2023-05-06 11:45
  • 王建全
  • 王建全 - 副教授 硕导-北京理工大学-材料学院-个人资料




个人介绍 :博士,硕导。多年来一直从事天然高分子及功能性高分子特别是水性高分子的设计、合成与性能研究,在相关领域具有丰富的研究经验,至今已发表学术论文60余篇;参与或承担国家863项目、国家自然科学基金、中石化科技攻关项目、中国航天集团项目等多项课题研究。
  2007.11~2009.11 日本东京工业大学,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员(博士后);
  2015.10~2016.10 日本东京工业大学,客座研究员;
  2005.7~今 北京理工大学讲师、副教授,硕士研究生导师。


功能性、智能型高分子材料;天然高分子材料"专 利:
  王建全. 基于温敏聚合物水凝胶的智能调光膜及其制备方法CN102816340A,授权
  王建全.一种基于海藻酸钠的温敏聚合物水凝胶智能调光膜及其制备方法 CN102796267A


  Xiaofu Dai, Jianquan Wang, Fei, Teng, Ziqiang Shao, Xiaonan Huang. Zr (IV)-Crosslinked Polyacrylamide/Polyanionic Cellulose Composite Hydrogels with High Strength and Unique Acid Resistance. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics , 2019, in press.
  Jiabao Niu, Jianquan Wang, Xiaofu, Dai, Ziqiang Shao, Xiaonan Huang. Dual physically crosslinked healable polyacrylamide/cellulose nanofibers nanocomposite hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties. Carbohydrate polymers , 2018, 193: 73-81.
  Jianquan Wang, Jiabao Niu, Toshiki Sawada, Z Shao, Takeshi Serizawa. A Bottom-up Synthesis of Vinyl-Cellulose Nanosheets and their Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Enhanced Strength. Biomacromolecules , 2017, 18: 4196-4205
  Jianquan Wang, Zhe Zhu, Xin Jin, Zhujun Li, Yizhen Shao, Ziqiang Shao. Preparation of Well-Defined Propargyl-Terminated Tetra-Arm Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)s and Their Click Hydrogels Crosslinked with b-cyclodextrin. Polymers , 2016, 8: 93.
  Jianquan Wang, Qiushi Zhou, Danqiao Song, Bin Qi, Yanjiang Zhang. Yizhen Shao, Ziqiang Shao. Chitosan-silica composite aerogels: preparation, characterization and Congo red adsorption. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology , 2015, 76: 501-509.
  Jianquan Wang, Zhitao Zhang, Yanhua Liu, Yuxia Lv, Ziqiang Shao. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels crosslinked by small-molecular crosslinkers through click chemistry. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials , 2015, 64: 104-110.
  Jianquan Wang, Zeyu Kang, Bin Qi, Qiushi Zhou, Shengyuan Xiao, Ziqiang Shao. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels fabricated via click chemistry: well-defined a, w-bis propargyl linear poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)s as crosslinkers. RSC Advances , 2014, 4: 51510-51518.
  Jianquan Wang, Danqiao Song, Shanshan Jia, Ziqiang Shao. Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)/graphene oxide hybrid hydrogels: pH and temperature sensitivities and Cr(VI) adsorption. Reactive and Functional Polymers , 2014, 81: 8-13.
  Jianquan Wang, Mitsuru Satoh. Preparation and salt-resistivity of PVA-4-hydroxyl phthalate hydrogels. Macromolecular Research , 2011, 19: 468-475.
  Chuanting Liu, Ziqiang Shao, Jianquan Wang, Chengyi Lu, Zhenhua Wang. Eco-friendly polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanofiber-Li+ composite separator for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. RSC Advances , 2016, 6(100): 97912-97920.
  Tian Lan, Ziqiang Shao, Jianquan Wang, Mujia Gu. Fabrication of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles decorated cellulose triacetate nanofibers for protein adsorption by coaxial electrospinning. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2015, 260: 818-825.
