2023-05-06 11:28
  • 陈振娇
  • 陈振娇 - 副教授 博导-北京理工大学-管理与经济学院-个人资料





发表情况:近年来在信息系统(IS)领域国际主流刊源(如:Decision Support Systems,Information & Management, Journal of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,Asia Pacific Journal of Management)上发表学术论文40余篇,其中10篇国际期刊论文由SSCI 检索,20余篇论文由 EI 检索;独立撰写学术专著 1 部;入选“全国百篇优秀管理案例”1 篇。共主持 13 项纵向科研课题,包括:3 项国家自然科学基金, 1 项省部级“留学归国优秀人员”资助;获得“北京市优秀人才”和“北京市高校青年英才” 2项荣誉称号及基金资助;连续3次获得“北京理工大学优秀青年教师”基金资助;主持多项北理工基础基金。曾多次参与香港特别行政区雇员信心指数(HKECI)调查应用研究课题。
目前担任国家自然科学基金委(管理科学部)同行评议专家;同时担任信息系统(IS)领域多个SSCI国际期刊Journal of Management Information System, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management,Electronic Commerce Research评审人。



[1] 主持,国家自然科学基金(No. 71471017),“中国跨国企业基于导师网络的隐性知识逆向转移机制研究”(2015-2018)
[2] 主持,国家自然科学基金(No. 71002101),“任务冲突与团队创新关系的分层研究——社会信息处理视角”(2011-2013)
[3] 主持,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(No. 71110107007)“探索团队冲突影响团队知识共享的心理机制”
[4] 主持,北京市高等学校青年英才计划(No. YETP1164),“中国企业跨国并购中本土管理文化与员工创新关系的分层研究”(2014-2016)
[5] 主持,北京市优秀人才培养资助计划,“北京市新能源企业产业中研发创新的影响机制研究”(2014-2016)
[6] 主持,国家留学人员科技活动项目择优资助(优秀项目)“创新型团队冲突影响科技创新产出的心理机制研究——分层调控模型”。
[7] 主持,北京理工大学优秀青年教师资助计划课题(No. 2009Y1319),探索组织内部团队冲突与团队行为之间中介及调控机制的实证研究”(2010-2012)。
[8] 主持,北京理工大学优秀青年教师资助计划持续支持项目,“学习型团队冲突与团队产出关系的分层研究—心理投入的理论视角”(2012-2013)
[9] 主持,北京理工大学优秀青年教师扩展项目,“移动政务系统影响市民满意度的实证研究”(2010-2011)。
[10] 主持,北京理工大学基础研究基金课题(No. 2142018),“团队冲突与团队行为之间中介机制及调控机制的实证研究”(2010-2012)。
[11] 主持,北京理工大学基础研究基金课题,“任务冲突与团队创新关系的分层研究——社会信息处理视角”(2011-2012)
[12] 项目骨干,国家自然科学基金项目(No. 71172172/G0214),“航空收益管理中的柔性舱位控制研究”(2012-2015)
[13] 项目骨干,国家自然科学基金项目“虚拟健康社区的知识共享和行为扩散机制研究”(No.71272057/G021101)
[14] 项目骨干,国家自然科学基金项目 “我国企业跨文化吸收能力与国际并购绩效研究” (No.71272060/G0204)
[15] 项目骨干, 国家自然科学基金项目“基于社会交换理论的生产型员工节能行为机理研究”(No.71203007/G031203)"


