2023-05-06 11:19
  • 夏德宏
  • 夏德宏 - 教授-北京科技大学-能源与环境工程学院-个人资料




1.在联合国开发计划署(UNDP)的支持下,作为能源与环保领域的专家多次出访国外,和国外很多大学、研究机构和有关公司保持着紧密的合作关系。 2.参加和参与组织了十余次在国际上有重大影响的大型国际学术会议,例如International Conference on Coal Combustion Technology in Pittsburgh,USA, International Conference on Clean Coal Technology & Utilization in Florida, USA,Fine Particle Technology Symposium in Las Vegas, USA等。 3.作为高级访问学者,在The Catholic University of America 进行了较为深入的洁净能源与能源高效利用方面的合作研究,取得了满意的合作成果。 4.与国外一些大学和公司有着长期的实质性项目合作和交流,例如美国的The Catholic University of America, 印度尼西亚的PT. Bentonit Alam Indonesia, 美国的Lanheat Corporation of USA等。 5.实质性的国际合作项目为人才培养提供了更好的交流平台,一些研究生在校期间能够实质性参加一些国际合作项目的研究,一些研究生毕业后到国外以及跨国公司设在国内的机构工作,这又为进一步加强和拓展对外交流与合作架起了一座永恒的桥梁。


节能环保新工艺、新装备、新材料 清洁能源开发与能源的清洁利用 热科学与能源工程


[1] Jiang B, Xia D*, Yu B, Xiong R, Ao W, Zhang P, Cong L, An environment-friendly process for limestone calcination with CO2 looping and recovery. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 240: 188147. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 7.051)
[2] Jiang B, Xia D*, Guo H, Xiao L, Qu H, Liu X, Efficient waste heat recovery system for high-temperature solid particles based on heat transfer enhancement. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 166-174. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.022)
[3] Jiang B, Xie Y, Xia D*, Liu X, A potential source for PM2.5: Analysis of fine particle generation mechanism in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization System by modeling drying and breakage of slurry droplet. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 246: 249-256. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 6.152)
[4] Jiang B, Xia D*, Zhai F, Zhang R, Liu X, Theoretical heat conduction equation based on micro particle vibration fundamental. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 140: 521-529. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.623)
[5] Jiang B, Xie Y, Xia D*, Liu X, Effect of the molecular structure of volatile organic compounds on atmospheric nucleation: A modeling study based on gas kinetic theory and graph theory, Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 213: 215-222. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459)
[6] Yan S, Xia D*, Zhang X, Jiang B, A complete depolymerization of scrap tire with supercritical water participation: A molecular dynamic simulation study. Waste Management, 2019, 93:83-90. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.993)
[7] Jiang B, Xia D*, Zhang X. A multicomponent kinetic model established for investigation on atmospheric new particle formation mechanism in H2SO4-HNO3-NH3-VOC system. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, (616-617): 1414-1422. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.727)
[8] Wen Y, Xia D*. Particle size prediction of magnesium nanoparticle produced by inert gas condensation method. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20(1):4.
[9] Jiang B, Wen Y, Li Z, Xia D*, Liu X.Theoretical Analysis on the Removal of Cyclic Volatile Organic Compounds by Non-Thermal Plasma. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(2):35. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.774)
[10] Jiang B, Xia D*. Role identification of NH3 in atmospheric secondary new particle formation in haze occurrence of China, Atmospheric Environment, 2017, (163): 107-117. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459)
[11] Wen Y, Xia D*, Xuan W. Modeling for particle size prediction and mechanism of silicon nitride nanoparticle synthesis by chemical vapor deposition. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2017, 51(7): 845-855. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.960)
[12] Wen Y, Xia D*. Particle size prediction of magnesium nanoparticle produced by inert gas condensation method. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20:4. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.009)
[13] Xia D*, Jiang B, Xie Y. Modeling and analysis of PM 2.5, generation for key factors identification in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 134:208-216. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459)
[14] Xia D*, Li Z, Xie Y, Zhang X. Kinetic Simulations of Volatile Organic Compounds Decomposition by Non-thermal Plasma Treatment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016, 227:463. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.774)
[15] Xia D*, Zhang Q, Wu H, Xuan W. New Process of High-Quality Syngas Production through Sequential Oxidation−Reduction Cycles of Pulverized Coals. Energy & Fuel, 2016, 30, 864-870. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.983)
[16] Wen Y, Xia D*. Influence of thermal process on particle size distribution of ultrafine magnesium powder prepared by inert gas condensation method. Powder Technology, 2015, 286:16-21. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.476)
[17] Xia D*, Wen Y, Ren L, Hu X. Mechanisms of thermal process of zinc ultrafine powder preparation by inert gas condensation. Powder Technology, 2014, 257(5):175-180. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.476)
[18] Xia D*, Wu H, Lei X. A sequential cycle of coal gas production with high heating value consisting of reduction and oxidation reactions. Fuel, 2014, 133(1):123-128. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.223)
[19] Xia D*., Shen, L., Ren, L., Guo, S. A binary array method for calculating thermal conductivity of porous materials. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 117 (2):825-829. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.981)
[20] Zhu F., Zhou Y., Feng Q., Xia D*. Moisture diffusivity in structure of random fractal fiber bed. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 2013, 377 (37):2324-2328. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.910)

