2023-05-06 11:26
  • 郑蕾
  • 郑蕾 - 讲师-北京科技大学-能源与环境工程学院-个人资料




本科及以上学位: 2001.09-2005.06,清华大学,环境科学与工程系,本科 2005.09-2011.06,清华大学,环境科学与工程系,博士 工作至今的经历: 2015.07-至今, 北京科技大学,土木与环境工程学院,讲师 2013.04-2015.06,中石油石油化工研究院,生物燃料与新能源研究室,工程师 2011.04-2013.03,清华大学,环境学院,博士后




[1]Lei Zheng, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi, Xiao Liu. Immobilization of Cu2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ During Geopolymerization. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2015, 9(4):642-648.
[2]Lei Zheng, Chengwen Wang, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi, Xingbao Gao. Immobilization of MSWI fly ash through geopolymerization: Effects of water-wash. Waste Management, 2011 31(31):311-317.
[3]Lei Zheng, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi. The effects of alkaline dosage and Si/Al ratio on the immobilization of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash-based geopolymer. Chemosphere, 2010, 79(6):665-671.
[4]Wei Wang, Lei Zheng, Feng Wang, Xiao Wan, Keqing Yin, Xingbao Gao. Release of Elements from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010, 4(4):482-489.
[5]Lei Zheng, Wei WANG. Methane Recovery from Landfill Gas: A Case Study in CHINA. The 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, June. 26-27, 2012.
[6]Lei Zheng, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi. Immobilization of MSWI fly ash through geopolymerization process. The first forum on studies of environmental and public health issues in the asian mega-cities, Osaka, Japan, 2009.
[7]Lei Zheng, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi. The effects alkali activator on solidification/immobilization of MSWI fly ash through geopolymerization. The 18th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program, Beijing, China, 2010.
[8]Wei Wang, Lei Zheng. Dechlorination of dioxins in MSWI fly ash with low-temperature chemical reduction process. The 10th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, Kunming, China, 2007.
[9]Wei Wang, Lei Zheng, Jinhui Li. Waste management improvement based on LCA. The Sino-Swiss Scientific Workshop on Life cycle assessment of electrical and electronic equipment, Zurich, Switzerland, 2007.
[10]Yupan Yun, Zifu Li, Yi-Hung Chen, Mayiani Saino, Shikun Cheng, Lei Zheng. Reduction of Nitrate in Secondary Effluent of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Fe0 Reductant and Pd–Cu/Graphene Catalyst. Water Air Soil Pollut, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11270-016-2792-4.
[11]Yupan Yun, Zifu Li, Yi-Hung Chen, Mayiani Saino, Shikun Cheng, Lei Zheng. Catalytic reduction of nitrate in secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants by Fe0 and Pd–Cu/γ–Al2O3. Water Science and technology, 2016, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2016.129.
[12]Xiao Liu, Wei Wang, Yunchun Shi, Lei Zheng. Pilot-scale anaerobic co-digestion of municipal biomass waste and waste activated sludge in China: Effect of organic loading rate. Waste Management, 2012, 32(11):2056–2060.
[13]Xiao Liu, Xingbao Gao, Wei Wang, Lei Zheng. Pilot-scale anaerobic co-digestion of municipal biomass waste: Focusing on biogas production and GHG reduction. Renewable Energy, 2012, 44(4):463-468.
[14]Wei Wang, Xingbao Gao, Lei Zheng, Yuxin Lan. Reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in MSWI fly ash by sodium hypophosphite. Separation and Purification Technology, 2006, 52(1): 186-190.
[15]王伟, 蓝煜昕, 李明, 郑蕾, 刘世杰, 程文翰. 生物质废弃物快速热解制取富氢气体的实验研究. 环境工程学报, 2007, 1(8):114-119.
[16]Wei Wang, Yingjun Zhou, Huahua Hou, Lei Zheng, Rui Xun, Hong Chen, Wujun Feng. A pilot-scale study of municipal biomass waste anaerobic digestion with thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy, 2010.

