2023-05-06 11:29
  • 冯万祥
  • 冯万祥 - 副教授-北京理工大学-物理学院-个人资料




个人简历 2009.9 - 2012.6 中国科学院物理研究所 博士 2006.9 - 2009.6 吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室 硕士 2002.9 - 2006.6 吉林大学物理学院 学士 工作经历 2017.3 – 至今 德国于利希研究中心 洪堡访问学者 2016.6 – 2016.8 台湾大学物理系 访问学者 2015.8 – 至今 北京理工大学物理学院 副教授 2015.3 – 2015.8 台湾大学物理系 访问学者 2012.7 – 2015.7 北京理工大学物理学院 讲师 2011.3 – 2012.3 美国橡树岭国家实验室和田纳西大学 访问研究生




[1]Fei Li, Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng*, Botao Fu, & Yugui Yao, “Thickness-dependent magneto-optical effects in hole-doped GaS and GaSe multilayers: a first-principles study”, New J. Phys. 20, 043048 (2018). [2]Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng*, Fei Li, & Yugui Yao*, “Large magneto-optical effects in hole-doped blue phosphorene and gray arsenene”, Nanoscale 9, 17405 (2017). [3]Botao Fu, Wanxiang Feng*, Xiaodong Zhou, & Yugui Yao*, “Effects of hole doping and strain on magnetism in buckled phosphorene and arsenene”, 2D Mater. 4, 025107 (2017). [4]Wanxiang Feng, Guang-Yu Guo, & Yugui Yao, “Tunable magneto-optical effects in hole-doped group-IIIA metal- monochalcogenide monolayers”, 2D Mater. 4, 015017 (2017). [5]Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng*, Shan Guan, Botao Fu, Wenyong Su, & Yugui Yao, “Computational characterization of monolayer C3N: A two-dimensional nitrogen- graphene crystal”, J. Mater. Res. (invited article) 32, 2993 (2017). [6]Wanxiang Feng, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Gui-Bin Liu, Jin-Jian Zhou, & Yugui Yao, “First-principles investigations on the Berry phase effect in spin-orbit coupling materials”, Comp. Mater. Sci. (invited review), 112, 428 (2016). [7]T. Suzuki, R. Chisnell, A. Devarakonda, Y.-T. Liu, W. Feng, D. Xiao, J. W. Lynn, & J. G. Checkelsky, “Large anomalous Hall effect in a half-Heusler antiferromagnet”, Nature Phys. 12, 1119 (2016). [8]Wanxiang Feng, Guang-Yu Guo, Jian Zhou, Yugui Yao, & Qian Niu, “Large magneto-optical Kerr effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn3X (X = Rh, Ir, or Pt)”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 144426 (2015). [9]Jin-Jian Zhou, Wanxiang Feng, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Shan Guan, & Yugui Yao, “Large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator in single layer bismuth monobromide Bi4Br4”, Nano Lett. 14, 4767 (2014). [10]Yanfeng Ge, Wenhui Wan, Wanxiang Feng*, Di Xiao, & Yugui Yao*, “Effect of doping and strain modulations on electron transport in monolayer MoS2”, Phys. Rev. B 90, 035414 (2014). [11]Wanxiang Feng*, Jun Ding, Botao Fu, Ying Zhang, & Yugui Yao*, “Core-hole effect on topological band order in cubic semiconductors: A first- principles study”, Europhys. Lett. 106, 27008 (2014). [12]Di Xiao, Gui-Bin Liu, Wanxiang Feng, Xiaodong Xu, & Wang Yao, “Coupled spin and valley physics in monolayers of MoS2 and other group-VI dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196802 (2012). [13]Wanxiang Feng, Yugui Yao, Wenguang Zhu, Jinjian Zhou, Wang Yao, & Di Xiao, “Intrinsic spin Hall effect in monolayers of group-VI dichalcogenides: A first- principles study”, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165108 (2012). [14]Wanxiang Feng, Wenguang Zhu, Hanno H. Weitering, G. Malcolm Stocks, Yugui Yao, & Di Xiao, “Strain tuning of topological band order in cubic semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 195114 (2012). [15]Wanxiang Feng, Jun Wen, Jinjian Zhou, Di Xiao, & Yugui Yao, “First-principles calculation of Z2 topological invariants within the FP-LAPW formalism”, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 1849 (2012). [16]Wanxiang Feng & Yugui Yao, “Three dimensional topological insulators: A review on host materials”, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. (invited review) 55, 2199 (2012). [17]Wanxiang Feng, Di Xiao, Jun Ding, & Yugui Yao, “Three-dimensional topological insulators in I-III-VI2 and II-IV-V2 chalcopyrite semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 016402 (2011). [18]Cheng-Cheng Liu, Wanxiang Feng, & Yugui Yao, “Quantum spin Hall effect in silicene and two-dimensional germanium”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 076802 (2011). [19]Wei Zhang, Rui Yu, Wanxiang Feng, Yugui Yao, Hongming Weng, Xi Dai, & Zhong Fang, “Topological aspect and quantum magnetoresistance of β-Ag2Te”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 156808 (2011).

