2023-05-06 11:10
  • 廖福成
  • 廖福成 - 教授 博导-北京科技大学-数理学院-个人资料






1)1993年4月—1994年4月在日本神奈川大学访问,与江上正(TADASHI EGAMI


[1] Fucheng Liao, Xiao Yu, Jiamei Deng, Absolute stability of time-varying delay Lurie indirect control systems with unbounded coefficients, Advances in Difference Equations, 2017, 38(1): 1-20.
[2] Li Li, Fucheng Liao, H∞ preview control of a class of uncertain discrete-time systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(5): 1-15.
[3] Fucheng Liao, Li Li, Robust preview control for uncertain discrete-time systems based on LMI, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2017, 1-10. doi: 10.1002/oca.2308
[4] Yuanlong Yuan, Zhengwei Shen, Fucheng Liao, Stabilization of coupled ODE-PDE system with intermediate point and spatially varying effects interconnection, Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(4): 1-15.
[5] Jiang Wu, Fucheng Liao, Jiamei Deng, Optimal preview control for a class of linear continuous stochastic control systems in the infinite horizon, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016:1-9.
[6] Fucheng Liao, Li Li, Robust preview tracking control for a class of uncertain discrete-time systems, Cogent Engineering, 2016, 3(1): 1-21.
[7] Li Li, Fucheng Liao, Parameter-dependent preview control with robust tracking performance, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017, 11(1): 38-46.
[8] Fucheng Liao, Yujian Guo, Optimal preview control for discrete-time systems in multirate output sampling, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016:1-10.
[9]廖福成,苏晓洁,廖永龙,不确定离散时滞系统的H∞保性能预见控制,工程科学学报,2016, 38(7): 1008-1016.
[10] Jiang Wu, Fucheng Liao, Yuan Yan Tang, Applications of the preview control method to the optimal problem for linear continuous-time stochastic systems with time-delay, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2016, 14(6): 1650045-1~1650045-16.
[11] Fucheng Liao, Yonglong Liao, and Jiamei Deng, The Application of predictor feedback in designing a preview controller for discrete-time systems with input delay, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016:1-10.
[12] Di Wang, Fucheng Liao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Adaptive preview control for piecewise discrete-time systems using multiple models, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(23-24): 9932–9946.
[13] Yujian Guo, Fucheng Liao, Design of optimal output regulators for dual-rate linear discrete-time systems based on the lifting technique, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016:1-10.
[14] Jiang Wu, Fucheng Liao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Optimal preview control for a linear continuous time stochastic control system in finite-time horizon, International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(1): 129-137.
[15] Fucheng Liao, Yanrong Lu, Huiyang Liu, Cooperative optimal preview tracking control of continuous-time multi-agent systems, International Journal of Control, 2016, 89(10): 2019-2028.
[16] Fucheng Liao, Yujian Guo, Yuan Yan Tang, Design of an optimal preview controller for linear time-varying discrete systems in a multirate setting, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2015, 13(6): 1550050-1~ 1550050-19.
[17] Li Li, Fucheng Liao, Design of a preview controller for discrete-time systems based on LMI, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 1-12.
[18] 李丽,廖福成, 具有跟踪鲁棒性能的H_∞最优预见控制,工程科学学报, 37(10): 1376–1386, 2015.
[19] 曹梦娟, 廖福成, 吴江, 线性离散时间广义系统的最优预见控制, 中国科学: 信息科学, 2015, 45(11): 1415-1431.
[20] Yonglong Liao, Fucheng Liao, Design of a backstepping tracking controller for a class of linear systems with actuator delay, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 1-10.
[21] Fucheng Liao, Haishan Xu, Application of the preview control method to the optimal tracking control problem for continuous-time systems with time-delay, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 1-8.
[22] Rui Wu, Zhengwei Shen, Fucheng Liao, Optimal control of renewable resources based on the effective utilization rate, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2015, 2015: 1-7.
[23] Fucheng Liao, Zhenqin Ren, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Jiang Wu, Preview control for impulse-free continuous-time descriptor systems, International Journal of Control, 2015, 88(6): 1142-1149.
[24] Fucheng Liao, Yujie Xu, Jiang Wu, Novel approach to preview control for a class of continuous-time systems, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2015, 2015: 1-6.
[25] Yuanting Wang, Fucheng Liao, Yonglong Liao, Zhengwei Shen, Boundary control for a kind of coupled PDE-ODE system, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2014, 2014: 1-8.
