2023-05-06 11:23
  • 张博威
  • 张博威 - 副研究员 硕导-北京科技大学-新材料技术研究院-个人资料




张博威,男,1987年生,副研究员,硕士生导师。毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院,获博士学位;2018年12月进入北京科技大学新材料技术研究院工作。在博士期间以第一/通讯作者在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Small等高水平期刊上发表论文15篇,合作SCI论文30余篇;长期从事纳米尺度的材料腐蚀机理以及功能纳米材料的制备与应用等方面的研究;担任Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Corrosion Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Surface Science, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等十余种国际知名刊物的审稿人。


1. 纳米金属材料电化学行为的原位表征
2. 高熵合金的电化学钝化行为及其机理
3. 过渡金属纳米材料的电催化行为


  Li, C., Zhang, B.*, Li, Y., Hao, S., Cao, X., Yang, G., ... & Huang, Y. (2019). Self-assembled Cu-Ni bimetal oxide 3D in-plane epitaxial structures for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 244, 56-62.
  Li, C., Rao, Y., Zhang, B.*, Huang, K., Cao, X., Peng, D., ... & Huang, Y. (2019). Extraordinary catalysis induced by titanium foil cathode plasma for degradation of water pollutant. Chemosphere, 214, 341-348.
  Li, C., Cao, X., Li, W., Zhang, B.* & Xiao, L. (2019) Co-synthesis of CuO-ZnO nanoflowers by low voltage liquid plasma discharge with brass electrode. Journal of alloys and compounds, 773, 762-769.
  Zhang, Bo., Yang, G., Li, C., Huang, K., Wu, J., Hao, S., ... & Huang, Y. (2018) Electrochemical behaviors of hierarchical copper nano-dendrites in alkaline media. Nano research, 11(8): 4225-4231.
  Zhang, B., Li, C., Yang, G., Huang, K., Wu, J., Li, Z., ... & Huang, Y. (2018). Nanostructured CuO/C hollow shell@ 3D copper dendrites as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10(28), 23807-23812.
  Zhang, B., Yang, G., Li, C., Huang, K., Wu, J., Hao, S., ... & Huang, Y. (2018). Phase controllable fabrication of zinc cobalt sulfide hollow polyhedrons as high-performance electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Nanoscale, 10.1774-1778.
  Zhang, B., Chen, B., Wu, J., Hao, S., Yang, G., Cao, X., ... & Huang, Y. (2017). The Electrochemical Response of Single Crystalline Copper Nanowires to Atmospheric Air and Aqueous Solution. Small, 13(10): 1603411.
  Zhang, B., Hao, S., Wu, J., Li, X., Li, C., Di, X., & Huang, Y. (2017). Direct evidence of passive film growth on 316 stainless steel in alkaline solution. Materials Characterization, 131,168-174.
  Zhang, B., Hao, S., Xiao, D., Wu, J., & Huang, Y. (2016). Templated formation of porous Mn2O3 octahedra from Mn-MIL-100 for lithium-ion battery anode materials. Materials & Design, 98, 319-323.
  Zhang, B., Hao, S., Wu, J., Li, X., & Huang, Y. (2016). Evidence of a nanosized copper anodic reaction in an anaerobic sulfide aqueous solution. RSC Advances, 6(24), 19937-19943.
  Zhang, B., Wu, J., Peng, D., Li, X., & Huang, Y. (2016). In-situ Scanning Micro-Electrochemical Characterization of Corrosion Inhibitors on Copper. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 11, 4110-4119.
  Zhang, B., Wu, J., Li, X., Liu, H., Yadian, B., Ramanujan, R. V., ... & Huang, Y. (2014). Passivation of Nickel Nanoneedles in Aqueous Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(17), 9073-9077.
  Yang, G., Zhang, B.‡, Feng, J., Lu, Y., Wang, Z., Aravindan, V., ... & Huang, Y. (2018). Morphology controlled lithium storage in Li3VO4 anodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6.456-463.
  Hao, S., Zhang, B.‡, Feng, J., Liu, Y., Ball, S., Pan, J., ... & Huang, Y. (2017). Nanoscale ion intermixing nduced activation of Fe2O3/MnO2 composites for application in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(18), 8510-8518.
  Hao, S., Zhang, B.‡, Ball, S., Hu, B., Wu, J., & Huang, Y. (2016). Porous and hollow NiO microspheres for high capacity and long-life anode materials of Li-ion batteries. Materials & Design, 92, 160-165.

