2023-05-06 11:28
  • 陈杰
  • 陈杰 - 教授-北京理工大学-自动化学院-个人资料




陈杰,教授,博导。于1986、1996、2001年在北京理工大学获学士、硕士和博士学位。1986年参加工作,先后任北京理工大学自动控制系主任、科学技术研究院院常务副院长、校长助理。其间于1989年至1990年美国加利福尼亚州立大学访问学者,1993年日本东京工业大学客座研究员, 1996年至1997年英国伯明翰大学研究员。现担任“复杂系统智能控制与决策”国家重点实验室主任。2014年4月起任北京理工大学副校长


1. 复杂系统的多指标优化与多目标决策
2. 多智能体协同控制与优化
陈杰.一种带有柔性太阳能电池的球形探测器. ZL201310752154.1
5. 陈杰.一种基于计算机视觉技术的某目标搜索系统.ZL201010047672.X
6. 陈杰.**火控仿真系统.ZL201110010780.4
7. 陈杰.一种电子罗盘的标定方法.ZL201110124791.5
8. 陈杰.带有自适应动态摩擦补偿的伺服系统鲁棒控制器. ZL 201010194303.3.20110817
9. 陈杰.一种电磁兼容中对屏蔽体的优化设计方法.ZL200810078797.1
10. 陈杰.一种圆筒型直线电机结构参数优化设计方法.ZL200910008738.1
11. 陈杰.一种伺服系统控制方法.ZL200910008739.6
12. 陈杰.圆筒型电机竖直驱动的**稳定器.ZL 200810078786.3
13. 陈杰.电机竖直驱动的**稳定器.ZL 200810078774.0
14. 陈杰.**标定与解算系统.ZL 200810078785.9
15. 陈杰.一种数字化**系统.ZL 200810078775.5
16. 陈杰.一种提高****方法.ZL 200810078776.X
17. 陈杰.一种数字化**通信系统.ZL 200810078779.3
1. 陆用多智能体协同的控制与优化基础研究,2014年1月-2017年12月,国家973计划项目
2. 复杂陆用武器的优化、控制与决策,2014年1月-2016年12月,国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体科学基金
3. 强约束条件下复杂运动体的协同与控制,2013年1 月-2015年12月,教育部长江学者创新团队支持计划项目
4. 面向任务的多智能体系统抗毁性拓扑结构构建与多目标优化,2012年1月-2015年12月,国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目
5. 某火炮信息化系统,2012年8 月-2015年12月,重点型号项目
6. 未来单兵泛在系统,2012年1月-2015年12月,装备探索一代重大项目
7. 复杂陆用武器一体化控制系统的理论关键技术及应用,2010年1月-2013年12月,国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目"