[26] Fucheng Liao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Yahong Cui, Di Wang, Optimal preview control for general time-varying discrete-time linear systems, American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2014, 3(1): 103-124.
[27] Mengjuan Cao, Fucheng Liao, Design of a P-D feedback controller for continuous-time descriptor systems, The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), 658-663, Changsha, China, May 31-June 2, 2014.
[28] Zhenqin Ren, Fucheng Liao, Mengjuan Cao, Design of an optimal preview controller for the discrete-time nonlinear time-varying systems, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(9): 3653–3660.
[29] Fucheng Liao, Di Wang, Absolute stability criteria for large-scale Lurie direct control systems with time-varying coefficients, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014: 1-13.
[30] Mengjuan Cao,Fucheng Liao,Design of an optimal preview controller for linear discrete-time descriptor noncausal multirate systems, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014: 1-12.
[31] Mengjuan Cao, Fucheng Liao, Design of optimal output regulator for multirate linear discrete-time descriptor causal system with time delay, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2014, 36(4): 551-561.
[32] 陈平,廖福成,卫宏儒,对轻量级密码算法MIBS的相关密钥不可能差分攻击,通信学报, 2014, 35(2): 190-193, 201.
[33] 廖福成,陈平,基于状态观测器的线性离散时间系统的最优预见控制,北京科技大学学报, 2014, 36(3): 390-398.
[34] Fucheng Liao, Jiang Wu, Masayoshi Tomizuka, An improved delay-dependent stability criterion for linear uncertain systems with multiple time-varying delays, International Journal of Control, 2014, 87(4): 861-873.
[35] 廖福成,任祯琴,基于控制系统直接方法的非线性系统预见控制器设计,控制与决策, 2013, 28(11): 1679-1684.
[36] 刘超,廖福成,卫宏儒,对MIBS算法的中间相遇攻击,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版) , 2013, 44(3): 308-315.
[37] Mengjuan Cao, Fucheng Liao, Design of optimal preview controller for linear discrete-time descriptor systems with state delay, International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46(5): 932-943.
[38] Fucheng Liao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Mengjuan Cao, Di Wang, Optimal preview control for discrete-time descriptor causal systems in a multirate setting, International Journal of Control, 2013, 86(5): 844-854.
[39] Tianlei Wang, Zhixing Hu; Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Global stability analysis for delayed virus infection model with general incidence rate and humoral immunity, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2013, 89(3): 13-22.
[40] Yujie Xu, Fucheng Liao, Limin Cui, Jiang Wu, Preview control for a class of linear continuous time-varying systems, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2013, 11(2): 1350018(1)-1350018 (14).
[41] 廖福成,许绍云,王迪,连续时间系统的目标轨迹预见跟踪控制(Preview tracking control of project trajectories for continuous-time systems),北京科技大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 385-392.
[42] 徐玉洁,廖福成,一类具有输入时滞的时变离散系统的预见控制,控制与决策, 2012, 28(3): 466-470.
[43] Caifeng Wang, Fucheng Liao, Chao Ma, Detection of pedestrian crossing from focus to spread, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China, July 6-8, 2012, 4897-4901.
[44] 徐玉洁,廖福成,不确定离散时滞系统的保性能预见控制,控制工程, 2012, 19(6), 1028-1032, 1037.
[45] Fucheng Liao, Di Wang, Absolute stability of general Lurie direct control systems with time-varying coefficients, Future Computing, Communication, Control and Management, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 144: 521-529.
[46] Di Wang, Fucheng Liao, Absolute stability of Lurie direct control systems with time-varying coefficients and multiple nonlinearities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(9): 4465-4473.
[47] Yujie Xu, Fucheng Liao, Gang Xu, Stability analysis for a class of discrete time systems with multiple state-delay, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), Bangkok, Thailand, May 27-31, 2012, 856-859.
[48] Di Wang, Fucheng Liao, Robust preview control for uncertain discrete-time systems, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Kos, Greece, Sept. 19-25, 2012, 2028-2031.
[49] Fucheng Liao, Mengjuan Cao, Zhixing Hu, Panduan An, Design of an optimal preview controller for linear discrete-time causal descriptor systems, International Journal of Control, 2012, 85(10): 1616-1624.
