2023-05-06 11:23
  • 张勇
  • 张勇 - 教授-北京科技大学-新金属材料国家重点实验室-个人资料




教育经历: 1987年,河北省沙岭子中学 高中毕业 1991年,燕山大学 金属材料与热处理专业 本科毕业 1994年,北京科技大学 金相专业 工学硕士 1998年,北京科技大学 高温合金专业 工学博士 工作经历: 1995.9 - 1998.12,中核北方核燃料元件有限公司,核材料,实习; 1998.12-2000.11, 中国科学院物理研究所,物理学,博士后; 2000.11-2004.3,新加坡国立大学(NUS)理学院材料科学系&新加坡-美国麻省理工学院(MIT)联盟(SMA),微电子材料,SMA研究员; 2004.4-目前, 北京科技大学,金属材料,教授; 2005,教育部新世纪优秀人才(NCET-05-0105); 2007.6, 访问教授, 英国牛津大学材料系; 2008.11-2009.1,访问教授, 新加坡南洋理工大学; 2009.11-2010.1,访问教授,英国谢菲尔德大学; 2011.11-2012.5,高级访问学者,美国田纳西大学。 2005.5 - 目前, 北京科技大学,博士生导师


【1】轻质高熵材料; 【2】单晶及Bridgman技术; 【3】微丝及MEMS和NEMS技术; 【4】稀土材料及催化效应; 【5】 非晶复合材料及寿命延长; 【6】 Crackling Noise & Barkhausen Noise及锯齿变形行为; 【7】Weibull可靠性分析。


Y. Zhang, Y.J. Zhou, J.P. Lin, G.L. Chen, P.K. Liaw, Solid Solution Phase Formation Rules for multi-component Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials, 10(6), pp.534-538, (2008).
Y. Zhang, X. Yang, P.K. Liaw, Alloy Design and Properties Optimization of High-Entropy Alloys, JOM,(美国TMS会刊邀请论文), 64(7), pp.830-838, (2012).
X. Yang, Y. Zhang, Prediction of high-entropy stabilized solid-solution in multi-component alloys, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 132(2-3), pp.233-238, (2012).
S.G. Ma, Y. Zhang, Effect of Nb addition on the microstructure and properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 532, pp.480-486, (2012).
W.B. Liao, J.M. Hu, Y. Zhang, Micro forming and deformation behaviors of Zr50.5Cu27.45Ni13.05Al9 amorphous wires, Intermetallics, 20(1), pp.82-86, (2012).
J.W. Qiao, Y. Zhang, H.L. Jia, H.J. Yang, P.K. Liaw, B.S. Xu, Tensile softening of metallic-glass-matrix composites in the supercooled liquid region, Applied Physics Letters, 100(12), 121902, (2012).
Y. Zhang, S.G. Ma, J.W. Qiao,Morphology Transition from Dendrites to Equiaxed Grains for AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys by Copper Mold Casting and Bridgman Solidification, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 43A(8), pp.2625-2630, (2012).
J.W. Qiao, A.C. Sun, E.W. Huang, Y. Zhang, P.K. Liaw, C.P. Chuang, Tensile deformation micromechanisms for bulk metallic glass matrix composites: From work-hardening to softening, Acta Materialia, 59(10), pp.4126-4137, (2011).
W.J. Peng, Y. Zhang, Micro-alloying of yttrium in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses,Progress in Natural Science-Materials International, 21(1), pp. 46-52, (2011).
Y. Zhang, W.G. Zhang, J.P. Lin, G. J. Hao, G.L. Chen, P.K. Liaw, Glass-Forming Ability and Competitive Crystalline Phases for Lightweight Ti-Be–Based Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 41(7): 1670-1676, (2010).
J.W. Qiao, E.W. Huang, F. Jiang, T. Ungar, G. Csiszar, L. Li, Y. Ren, P.K. Liaw, Y. Zhang, Resolving ensembled microstructural information of bulk-metallic-glass-matrix composites using synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Applied Physics Letters, 97(17): 171910-3, (2010).
J. W. Qiao, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, P.K . Liaw, G. L. Chen, Large plasticity and tensile necking of Zr-based bulk-metallic-glass-matrix composites synthesized by the Bridgman solidification. Applied Physics Letters, 94(15): 151905-3,(2009).
Y.Zhang, G.L. Chen, C.L. Gan, Phase Change and Mechanical Behaviors of TixCoCrFeNiCu1
