2023-05-06 11:45
  • 王岩华
  • 王岩华 - 副教授-北京理工大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




Educational Background
1999.9-2004.6 北京大学数学科学学院概率统计系,硕博连读,导师:何书元教授
1984.9-1989.7 新疆大学数学系,本科
Working Experience
  2006.7 - 至 今 北京理工大学,数学与统计学院,统计系,讲师,副教授
  2013.8 - 2014.8 美国Fred Hutchinson癌症研究中心,公共卫生部,生物统计与生物数学系,博士后
  2004.7 - 2006.7 中国科学院,数学与系统科学院研究院,应用数学所,博士后
  2002.9 - 2002.11 香港大学,统计与精算学系,研究助理
  1994.3 - 1999.7 新疆财经学院,经济信息管理系,助教,讲师
  1989.8 - 1994.3 新疆兵团农六师,物资供销公司


1. Qianchuan He, Linglong Kong, Yanhua Wang, Sijian Wang, Timothy A. Chan, Eric Holland. Regularized quantile regression under heterogeneous sparsity with application to quantitative genetic traits, Computational Statistics and Data. 2016, 95, 222–239.
2. Wang Yanhua and He Shuyuan. Fisher information in left truncated data, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2011, 40(9), 1525– 1532.
3. Wang Yanhua , Li Xiayan, Wang Qihua and He shuyuan. Weighted estimation of single index models with right censored responses, Science in China, Mathematics. 2011, 54(3), 479-514.
4. Wang Yanhua, Shen Junshan, He Shuyuan and Wang Qihua. Estimation of single index model with missing response at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2010, 140, 1671–1690.
5. Wang Yanhua, He Shuyuan, Zhu Lixing, and Yuen Kim C.. Asymptotics for a censored generalized linear model with unknown link function. Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2007, 138, 235-267.
6. Wang Yanhua and He Shuyuan. Fisher information in censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2005, 73, 199-206.
7. He Shuyuan and WangYanhua. The Law of the iterated logarithm of the Kaplan-Meier integral and its application. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, B Series.. 2004,5, 199-206.
8. Wang Yanhua and He Shuyuan. The Fisher information in random truncated data. Insurance Mathematics & Economics. 2003, 32, 475-475.
9. Mei Changlin, He Shuyuan , Wang Yanhua. A note on the nonparametric least squares test for checking a polynomial relationship, Acta Math. Applicatae Sinica, English Series. 2003,19(3), 511-520.

