2023-05-06 11:32
  • 胡纪滨
  • 胡纪滨 - 教授 博导-北京理工大学-机械与车辆学院-个人资料






1. Hu, Jibin,Wu, Wei ,Yuan, Shihua,Jing, Chongbo,Mathematicalmodelling of a hydraulic free-piston engine considering hydraulic valve dynamics,ENERGY,2011.10.01,36(10):6234~6242.
2. Hu, Jibin,Wu, Wei ,Yuan, Shihua,Jing, Chongbo,Fuel combustionunder asymmetric piston motion: Tested results,ENERGY,2012.6.01,55:209~215.
3. Hu Jibin,Wu Wei ,Wu Mingxing,Yuan Shihua,Numerical investigation of the air-oil two-phase flow inside an oil-jet lubricated ball bearing,Intern ational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2014.01.01,(68):85~93.
4. Hu Jibin ,Peng Zengxiong,Wei Chao,Experimental Research on DragTorque for Single-plate Wet Clutch,JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2012.1.01,134(1).
5. Hu Jibin,Wei Chao ,Research on the friction behaviors of two roughsurfaces covered with boundary film,Tribology Letters,2014.01.01,53(2):48 7~496.
6. Hu Jibin,Wu Wei ,Yuan Shihua,Jing Chongbo,Opening and closing ofa novel high-speed switching valve,Proceedings of the Institution ofMechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2012.4.1,226(4):466~475.
7. Jun Ni, Jibin Hu, Changle Xiang. Envelope Control for Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Autonomous Ground Vehicle through AFS/DYC Integrated Control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. DOI.10.1109/tvt.2017.2723418.
8. Jun Ni, Jibin Hu. Dynamics control of autonomous vehicle at driving limits and experiment on an autonomous formula racing car. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. vol.90.2017.pp.154-174.
9. Jun Ni, Jibin Hu. Relaxed static stability based on tyre cornering stiffness estimation for all-wheel-drive electric vehicle.Control Engineering Practice. vol.64. 2017. pp.102-110.
10. Jun Ni, Jibin Hu. Handling performance control for hybrid 8-wheel-drive vehicle and simulation verification. Vehicle System Dynamics. vol.54. no.8, 2016. pp.1098-1119.
1. 中国汽车工程学会越野车分会副主任委员;
2. 中国机械工业教育协会车辆工程分委员会副主任委员;
3. 汽车工程学会奖励委员会委员;
4. 中国大学生无人方程式汽车大赛规则委员会主任委员;
5. 中国汽车工程学会汽车工程图书出版专家委员会委员