[50] Fucheng Liao, Panduan An, Di Wang, The optimal preview control for a class of descriptor discrete-time systems with multirate setting, The 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2012 CCDC), Taiyuan, China, May 23-25, 2012, 2442-2446.
[51] 廖福成,徐玉洁,状态时滞时变离散时间系统的最优预见控制器设计,北京科技大学学报, 2012, 34(2): 211-216.
[52] Fucheng Liao, Yuan Yan Tang, Heping Liu, Yunjian Wang, Design of an optimal preview controller for continuous-time systems, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2011, 9(4): 655-673.
[53] 张蕾, 刘贺平, 廖福成, 时变时滞离散递归神经网络系统的状态估计器设计,控制与决策, 2011, 26(3): 423-427.
[54] 石千松,廖福成,具有多采样率及状态时滞的线性离散时间系统的预见控制,北京科技大学学报, 2011, 33(3): 363-375.
[55] 张蕾, 刘贺平, 廖福成, 改进的时变时滞不确定离散系统的鲁棒稳定性分析, 控制工程, 2010, 6, 755-758.
[56] Fucheng Liao, Di Wang, Absolute stability of Lurie direct control systems with time-varying coefficients, 2010 The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application (PACIIA2010), Wuhan, China, December 4-5, 2010, 353-356.
[57] Fucheng Liao, Hong Li, Guaranteed Cost H_infinity control for uncertain discrete time-delay systems, 2010 Second International Conference on Future Computer and Communication(FCC2010), Volume IV, Shanghai, China, September 28-29.
[58] Fucheng Liao, Panduan An, Li Wang, Lige Xu, Design of an optimal preview controller for singular discrete-time systems in a multirate setting, 2010 Second International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, Shanghai, China, September 28-29, 2010, Volume IV, 193-197.
[59] Yahong Cui, Fucheng Liao, Hongru Wei, The robust exponential control problem for linear large-scale systems with uncertainties and unbounded coefficients, Control Engineering of China, 2010, 17(5): 27-31, 44.
[60] Zequan Gu, Heping Liu, Fucheng Liao, A common lyapunov function for a class of switched descriptor systems, Proceedings of the 2009 International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. 2009, CAR 2009: 29-31.
[61] 顾则全, 刘贺平, 廖福成, 王允建, 基于LMI的不确定时滞切换广义系统的保成本控制, 系统工程与电子技术, 2010, 32(1): 147-151.
[62] 廖福成,李安贵,孙凤彬,多个执行机构的系数无界Lurie系统和Lurie大系统的绝对稳定性,北京科技大学学报, 2009, 31(11): 1472-1479.
[63] Zhengwei Shen, Fucheng Liao, Fusion of remote sensing images based on region standard deviation of wavelet, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition(ICWAPR), Baoding, China, July 12-15, 2009, 346-350.
[64] Fucheng Liao, Yahong Cui, Zhengwei Shen, Optimal preview control for linear variant discrete systems, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC), Baoding, China, July 12-15, 2009, 1954-1960.
[65] 程亮,廖福成,车载语音点歌系统的实现,微计算机信息, 2009, 25(13): 254-255.
[66] 廖福成,张莹,顾则全,一类线性离散广义系统最优预见控制器设计,控制工程, 2009,16(3): 299-303.
[67] 廖福成,张志刚,张莹,Riccati方程的降阶与广义系统的最优预见控制,北京科技大学学报, 2009, 31(4): 520-524.
[68] 廖福成,李安贵,唐远炎,一般Lorenz型系统的特性分析及混沌,辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 28(1): 158-160.
[69] 刘贺平,廖福成,一般目标信号和干扰信号下多采样率系统的最优预见控制器设计,纯粹数学与应用数学, 2008, 24(4): 634-642.
[70] Fucheng Liao, Heping Liu, Yunjian Wang, Design of an optimal preview controller for continuous-time systems, Proceedings of 2008 Joint International Conference of USTB, CYUT, XAUAT and SCUN, pp. H1-H33, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, Korea, Oct. 29, 2008
[71] Lei Zhang, Fucheng Liao, Heping Liu, Design of robust H-infinity controller for uncertain time-varying delay systems with nonlinear uncertainties, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp11-16, 30-31 Aug. 2008, Hong Kong.
[72] Lei Zhang, Fucheng Liao, Heping Liu, Strictly dissipative control for uncertain discrete-time systems with time-delay, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp29-34, 30-31 Aug. 2008, Hong Kong.