1. Jie Chen, Xing Zhang, Bin Xin, Hao Fang. Coordination between Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicles: a Taxonomy and Optimization Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016,46(4):959-972 .
2. Jian Sun, Jie Chen, Ming-gang Gan. A Necessary and Sufficient Stability Criterion for Networked Predictive Control Systems. Science China Technological Sciences. 2016, 59(1):2-8.
3. Chen, Jie, Zha, Wenzhong, Peng, Zhihong. Multi-player pursuit evasion games with one superior evader. AUTOMATICA, 2016, 71:24-32.
4. Gan Minggang, Chen Jie, Li Zhiping. Multiple-model Adaptive Robust Dynamic Surface Control with Estimator Resetting. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2015. 29 (8) : 939-953.
5. Qiang Wang, Jie Chen, Hao Fang, Qian Ma. Flocking control for multi-agent Systems with stream-based obstacle avoidance. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2014, 36(3):391-398.
6. Jie Chen, Wei Chen, Jian Sun. Observer-based multiple-model adaptive output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2014,36(7):884-890.
7. Qiang Wang, Jie Chen, Hao Fang, Qian Ma. Flocking control for multi-agent Systems with stream-based obstacle avoidance. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2014, 36(3):391-398
8. Zhang ChunMei, Chen Jie, Xin Bin. Distributed Memetic Differential Evolution with the Synergy of Lamarckian and Baldwinian Learning. Applied Soft Computing. 2013, 13(5):2947–2959.
9. Gang Wang, Jie Chen, Jian Sun. Stochastic stability of extended filtering for non-linear systems with measurement packet losses. IET Control Thoery & Applications. 2013,7(17):2048-55.
10. Zhiping Li, Jie Chen, Guozhu Zhang, Minggang Gan. Adaptive robust control of servo mechanisms with compensation for nonlinearly parameterized dynamic friction. IEEE transactions on control systems technology. 2013,21(1):194-202.
11. Fang Deng, Jie Chen, Yanyong Wang, Kun Gong. Measurement and calibration method for an optical encoder based on adaptive differential evolution-Fourier neural networks. Measurement Science and Technology. 2013,24(5):1-9.
12. Sun Jian, Chen Jie. Stability Analysis of Static Recurrent Neural Networks with Interval Time-varying Delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2013,221:111–120.
13. Chen Jie, Ma Tao, Chen WenJie, Peng ZhiHong. Unsupervised robust recursive least-squares algorithm for impulsive noise filtering. Science China Information Sciences.2013,56(4):1-10.
14. Jie Chen, Lan Cheng, Minggang Gan. Modeling of GPS Code and Carrier Tracking Error in Multipath. Chinese Journal of Electronics.2012,21(1):78-84.
15. 陈杰,马韬, 陈文颉,彭志红. 脉冲噪声滤波的无监督鲁棒递归最小二乘方法.中国科学:信息科学.2012,42(7):882-892.
16. Bin Xin, Jie Chen, Juan Zhang, Hao Fang. Zhihong Peng, Hybridizing differential evolution and particle swarm optimization to design powerful optimizers: a review and taxonomy. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics - Part C: Applications & Reviews. 2012,42(5):744–767.
17. Bin Xin, Jie Chen, Juan Zhang, Hao Fang, Zhi-Hong Peng. Hybridizing Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization to Design Powerful Optimizers: A Review and Taxonomy. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and Reviews. 2012,42(5):744-767.
18. Bin Xin, Jie Chen, Zhihong Peng, Lihua Dou, Juan Zhang. An efficient rule-based constructive heurisitc to solve dynamic weapon-target assignment problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans. 2011,41(3):598-606.
19. Hao Fang, Jie Chen and Lihua Dou. Dynamic self-collision detection and prevention of 2-DOF robot arms. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2011,25(8):2077-2087.
20. Jie Chen, JianSun, Guoping Liu. New delay-dependent stability criteria for neural networks with time-varying interval delay. Physics Letters A. 2010,374: 4397-4405.
21. Jie Chen, Zhiping Li, MinggangGan, Guozhu Zhang. Adaptive robust dynamic surface control with composite adaptation laws. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2010, 24:1036–1050.
22. Chen Jie, Xin Bin, Peng Zhihong, Dou Lihua, Zhang Juan. Optimal contraction theorem for exploration-exploitation tradeoff in search and optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans. 2009,39(3):680-691.
23. Chen Jie, Xin Bin, Peng Zhihong, Dou Lihua, Zhang Juan. Evolutionary decision-makings for dynamic weapon-target assignment problem. Science in China - Ser. F: Information Sciences. 2009,52(11):2006-2018.
24. Chen Jie, Xin Bin, Peng Zhihong, Pan Feng. Statistical learning makes the hybridization of particle swarm and differential evolution more efficient—A novel hybrid optimizer. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences. 2009,52(7):1278-1282.
1. 国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组控制科学与工程组成员
2. 第七届教育部科学技术委员会委员
3. 中国自动化学会副理事长、控制理论专业委员会副主任
4. 中国人工智能学会常务理事
5. 《系统与控制》丛书副主编
6. 《IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics》Associate Editor
7. 《JSSC》Managing Editor
8. 《Science China Information Sciences》Associate Editor
9. 《JCTA》Associate Editor
10. 《信息与控制》编委

