个人介绍: 2007年北京理工大学博士毕业后留校任教,现为北京理工大学副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事国防军工领域的研究工作,国防科工局某专业组顾问专家组成员、全国标准化工作委员会热缩材料专家组成员、中国兵器工业集团某创新团队成员、新疆生产建设兵团八师石河子市跨区科技特派员。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI、EI收录学术论文20余篇,授权发明专利6项,获省部级一等奖2次、二等奖2次、三等奖1次。 教育经历:2007年3月毕业于北京理工大学材料学院,获材料学博士学位 工作经历:2007年4月至今,北京理工大学材料学院研究领域
高分子材料与含能材料,主要从事功能高分子材料合成、高性能固体推进剂配方设计及性能调控、高分子材料及含能材料的增材制造等研究"专 利: 1. 夏敏近期论文
论文专著: 1. Xia M, Yao QF, Yang HL, et.. Preparation of Bi2O3/Al core-shell energetic composite by two-step ball milling method and its application in solid propellant. Materials, 2019, 12, 11, 1879 2.Guo-ping Li; Zhi-cheng Ni; Ya-zhong Liu; Min Xia*;Yun-jun Luo. Thermal performance and decomposition kinetics of RDX/AP/SiO2 intermolecular explosive. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 2, 12:1-10 3. Min Xia; Huilian Yang; Jian Ling; Qifa Yao; Guoping Li; Yunjun Luo. The mechanical behaviors of epoxy-terminated hyperbranched polyester (E-HBP) as toughener in different epoxy resins, 2018,3 4. Liang, CY ; Li, J ; Xia, M *; Li, GP ; Luo, YJ. Performance and Kinetics Study of Self-Repairing Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Binders Based on the Diels-Alder Reaction. Polymers, 2017, 9, 6: 200 5. Guoping Li, Haoxue Dong, Menghui Liu, Min Xia*. Chunpeng Chai, Yunjun Luo. Amphiphilic block copolymer poly(lactic acid)-block-(glycidylazide polymer)-block-polystyrene: synthesis and self-assembly. Polymer International. 2017, 2. SCI, IF: 2.414 6. Li, GP ; Zhang, CH ; Zhang, TF ; Xia, M*.Luo, YJ. Effect of reduction time on the structure and properties of porous graphene, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2017, 4(7):075603 7. Mao Kezhu; Xia Min*; Luo Yunjun. Thermal and mechanical properties of two kinds of hydroxyl-terminated polyether prepolymers and the corresponding polyurethane elastomers. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, 2016, 48( 6): 546-550 8. Chen, Song ; Chen, Zhuo*; Xu, Xingyan; Cao, Chuanbao*; Xia, Min*; Luo, Yunjun Scalable 2D Mesoporous Silicon Nanosheets for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anode. Small, 2018, 12, 14,1703361 9. 梁楚尧, 李杰, 夏敏*, 赵瑶如, 李国平, 罗运军. 自修复型端羟基聚丁二烯粘合剂体系的制备及性能. 高分子材料科学与工程,2018,3:12-16 10. 夏敏,罗运军*,华毅龙. 纳米硝化纤维素的制备及性能表征. 含能材料, 2014, 20, 2, 167-171 11. 罗运军, 夏敏, 王兴元. 《超支化聚酯》. 北京:化学工业出版社,2009Polymer Engineering & Science, Nano Research、Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials、材料导报等国际国内学术期刊审稿人 相关热点