  Dalin Zhang, Gong Cheng, Jianquan Wang, Chunqian Zhang, Zhi Liu, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng, Qiming Wang. Horizontal transfer of aligned Si nanowire arrays and their photoconductive performance, Nanoscale Research Letters , 2014, 9: 661.
  邱磊, 邵自强, 王建全, 张大伦, 曹军. 羧甲基纤维素锂(CMC-Li)的合成流变和静电纺丝功能化材料研究. 化学学报 , 2013, 71(11):1521-1526.
  Jianquan Wang, Mitsuru Satoh. Water properties in a novel thermoswelling poly(vinyl alcohol) derivative hydrogel as studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Langmiur , 2010, 26: 13607-13613
  Jianquan Wang, Mitsuru Satoh. A novel reversible thermo-swelling hydrogel. Express Polymer Letters , 2010, 4: 450-454.
  Jianquan Wang, Mitsuru Satoh. Novel PVA-based polymers showing an anti-Hofmeister Series property. Polymer , 2009, 50: 3680-3685.
  Jianquan Wang, Wenhui Wu, Zhihui Lin. Kinetics and thermodynamics of the water sorption of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/styrene copolymer hydrogels. Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 2008, 109: 3018-3023.
  Wang Jian-quan, Wu Wen-hui. Organomontmorillonites modified with 2-methacryloyloxy ethyl alkyl dimethyl ammonium bromide. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition) , 2007, 16: 352-357.
  Jianquan Wang, Wenhui Wu. Swelling behaviors, tensile properties and thermodynamic studies of water sorption of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/epoxy methacrylate copolymeric hydrogels. European Polymer Journal, 2005, 41: 1143-1151.
  王建全, 吴文辉. 不同交联剂对甲基丙烯酸-β-羟乙酯/E-51双甲基丙烯酸酯聚合物水凝胶性能的影响. 高分子学报 , 2005, 6: 868-873.
  王建全, 吴文辉, 耿同谋, 李秀瑜, 杨荣杰. 新型共聚水凝胶P(HEMA-co- EMA)交联网络的结构参数. 高分子材料科学与工程 , 2005, 21: 122-125.
  王建全, 吴文辉,刘艳,杨荣杰. HEMA/St共聚水凝胶的溶胀、拉伸性能和网络参数的研究. 北京理工大学学报 , 2005, 25: 551-555+559.
  Masato Mori, Jianquan Wang, Mitsuru Satoh. Anti-Hofmeister series properties found for a polymer having a p-electron system and acidic protons. Colloid and Polymer Science , 2009, 287: 123-127.
  Zhihui Lin, Wenhui Wu, Jianquan Wang, Xin Jin. Studies on swelling behaviors, mechanical properties, network parameters and thermodynamic interaction of water sorption of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/novolac epoxy vinyl ester resin copolymeric hydrogels. Reactive and Functional Polymers , 2007, 67: 789-797.
  林智辉, 吴文辉, 王建全, 靳欣. p(HEMA-co-NEVER) 高强度共聚物水凝胶的溶胀行为. 精细化工 , 2007, 24: 1043-1046+1060.
  林智辉, 吴文辉, 王建全, 靳欣. 新型P(HEMA-co-NEVER)共聚物水凝胶的网络结构参数研究. 高分子材料科学与工程 , 2007, 23: 132-135.
  史学峰, 吴文辉, 王建全, 宫瑞英. 羧甲基香豆胶的制备与表征. 精细化工 , 2007, 24: 1119-1123.
  Xiuyu Li, Wenhui Wu, Jianquan Wang and Yufeng Duan. The swelling behavior and network parameters of guar gum/poly(acrylic acid) semi-interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels. Carbohydrate Polymers , 2006, 66: 473-479.
  李秀瑜, 吴文辉, 王建全, 王著, 牛春梅. pH敏感瓜胶/聚丙烯酸半互穿网络水凝胶的溶胀动力学. 高分子材料科学与工程 , 2006, 22: 183-186.
  李秀瑜, 吴文辉, 王建全, 钱晓琳. 温度敏感聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-co-甲基丙烯酰氧乙基二甲基辛基溴化铵)水凝胶的溶胀性能研究. 高分子学报 , 2005, 5: 779-782.
  耿同谋, 吴文辉, 王建全, 陈颖, 李钧. 孪尾疏水缔合水溶性共聚物聚(丙烯酰胺/丙烯酸钠/N,N-二己基丙烯酰胺)/十二烷基硫酸钠水溶液的粘度行为. 应用化学 , 2004, 21: 405-409.
  季梅芳, 王建全, 耿同谋, 吴文辉, 李钧. 疏水缔合水溶性聚合物AO的溶液粘度行为研究. 功能高分子学报 , 2003, 16: 387-391.
  Jianquan Wang, Dan Ren. Some Novel Strategies to Fabricate Hydrogels, in Hydrogels: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publisher, September, 2012, 253-278.
  Biomacromolecules, Langmuir, Polymer, Carbohydrate Polym, React Funct Polym, J Appl Poly Sci, Express Polym Lett, Macromol Res, Macromol Chem Phys, Sci China Chem等国际期刊审稿人

