2023-05-06 11:06
  • 胡志兴
  • 胡志兴 - 教授-北京科技大学-数理学院-个人资料




1988年6月至1991年6月, 在西安交通大学数学系攻读硕士, 应用数学专业, 获理学硕士学位;
1996年9月至1999年5月, 在北京航空航天大学数学系攻读博士,一般力学与力学基础专业, 获工学博士学位;
2009年8月至2010年2月在美国迈阿密大学作访问学者, 合作导师为阮世贵教授


长期主要从事”非线性动力系统与混沌、生物数学”方面的研究,主要研究方向有: 连续时滞微分积分方程的稳定性; 种群动力学的数学建模及其模型解的渐近性态、极限环的存在性和唯一性; 具有非线性接触率和时滞的流行病动力系统解的局部稳定性和全局稳定性; 微分方程定性和稳定性理论及应用; 脉冲微分方程理论在流行病动力学中的应用; 生化反应系统的渐近性态、极限环的存在性和唯一性;非线性动力系统的混沌"科研业绩:


[1] Hu, Qing,Hu, Zhixing,Liao, Fucheng, Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a HIV-1 infection model with delays and logistic growth,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, (2016年10月), 128: 26-41. (SCI,3区,影响因子:1.124).
[2] Zhixing Hu, Hongwei Wang, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Stability analysis of a computer virus model in latent period,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 75 (2015): 20–28.(SCI), Q2, 影响因子 1.448.
[3] Hui Wang, Xiaomin Hu, Zhixing Hu, and Fucheng Liao,Global Analysis of a Delayed Impulsive Lotka-Volterra Model with Holling III Type Functional Response, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 473539, 15 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/ 2015/473539. (SCI), Q3, 影响因子0.762
[4] Zhixing Hu*, Jiajia Zhang, Hui Wang, Wanbiao Ma, Fucheng Liao, Dynamics analysis of a delayed viral infection model with logistic growth and immune impairment, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (2014): 524–534(SCI). Q1, 影响因子 2.251
[5] Tianlei Wang, Zhixing Hu*, Fucheng Liao,Stability and Hopf bifurcation for a virus infection model with delayed humoral immunity response, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 411(2014), 63–74(SCI), Q1, 影响因子1.12
[6] Zhixing Hu, Weijuan Pang, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Analysis of a CD4+ T cell viral infection model with a class of saturated infection rate, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2014, 19(3): 735-745(SCI). Q3, 影响因子0.768
[7] Tianlei Wang, Zhixing Hu*, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Global stability analysis for delayed virus infection model with general incidence rate and humoral immunity, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2013(89), 13-22(SCI). Q2, 影响因子 0.949
[8] Shengyu Zhou, Zhixing Hu, Wanbiao Ma, and Fucheng Liao, Dynamics Analysis of an HIV Infection Model including Infected Cells in an Eclipse Stage, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013, 1-12 (SCI). Q3, 影响因子0.72
[9] Hui Wang, Rong Wang, Zhixing Hu, and Fucheng Liao, Stability Analysis of an In-Host Viral Model with Cure of Infected Cells and Humoral Immunity, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/102757) 1-5(SCI) , Q3, 影响因子 0.72
[10] Zhixing Hu, Wanbiao Ma, Shigui Ruan, Analysis of SIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and treatment, Mathematical Biosciences, 238 (2012), 12–20(SCI). Q3, 影响因子 1.303
[11] Ping Bi, Zhixing Hu, Hopf bifurcation and stability for a neural network model with mixed delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(2012), 6748–6761(SCI). Q1, 影响因子1.551
[12] Xiaofan Huang, Zhixing Hu, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Dynamics of an improved hepatitis B virus infection model, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 8(2),157-163, 2012;
[13] Xiaoping Wang, Zhixing Hu, Fucheng Liao, Wanbiao Ma, Global dynamics for viral infection model with Beddington-DeAngelis response, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 8(2),164-173, 2012.
[14] Yu Fu, Hui Wang*, Zhixing Hu, Wanbiao Ma, Fucheng Liao, The effect of constant vaccination on an SIR epidemic model with infectious period, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 8(1),75-82, 2012.
[15] Zhixing Hu, Ping Bi, Wanbiao Ma, Shigui Ruan. Bifurcations of an SIRS epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2011, 15(1), 93-112(SCI). Q3, 影响因子 0.768
[16] Xiangdong Liu, Hui Wang, Zhixing Hu, Wanbiao Ma. Global stability of an HIV pathogenesis model with cure rate. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 12 (2011) , 2947–2961, 2011.12(SCI). Q1, 影响因子 2.519
[17] Zhixing Hu, Xiaofan Huang, Wanbiao, Ma. Stability analysis for a delayed SIRS epidemic model with vaccination and nonlinear incidence rate, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology, 2011.6, 90-93。
[18] Zhixing Hu, Xia Li, Wanbiao, Ma. Stability analysis of a delayed model with lytic immune response for HIV infection. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology, 2011.6, 83-89.
[19] Hui Wang, Bihong Gao, Zhixing Hu and Wanbiao Ma, The analysis of cannibalism on a predator-prey mode, \

