2023-05-06 11:26
  • 钟怡玮
  • 钟怡玮 - 副教授 硕导-北京科技大学-钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室-个人资料




简 介
1. 2014,中国科学院过程工程研究所化学工艺专业(博士)。
2. 2008,北京化工大学化学工程与工艺专业(本科)


1. 国家级 ,钢铁产业集聚区难处理尘泥有价组分全量利用技术集成及示范(2019YFC1905705),2020 .
2. 国家级 ,复合共生铁矿流态化气基还原过程附碳效应及其动力学耦合调控粘结失流的研究(51604020),2017 .
3. 国家级 ,铁矿流态化还原过程粘结失流介尺度机制及其调控研究(91534121),2016 ."


1. Yiwei Zhong, Xinle Qiu, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo:Chemical Structure of Si-O in Silica Fume from Ferrosilicon Production and Its Reactivity in Alkali Dissolution. ISIJ International.
3. Yiwei Zhong, Xinle Qiu, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo: Recovery of soluble potassium from electric arc furnace dust of manganese alloy production: characterization and water leaching kinetics.
2. Yiwei Zhong, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo:2. Yiwei Zhong, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo. A model for solid surface viscosity of iron powders at high temperature: Influence of particle size distribution. Powder Technology, 335 (2018) 371?374..
Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Zhancheng Guo, Qing Tang:Agglomeration defluidization in a fluidized bed reduction of Fe2O3 particles by CO: Influences of iron precipitation on particle cohesiveness. Powder Technology, 2014, 256: 13?19. .
Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Zhancheng Guo, Qing Tang:Prevention of agglomeration/defluidization in fluidized bed reduction of Fe2O3 by CO: The role of magnesium and calcium oxide. Powder Technology, 2013, 241: 142?148. .
Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Zhancheng Guo, Qing Tang:Prediction of defluidization behavior of iron powder in a fluidized bed at elevated temperatures: Theoretical model and experimental verification. Powder Technology, 2013, 249 : 175?180..
Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Xuzhong Gong, Zhancheng Guo:Sticking behaviour caused by sintering in gas fluidisation reduction of haematite, Ironmaking Steelmaking, 2012, 39: 38?44..
Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Zhancheng Guo, Qing Tang:Defluidization behavior of iron powders at elevated temperature: Influence of fluidizing gas and particle adhesion, Powder Technology, 2012, 230: 225?231..
4. Yiwei Zhong, Xinle Qiu, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo:Structural characterization of carbon in blast furnace flue dust and its reactivity in combustion.
6. Yiwei Zhong, Jintao Gao, Panze Chen, Zhancheng Guo:Recovery of potassium from K-feldspar by thermal decomposition with flue gas desulfurization gypsum and CaCO3: Analysis of mechanism and kinetics.
7. Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo:Influence of particle size distribution on agglomeration/defluidization of iron powders at elevated temperature.
5. Yiwei Zhong, Jintao Gao, Long Meng, Zhancheng Guo:Phase transformation and non-isothermal kinetics studies on thermal decomposition of alunite.
8. Yiwei Zhong, Zhi Wang, Jintao Gao, Zhancheng Guo:A thermodynamic model for agglomeration/defluidization of metal powders based on solid surface energy.

