2023-05-06 11:41
  • 任雪梅
  • 任雪梅 - 教授-北京理工大学-自动化学院-个人资料




1985.9-1989.7 山东大学数学系自动控制专业学士
1989.9-1992.3 北京航空航天大学自动控制理论与应用专业 硕士
1992.9-1995.9 北京航空航天大学自动控制理论与应用专业 博士
1995.9-1997.7 北京理工大学自动控制系讲师
1997.7-2002.7 北京理工大学自动控制系副教授
2001.9—2002.3 香港理工大学电机工程系访问学者
2006.7—2007.7 Automation and Robotics Research Institute, University of Texas at Arlington访问学者




[1]Jing Na, Qiang Chen, Xuemei Ren, Yu Guo. Adaptive prescribed performance motion control of servo mechanisms with friction compensation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(1):486-494.
[2] Jing Na, Xuemei Ren and Yuanqing Xia. Adaptive parameter identification of linear SISO systems with unknown time-delay. Systems & Control Letters, 2014, 66: 43-50.
[3]Jun Liu, Hongbin Ma and Xuemei Ren. A new joint spectral radius analysis of random PSO algorithm. International Journal of Computation Intelligent Systems, 2014, 7(6): 1022-1043.
[4]Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahyuddin, Jing Na, Guido Herrmann, Xuemei Ren, Phil Barber. Adaptive observer-based parameter estimation with application to road gradient and vehicle mass estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(6):2851-2863.
[5]Jing Na, Xuemei Ren, Dongdong Zheng. Adaptive control for nonlinear pure-feedback systems with high-order sliding mode observer. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2013, 24(3): 370-382.
[6]Guang Li, Jing Na, David P Stoten, Xuemei Ren. Adaptive neural network feedforward control for dynamically substructured systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2014, 22(3): 944-954.
[7]Xuemei Ren, Frank L Lewis and Jingliang Zhang. Neural network compensation control for mechanical systems with disturbances. Automatica, 2009, 45(5):1221-1226.
[8]Xuemei Ren, Frank L Lewis, Shuzhi Sam Ge. Feedforward control based on neural networks for hard disk drives. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2009, 45(7): 3025-3030.
[9]Xuemei Ren, Ahmad B. Rad. Adaptive nonlinear compensation control based on neural networks for nonlinear systems with time delay. International Journal of Systems Science, 2009,40(12):1283-1292.
[10]Xuemei Ren, C Y Lai, V Venkataramanan, et al. Feedforward control based on neural networks for disturbance rejection in hard disk drives. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2009, 3(4): 411-418.
[11]Xuemei Ren, Xiaohua Lv. Identification of extended Hammerstein systems using dynamic self-optimizing neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, 22(8):1168-1179.
[12]Xuemei Ren, Ahmad B. Rad. Identification of nonlinear systems with unknown time delay based on time delay neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,2007, 18(5): 1536-1541.
[13]Yuntong Wen, Xuemei Ren. Neural networks-based adaptive control for nonlinear time-varying delays systems with unknown control direction. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011,22(10): 1599 -1612.
[14]Qiang Chen, Xuemei Ren, Jesus Angel Oliver. Identifier-based adaptive neural dynamic surface control for uncertain DC-DC buck converter system with input constraint. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2012,17(4): 1871-1883.
[15]Qiang Chen, Xuemei Ren, Jing Na. Robust anti-synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems based on multiple-kernel least squares support vector machine modeling. Chao, Solitons & Fractals, 2012,44(12):1080-1088.
[16]Yuntong Wen, Xuemei Ren. Neural observer-based adaptive compensation control for nonlinear time-varying delays systems with input constrain. Expert Systems With Applications, 2012, 39(2): 1944-1955.
[17]Yuntong Wen, Xuemei Ren. Observer-based fuzzy adaptive control for nonlinear time-varying delays systems with unknown control direction. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2010, 4(12):2757-2769.
[18]Jing Na, Xuemei Ren, Guido, Herrmann, Qiao Zhi. Adaptive neural dynamic surface control for nonlinear system with unknown dead-zone and application in turntable PMSM servo system. Control Engineering Practice, 2011, 19(11): 1328-1343.
[19]Yan Liu, Xuemei Ren, Ahmad B. Rad, et al. An entropy optimization strategy for simultaneous localization and mapping. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2010, 60(3-4): 435-455.
[20]Yan Liu, Xinzheng Zhang, Ahmad B. Rad, Xuemei Ren, et al. Entropy based robust estimator and its application to line-based mapping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2010, 58(5): 566-573.
[21]Xinghua Zhang, Xuemei Ren. Adaptive nonlinear neuro-controller with an integrated evaluation algorithm for nonlinear active noise systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2010, 329(24): 5005-5016.
[22]Xiaohua Lv, Xuemei Ren, Non-iterative identification and model following control of Hammerstein systems with asymmetric dead-zone nonlinearities. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2012, 6(1): 84-89.
[23] Jing Na, Xuemei Ren, Cong Shang, Yu Guo. Adaptive neural network predictive control for nonlinear pure feedback systems with input delay. Journal of Process Control, 2012, 22(1): 194-206.
[24]Jun Liu, Xuemei Ren, Hongbin Ma. A new PSO algorithm with random C/D switchings. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218(19): 9579-9593.
[25]Jun Liu, Hongbin Ma, Xuemei Ren. Adaptive swarm optimization for locating and tracking multiple targets. Applied Soft Computing, 2012, 12(11): 3656-3670.

