Science Funds of China under Contract Grant No.: 11671037, Jan. 2017-Dec. 2020, Chief Investigator: Guoliang Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology), Main Participators: Liming Xiong
3. Fuzzification of matroid and its applications in Graph theory~拟阵的模糊化及在图论中的应用, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, (No. 20131101110048, Chief Investigator: Fugui Shi and Liming Xiong).
4. Some research for the conjectures on line graph with its related problem~线图猜想及相关问题研究, Funded by Natural Science Funds of Beijing under Contract Grant No. 1102015, Chief Investigator: Deming Li (Capital Normal University), Main Participators: Liming Xiong.
Awards, Honors and Recognitions
04/2011—04/2014, Liming Xiong was a special professor of Qinghai University for Nationalities for Kunlun Scholarship of Qinghai Province.
Graduate Students
(Ph. D. Students (in progress

Mingjing Gao高明晶 (since Sept. 2013);
Yibin Fang房宜宾, and Mengyu Wang王梦雨 (cosupervisor with Guoliang Wang) (since Sept. 2018) ;
Yinmin Shangguan(上官颖敏) (Since Sept. 2019).

Master Degree Students(in progress):

Ph. D. Students (completed):

12. Xia Liu刘霞(Jul. 2020), 论文题目(Ph.D. Thesis):哈密尔顿图与超欧拉图的禁用子图条件-Forbidden subgraphs for Hamiltonian and supereulerian graphs, She received the Excellent Ph.D.Thesis of BIT;

11. Xiaojing Yang杨晓静 (Jul. 2020), 论文题目(Ph.D. Thesis): 禁用子图和图的可扩性,超欧拉性等问题的研究-Forbidden subgraphs and extendability, supereulerianity of graphs, now works in Henan University(河南大学)

10. Tao Tian田涛 (Jun., 2019),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis): 关于图的哈密尔顿性及超欧拉性的研究-Research on Hamiltonian Properties and Supereulerian Properties of Graphs, PDF;同时, 在2018年9月, 用不同于北理博士论文的研究结果获得荷兰Twente大学博士学位(Meantime,in Sept. 2018, Got Ph.D. in University of Twente by using different results from BIT Ph.D,thesis: Ph.D. Thesis in Unversity of Twente: Degree Conditions for Hamiltonian Properties of Claw-free Graphs); now works in Fujian Normal University(福建师范大学)

9. Junfeng Du杜峻峰 (Jun., 2019),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):图性质及参数刻画中的禁用子图条件-Forbidden Subgraphs for Characterization of Graph Properties and Parameters, PDF; now works in Beijing University of Chemical Technology(北京化工大学)

8. Shipeng Wang王世鹏 (Dec., 2018),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):禁用子图条件下图的哈密尔顿性质及相关问题研究-Forbidden Subgraphs Conditions for Hamiltonicity of Graphs and related Topics, PDF. He received the Excellent Ph.D.Thesis of BIT; now works in Jiangsu University(江苏大学)

7. Wanpeng Lei雷万鹏 (Dec., 2018),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):图中特殊生成子图的存在性- Existence of Special Spanning Subgraph; now works in Taiyuan Normal University(太原师范学院)

6. Jun Yin尹君 (Jun.,2016),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis): 图的哈密尔顿性及相关问题研究-The Research on Some Problems Related to Hamiltonicity of Graphs, PDF; now works in Qinghai Normal University(青海师范大学,副教授), Associate professor

5. Shengmei Lv吕盛梅 (Jun., 2016), 论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):图中偶因子存在性及相关问题的研究-Research on the Existence of Even Factors of Graphs and Related Problem,PDF; now works in Qinghai Nationalities University(青海民族大学,教授), Professor

4. Mingqiang An安明强 (Jun., 2014),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis): 图中2-因子、超欧拉性及拓扑指标等问题的研究-Research on the Problems of 2-factors,Supereulerianity and Topological Index in Graphs, PDF; now works in Tianjin University of Science and Technology(天津科技大学,副教授), Associate professor

