教学工作主要讲授课程:1. 本科生:《复合材料力学基础》;《常微分方程》;《自动控制理论》,《优化设计》;《Engineering materials》等2. 研究生:《连续介质力学》;《现代力学进展》;《复合材料力学》;《断裂与损伤力学》;《智能材料与结构》等教育经历1984-1988年:西北工业大学,数理力学系,力学专业毕业,本科/学士;1988-1991年:哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院力学系,研究生/硕士1991-1995年:哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院力学系,研究生/博士 工作经历2005年-现在: 北京理工大学,宇航学院 力学系,教师2001-2005年:美国 加州大学,洛杉矶分校,机械与航空工程系,访问副研究员1998-2000年:加拿大 卡尔加里大学 机械系,阿尔伯塔大学,机械系,访问学者/ 博士后研究员1995-2001年: 中科院,力学研究所,博士后、副研究员(1997年起)研究领域
位错动力学; 功能材料的力学分析;各向异性材料及层合材料的分析;复合材料力学; 断裂与损伤力学等近期论文
近年来主要发表论文1. X.Han and E.Pan, Ali Sangghaleh, John Albrecht, charged dislocations in piezoelectric materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 51, 2014, 2648-2655.2. X.Han and E.Pan, Fields produced by three-dimensional dislocation loops in anisotropic magneto-electro-elastic materials, Mechanics of Materials, 2013, 59,110-125.3. X.Han,E.Pan and Ali Sangghaleh,Fields induced by three-dimensional dislocation loops in anisotropic magneto-electro-elastic bimaterials, Philosophical Magazine, 2013, 93(24), 3291-3313.4. X.Han and E.Pan, Dislocation-induced fields in piezoelectric AlGaN/GaN bimaterial heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 2012, 112,103501.5. H.J.Chu, E. Pan,E., X. Han, et al., Elastic fields of dislocation loops in three-dimensional anisotropic bimaterials, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 2012, 60:418–4316. X. Han,High-order derivatives of Green's functions in magneto-electro-elastic materials, IntJ Solids Structure, 2009, 46, 3405–3411.7. X. Han,Derivatives of Green's functions in piezoelectric media and their application indislocation dynamic, Computational materials science, 2009, 46, 720-722.8. X. Han, and N.M. Ghoniem, Stress field and interaction forces of dislocations in anisotropic multilayer thin films, Phil. Mag. 2005, 85 (11), 1205-1225. 9. N.M. Ghoniem and X. Han, Dislocation motion in Anisotropic Multilayer materials, Phil. Mag. 2005, 85 (24/21), 2809-2830. 10. X. Han, N.M. Ghoniem and Z. Wang, Parametric Dislocation Dynamics of Anisotropic Crystalline Materials, Phil. Mag. A., 2003, 83 (31-34), 3705-3721. 11. X. Han, F. Ellyin and Z. Xia, Interaction among interface, multiple cracks and dislocations, Int. J. of Solids & Structures, 2002, Vol.39, No.6, 1575-1590.12. X. Han, F. Ellyin and Z. Xia, Interface crack between two different viscoelastic media, Int. J. of Solids & Structures, 2001, Vol.38, No.44-45, 7981-7997.13. X. Han, F. Ellyin and Z. Xia, A crack near the interface of bonded elastic–viscoelastic planes, Int. J. of Solids & Structures, 2001, Vol38, No.20, 3453-3468. 14. X. Han, X. Li and X. Mao, Toughening and Weakening in Ferroelectric Ceramics by Domain-Switching Process under Mixed Electric and Mechanical Loading, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2002, Vol.33A, No.9, 2835-2845.15. X. Han and T.C. Wang, Elastic fields of interacting elliptic inhomogeneities, Int. J. Solid & Structures, 1999. Vol. 36, No.30, 4523-4541.16. X. Han and T.C. Wang, Interacting multiple cracks in piezoelectric materials, Int. J. Solid & Structures, 1999. Vol. 36, No. 27, 4183-4202. 相关热点