2023-05-06 11:06
  • 胡斌
  • 胡斌 - 讲师-北京科技大学-冶金与生态工程学院-个人资料




胡斌,男,1988年出生于河北沧州,自2014年考入北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院攻读博士学位,始终致力于第三代超高强高塑汽车钢的开发与研究,主要工作和学习经历如下: 2018.03~至今:北京科技大学,教师博士后; 2016.03~2016.04,香港大学 机械工程系,临时全职助理研究员; 2014.09~2018.01:北京科技大学,冶金工程专业,博士; 2011.09~2014.04:河北联合大学(现华北理工大学),冶金工程专业,硕士; 2007.09~2011.06:河北联合大学(现华北理工大学),冶金工程专业,本科。


先进钢铁材料的成分、组织设计和工艺开发 钢铁材料相变机理的研究 超高强高塑钢铁材料强塑性机理的研究


[1] B.B. He, B. Hu, H.W. Yen, G.J. Cheng, Z.K. Wang, H.W. Luo, M.X. Huang. High dislocation density–induced large ductility in deformed and partitioned steels [J]. Science, 2017, DOI: 10.1126/science.aan0177;SCI 一区;IF:37.205;
[2] B. Hu, H.W. Luo. A strong and ductile 7Mn steel manufactured by warm rolling and exhibiting both transformation and twinning induced plasticity [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017;SCI 一区;IF:3.133;
[3] B. Hu, H.W. Luo, F. Yang, H. Dong. Recent progress in medium-Mn steels made with new designing strategies, a review [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, DOI: org/10.1016/j.jmst.2017.06.017;SCI 二区;IF:2.764
[4] B. Hu, H.W. Luo, Microstructures and mechanical properties of 7Mn steel manufactured by different rolling processes [J]. Metals, 2017, 7(11). doi:10.3390/met7110464;SCI三区;IF:1.984.
[5] Yuanshen Zhu, Bin Hu, Haiwen Luo, Influence of Nb and V on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot–rolled medium Mn steels [J]. Steel research international,
[6] Bin Hu, Haiwen Luo, Pengyu Wen, 7 Mn steel with high strength and large elongation resulting from both transformation and twining induced plasticity[C]//Conference. The 1st International Conference on Automobile Steel (ICAS2016) & 3rd International Conference on High Manganese Steels (HMnS2016), At Cheng Du, 2016.
[7] Haiwen Luo, Bin Hu, New medium Mn steel grades with exceptional tensile properties achieved at different Mn contents[C]//Conference. The 1st International Conference on Automobile Steel (ICAS2016) & 3rd International Conference on High Manganese Steels (HMnS2016), At Cheng Du, 2016.