3. Guifu Su苏贵福 (Jun., 2014),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):关于图的拓扑不变量和结构性质的几个问题-Several Problems on Topological Invariants and Structure Properties of Graphs,PDF.He received the Excellent Ph.D.Thesis of BIT; now works in Beijing University of Chemical Technology(北京化工大学,副教授), Associate professor

2. Runli Tian田润丽 (Jun., 2013),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis): 关于图的哈密尔顿性质的若干问题-Some Problems on the Hamiltonian Properties of a Graph,PDF; now works in Central South University of Forestry and Technology(中南林业科技大学)

1. Zhaohong Niu牛兆宏 (Jun., 2011),论文题目(Ph.D.Thesis):关于图的超欧拉性质的若干问题-On Some Problems of the Supereulerianity of Graphs,PDF; He received the Excellent Ph.D.Thesis of BIT; now works in Shanxi University(山西大学,副教授), Associate professor

M.Sc. Students (Completed):

In Jiangxi Normal University:
Shuming Zhou周书明(2002), got his Ph. D. in Xiamen University; now Full Professor and Ph.D student supervisor in Fujian Normal University(福建师范大学, 教授, 博士生导师), Fuzhou, Fujian.

Zeming Jin金泽民 (2002), got his Ph.D. in Nankai University; now works in Zhejiang Normal University(浙江师范大学,副教授), Jinhua, Zhejiang.

Huaping Wang王华平 (2002), now works in Jiangxi Normal University(江西师范大学,副教授), Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Jing Zhang张静 (2002), now works in Jiangxi Normal University(江西师范大学,副教授), Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Qiong Liu刘琼 and Ruifu Liu刘瑞富 (2005), now works in Hangzhou Second Middle School, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

Lu Wang王璐 (2005), now works in College of Yangquan, Shanxi University of Technology, Yangquan, Shanxi.

Xueli Yao姚雪莉 (2005), now works in Institute of Technology, East China JiaoTong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi.

In Beijing Institute of Technology
Huiya Yan严慧亚 (2005),论文题目:图中圈理论的一些研究-Some Research on Cycle of Graphs, got his Ph. D. in West Virginia University, Morgan town, U.S.A; now Full Professor in University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, U.S.A.

Tingzeng Wu吴廷增 (2007), now works in Qinghai Nationalities University(青海民族大学,教授), Xining, Qinghai.

Lei Ma马磊 (2007), 论文题目:线图中2-因子的分支数-Number of Components of 2-factors in Line Graphs, now works in Agricultural Bank of China(中国农业银行), Beijing.

Lina Wang王丽娜 (2007), 论文题目:闭无爪图在圈闭包运算下哈密尔顿指数的稳定性 now works in Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan.

Minmin Zong宗敏敏 (2008), 论文题目:线图的哈密尔顿路的存在性问题-The Problem on the Existence of Hamiltonian Paths of Line Graphs,now works in the Huzhou Educational Group of Elementary School, Huzhou, Zhejiang.

Mengmeng Li李蒙蒙,论文题目:一类特殊无爪图的2-因子问题-Problems on 2-factors of Some Special Claw-free Graphs and Xue Xue薛雪(2009),图及其闭包中的偶因子-Even Factors in Graphs and its Closure, now works in Beijing.

Hui Du杜慧 (2010), 论文题目: 3-边连通图的生成迹-Spanning Trails of 3-connected Graphs, now in Japan.

Ronghui Fu付荣辉 (2009-2012), 论文题目:关于生成迹在闭包运算下的稳定性-The Stability of Spanning Trails under Closure Operation. now works in Beijing.

Yueting Li李月婷 (2009-2012), 论文题目:树的平方图中2-因子分支数的研究-Research on the Number of Components of 2-factors in the Square of a Tree,now works in Beijing.