[1] Z. Chen*, R. Davison, J.Y. Mao, Z. Wang (2018) When and How Authoritarian Leadership and Leader Renqing Orientation Influence Tacit Knowledge Sharing Intentions. Information & Management. Available online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2018.03.011 (SSCI). (汤森路透JCR 1 区,管理与经济学院A类期刊)
[2] Z. Chen, D. Vogel, Z. Wang (2016) How to satisfy citizens? Using mobile government to reengineer fair government processes. Decision Support Systems.82. 47-57.(SSCI)(JCR 1 区,北理工校期刊分类顶级期刊)
[3] K. Leung, Z. Chen, F. Zhou, K. Lim (2014) The Role of Relational Orientation as Measured by Face and Renqing in Innovative Behavior in China: An Indigenous Analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31.105-126.(SSCI)(JCR 1 区,北理工校期刊分类顶级期刊).
[4] Z. Chen, X. Qin, D. Vogel. (2012) Is Cooperation a Panacea? The Effect of Cooperative Response to Task Conflict on Team Performance. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 29(2) 163-178.(SSCI)
[5] Z. Chen, X. Zhang, D. Vogel (2011) Exploring the Underlying Processes between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Work-Engagement, Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 41(5).1005-1033. (SSCI)
[6] Z. Chen, X. Zhang, K. Leung, F. Zhou (2010). Exploring the interactive effect of time control and justice perception on job attitudes, Journal of Social Psychology. 150(2).181-197. (SSCI)
[7] X. Zhang, Z. Chen*, D. Vogel, M. Yuan, C. Guo (2010). Knowledge Sharing Reward Dynamics in Knowledge Management Systems: Game Theory-Based Empirical Validation, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 20(2),103-122 (SCI/EI)
[8] Z. Chen, J Li, B Ma (2010) When Task Conflict Triggers Relationship Conflict. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19. pp167 (EI)
[9] Z. Chen, D Zhao (2010) The Effect of Conflict and Trust on Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19. pp167 (EI)
[10] X. Zhang, M. Yuan, Z. Chen, D. Vogel (2009), Antecedents of coordination effectiveness of software developer dyads from interacting teams: an empirical investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(3), 494-507. (SSCI/EI)
[11] X. Zhang, Z. Chen*, D. Vogel, C. Guo (2009). Exchange ideology as a moderator of knowledge sharing in virtual teams: A social exchange theory perspective. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise management, 6(2), 143-163. (EI)
[12] Z. Chen, X. Zhang, D. Zhao (2008). Leadership effectiveness in the Chinese enterprises: the roles of Chinese leadership and employee's individual orientation. International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1(3), 343-358.
[13] X. Zhang, M. Yuan, D. Vogel, Z. Chen (2008). National and Organizational Cultural Impact on Intergroup Coordination in Software Development in Mainland China: A Qualitative Analysis, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 1(3).
[14] 陈振娇, 徐芳俐, 顾媛, 宋梦梦. (2017). G2C电子政务服务质量促进用户持续使用的机制——方法目的链视角. 情报科学, 35(9), 90-95.。
[15] 陈振娇, 时良瑞. (2015). 推进产学研协同创新的思路. 宏观经济管理(4), 32-34.
[16] 陈振娇, 赵定涛, & 魏昕. (2012). 团队关系冲突对知识共享影响机制的实证研究. 科技进步与对策, 29(7), 122-127.
[17] 陈振娇,赵定涛(2011),关系冲突影响团队产出的中介机制研究,北京理工大学学报,13(3), 5-10。
[18] 陈振娇,李金林,马宝龙(2011)博弈论在关系冲突管理中的运用,数学的实践与认识, 5, 70-74。
[19] 陈振娇, 赵定涛, 扶元广. (2005). 租金博弈中的腐败与民主监督--转型期民主监督的腐败预防机制. 当代经济科学, 27(3), 26-30.

[1] Z. Chen, M. Song, L. Jia, Z. Wang (2017), How Authoritarian Leadership and Renqing Orientation Improve Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS, 2017) (EI). (AIS国际信息系统协会A类会议).
[2] Z. Chen, I. Benbasat, R. Cenfetelli (2017), Grassroots Internet Celebrity Live Streaming” Activating IT Mediated Lifestyle Marketing Services at e-Commerce Websites, 38th International
Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, Korea (ICIS, 2017) (EI)(AIS国际信息系统协会A类会议).
[3] X. Shen, Y. Li, Y. Sun, Z. Chen, Z. Zhang, J. Zhao (2017), How to Increase Users’Social Commerce Engagement? A Technology Attractiveness Model, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS, 2017) (EI). (AIS国际信息系统协会A类会议).
[4] T. Yang, J. Deng, Y. Liu, Z. Chen, & Y. M. Shen (2016). Chinese medical staffs in private hospitals are more productive than those in public hospitals, really?, International Conference on Sustainable Employability(INCOSE).
[5] Z. Chen, D. Vogel (2015) How Mentorship Improves Reverse Transfer of Tacit Knowledge inChinese Multinational Companies (MNCs). 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2015).
[6] J. Chen, X. Shen, Z. Chen (2014), Understanding Social Commerce Intention: A Relational View, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).(EI) (AIS国际信息系统协会 A类会议)
[7] Z. Chen, D. Vogel (2014) Mobile Government: How to Improve Fairness in Public Administration Management. Proceedings of the Twenties Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014) (Best Paper Nomination).
[8] Z. Chen, K. Leung (2010). The effect of team conflict and task type on team knowledge sharing through transactive memory system, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (IEEE ICIME 2010) (EI)
[9] D. Vogel, Z. Chen, Q. Bi, Z. Yan, J. Hong (2010) m-Government in China: Observations and Reflections, Proceedings of the Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)
[10] X.Zhang, Z. Chen, C. Guo (2009), Opening the‘Black Box’between Conflict and Knowledge Sharing: A Psychological Engagement Theory Perspective, Proceedings of the 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2009). (EI) (AIS国际信息系统协会A类会议)
[11] K. Leung, Z. Chen, F. Zhou, K. Lim (2009). Relationship between Traditional Culture and innovation in China: The effects of Face and Renqing. 6th Asia Academy of Management Conference (AAOM 2009)

[2]陈振娇, 程波, 张丹青, 刘平青等.(2016).专业守界、网络跨界:蚂蚁白领专业金融服务平台“筑巢”. 第七届“全国百篇优秀管理案例”
[1] IACMR (International Association of Chinese Management Research) 会员
[2] AASP (Asian Association of Social Psychology) 会员
[3] AAOM (Asian Academy of Management) 会员
[4] AIS Association of Information Systems 会员
[5] CNAIS Chinese Association of Information Systems 会员
[6] HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Science) 会员
[7] Asia Academy of Management Conference 评审人
[8] 国家自然科学基金委管理学部 同行评议专家
[9] ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems期刊评审人
[10] Journal of Management Information System(SSCI)期刊评审人
[11] Decision Support Systems(SSCI) 期刊评审人
[12] Journal of Information & Management(SSCI) 期刊评审人
[13] Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI)期刊评审人