[73] Zhengwei Shen, Fucheng Liao, Adaptive watermark algorithm based fast curvelet transform, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp 518-523, 30-31 Aug. 2008, Hong Kong.
[74] Zhengwei Shen, Yu Liu, Fucheng Liao, Zhaohui Tang, Construction of 4-band wavelet and its application in multiple-source image fusion, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp128-133. 30-31 Aug. 2008, Hong Kong.
[75] Guigang Shi, Fucheng Liao, Robust output feedback control for a class of linear systems with time-delays and uncertainties, Journal of Information and Decision Science, 2008, 3(1): 71-80.
[76] 吴小雪,廖福成,不确定时变时滞组合系统的分散鲁棒镇定,北京科技大学学报, 2008, 30(7): 826-831.
[77] 孙锦霞,廖福成,田立勤,冀铁果,基于博弈论框架的用户行为决策模型,计算机工程, 2008, 34(9): 159-161.
[78] Junling Guo, Fucheng Liao, Hongru Wei, Robust Absolute stability of interval large-scale Lurie indirect control systems, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp18-23, 2-4 Nov. 2007, Beijing, China.
[79] Limin Cui, Yuanyan Tang, Fucheng Liao, Xiu-feng Du, Face recognition based on wavelet packet decomposition and support vector machines, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, pp1437-1441, 2-4 Nov. 2007, Beijing, China.
[80] Limin Cui, Yuanyan Tang, Fucheng Liao, Xiufeng Du, Face recognition based on discriminant waveletfaces, Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp3561-3565, 7-10, Oct. 2007, Canada.
[81] 廖福成,刘贺平,多重采样离散时间系统的最优预见伺服控制器设计,北京科技大学学报, 2007, 29(5): 542-547.
[82] Fucheng Liao, Liying Zhao, Yuanyan Tang, Heping Liu, Absolute stability of general Lurie indirect control large-scale systems, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2006, 14(4): 579-589.
[83] Xiaona Pan, Fucheng Liao, Aihua Li, Certain linear and radical models of discrete time series, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2006, 28(4): 487-501.
[84] 朱晓明,廖福成,唐远炎,基于小波分析的脉冲星信号消噪处理,天文学报, 2006, 47(3): 328-335
[85] 郭俊伶,廖福成,Lurie间接控制大系统的绝对稳定性,北京科技大学学报, 2006, 28(7): 704-708.
[86] Cui Limin, Fucheng Liao, Yuanyan Tang, On the solution to singular integral equations with logarithmic kernel based on wavelet, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2006, 3(1): 1-14.
[87] 徐玉洁,廖福成,一类状态时滞系统的最优预见控制器设计,北京科技大学学报, 2006, 28(4): 403-408.
[88] 廖福成,刘贺平,三维与二维晶体生长控制方程的精确解,应用数学学报, 2006, 29(2): 193-209.
[89] 顾则全,廖福成,刘贺平,不确定广义系统的保性能控制:LMI方法,北京科技大学学报, 2006, 28(1): 93-95.
[90] 廖福成,陶娟,刘贺平,二维稳态晶体生长控制方程的数值解,北京科技大学学报, 2005, 27(5): 560-563.
[91] Fucheng Liao, Hongchuan Yao, Heping Liu, Absolute stability of large-scale Lurie indirect systems with unbounded coefficients, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2005, 3(2): 303-311.
[92] 廖福成,王自东,刘贺平,一类偏微分方程的解析解及其在稳态晶体生长中的应用, 工程数学学报, 2004, 21(6): 855-861.
[93] 徐玉洁,廖福成,刘贺平,一类不确定大系统的鲁棒指数控制,应用基础与工程科学学报, 2004, 12(3): 315-321.
[94] 顾则全,廖福成,翟丁,广义系统的分散保成本控制,应用基础与工程科学学报, 2004, 12(3): 322-327.
[95] Fucheng Liao, Kiyotsugu Takaba, Tohru Katayama, Jyoji Katsuura, Design of an optimal preview servomechanism for discrete-time systems in a multirate setting, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete,and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 2003, 10(5): 727-744.
[96] Fucheng Liao, Kiyotsugu Takaba, Tohru Katayama, Jyoji Katsuura, Multirate design of an optimal preview servomechanism for discrete-time systems, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Sept 2002, Singapore,1195-1200.