Qianqian Zhu朱倩倩 (2013-2016),论文题目:图的坚韧度与哈密尔顿指数的关系研究-The Research of the Relationship Between Toughness and Hamiltonian Index, now works in China Automotive Technology Research Center(中国汽车技术研究中心), Tianjin.

Zemeng Liu刘泽萌(2017-2020),论文题目: 哈密尔顿指数的度和条件-Degree sum conditions for hamiltonian index, now works in Beijing.

Recommended Oversea Students:
Jie Han (2010), got his B.Sc. in BIT; and got his Ph. D. in the Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., Postdoctoral research in University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Birmingham, UK. Now works in University of Rdode Island.

Chuanyun Zang (2011), got her B.Sc. in BIT; and got her Ph. D. in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Conference Talks and Invited Presentations

Small circumference and Traceabe graphs, 28th ``3in1'' Workshop on Graph Theory, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, Nov. 21-23, 2019.

Small circumference and Hamiltonain properties (invited talk), 6th Conference on Graph and Combinatorics, Tianjin, Nankai University, Oct. 25-27, 2019.

Forbidden subgraphs for Hamiltonian properties (invited talk), 10th workshop on Matthews-Summner conjectures and related proplems, Pilsen, Czech Republic, April 14 -April 19, 2019.

Forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian indices of graphs (invited talk), International Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, March 3th-3th, 2019.

Forbidden subgrtaphs and related topics
(invited talk)
, The 59th Midwest Graph Theory Conference, Morgantown April 27-28, 2018.

Forbidden subgraphs and properties of a graphs
(invited talk)
,The 10th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, Myanmar, Noverber 10-12, 2017.

Some results of square of a graph
(invited talk)
, Nankai University, Oct. 8, 2017.

Forbidden subgraphs and weakly locally connected graphs (invited talk), Japan Conference on Combinatorics with Application JCCA 2016, Kyoto, 2016.

Forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian claw-free graph with locally disconnected vertices (invited talk), The 8th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 21–27, 2015.

Singular edges and Hamiltonian claw-free graph with locally disconnected vertices (invited talk), the 8th workshop on Matthews-Sumner Conjecture and Related Problems, Plzen, The Czech Republic, March 29-April 3, 2015.

Forbidden subgraphs and hamiltonian properties of a graph with locally disconnected vertices (invited talk), Center of Combinatorics, Nankai University, Tianjin, June 8, 2015.

Hamilotnian Claw-free Graphs and Induced Cycles (invited talk), Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization, Nankai University, Tianjin, Nov. 14-15, 2015.

Forbidden subgraphs and hamiltonian properties of a graph with locally disconnected vertices (invited talk), International Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Wuhan, June 30, 2015.

Forbidden subgraphs and hamiltonian properties (of a graph with locally disconnected vertices), Department of Mathematics, Yantai University, August 7, 2015.

Locally conditions for a graph to be Hamilton-(connected) (invited talk), The 6th National Conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 7 –10, 2014.

The First Sino-Japan symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and their Applications (SJ-SGCA'2014), Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2014.

Factors of graphs (invited talk), Workshop on Graph theory and Combinatorics, Nanjing University, August 18-25, 2014.

Connected even factors in locally connected graphs (invited talk), 18th international graph theory workshop, Germany, April-June 2014.

Connected even factors in locally connected graphs (invited talk), Conference on Graph Theory, Nankai University, July 18 2014.

The 5th International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms(GTCA'2013), Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao, China, July 12-14, 2013.

Hourglass property and equivalence between Hamiltonicity and Supereulerianity of claw-free graphs (invited talk), International Conference on Cycles in Graphs, The Department of Mathematics at Vanderbilt University, USA, May 30-June 2, 2012.

Hamiltonian claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices (invited talk), International Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics with its Application, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, Oct. 26-30, 2012.

On Hamiltonian claw-free grap