[97] Fucheng Liao, Liancun Zheng, Tohru Katayama, Kiyotsugu Takaba, Decentralized robust controller design for large-scale systems with uncertainties, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Sept 2002, Singapore,174-179.
[98] Fucheng Liao, Tohru Katayama, Liancun Zheng, Robust exponential control of a class of systems with uncertainties, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (English Edition), 2002, 9(2): 149-155.
[99] 廖福成,间接控制系统第二标准形的绝对稳定性准则,内蒙古大学学报, 1999, 30(1): 7-10.
[100] Xin Yu, Fucheng Liao, Mingkun Shi, Preview control with imaginary input, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 1998, 6(3): 319-326.
[101] Fucheng Liao, Tsuchiya Takeshi, Egami Tadashi, Yu Xin, Unified approach to optimal preview servo systems and optimal preview FF compensated systems, Chinese Journal of Automation, 1998, 10(4): 329-336.
[102] 廖福成,江上正,土谷武士,利用目标值信号二阶差分进行最优预见伺服系统设计,应用基础与工程科学学报, 1997, 5(3): 223-232.
[103] Fucheng Liao, A constructive method of pandiagonal magic squares, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (English Edition), 1997, 4(2): 60-62.
[104] 董洪彦,廖福成,邢韶旭,利用预见控制方法实现对斜坡函数的跟踪,1997中国控制与决策学术年会论文集,427-430,东北大学出版社, 1997, 427-430.
[105] 廖福成,土谷武士,江上正,利用干扰信号二阶差分进行最优预见伺服系统设计,应用数学, 1997, 10(1): 87-91.
[106] Fucheng Liao, Tadashi Egami, Takeshi Tsuchiya, Asymptotic characteristics of optimal preview servo systems, Beijing Mathematics, 1996, 2(2): 80-93.
[107] Fucheng Liao, Egami Tadashi, Tsuchiy Takeshia, Yu Xin, On general type of digital optimal preview servo system, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 1996, 17(5): 423-436.
[108] Fucheng Liao, Egami Tadashi, Tsuchiy Takeshia, A general frequency dependent digital optimal preview servo system, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 1996, 17(4): 319-332.
[109] 廖福成,从 s×k矩阵构造sk阶泛对角幻方,内蒙古大学学报, 1996, 27(2): 154-159.
[110] 廖福成,姜春梅,感应电动机的一种完全解耦控制方法,北京科技大学学报, 1996, 18(2): 188-191.
[111] 廖福成,土谷武士,江上正,多输入多输出线性控制系统的简单极点配置算法,信息与控制, 1995, 24(6): 330-337.
[112] 廖福成,姜春梅,感应电动机的一种全局稳定控制方法,电工技术学报, 1995, 17(1): 18-22.
[113] Fucheng Liao, Tadashi Egami, Takeshi Tsuchiya, Design of digital optimal preview servo systems, Beijing Mathematics, 1995, 1: 135-153.
[114] 钟延炯,廖福成,杨遇术,非线性系统的一种直接控制方法,自动化学报, 20(5): 632-636, 1994.
[115] 江上正,廖福成,制御対象の係数を用いた最適予見サーボ系の設計(日文),第26回計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 1994, 31-32.
[116] 廖福成,江上正,周波数依存最適サーボ系の一般化(日文),第26回計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 1994, 45-46.
[117] 廖福成,江上正,最適予見サーボ系の漸近特性の数学的証明(日文),第26回計測自動制御学会北海道支部学術講演会論文集, 1994, 61-64.
[118] 廖福成,一类间接控制系统的绝对稳定性,内蒙古大学学报, 1993, 24(3): 235-241.
[119] 廖福成,关于奇数阶泛对角幻方的作法,北京科技大学学报, 1992, 14(5): 594-598.
[120] 廖福成,一类变系数复合系统解的稳定性,数学研究与评论, 1988, 8(3): 411-415.
[121] 廖福成,一类非线性自治大系统的全局稳定性,北京钢铁学院学报, 1986, 4: 120-124.
[122] Fucheng Liao, Guohua Wang, An opinion on the analysis approach for a large-scale system of society, Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Modelling Decision and Game with Application to Social Phenomena, 1986, Beijing, 25-28.
[123] 廖福成,一类变系数线性系统解的稳定性,北京钢铁学院学报, 1985, 4: 101-106.
[124] 廖福成,飞机纵向运动的稳定性研究,科学通报, 1985, 30(22): 1759.

