2023-05-06 10:52
  • 邹经宇
  • 邹经宇 - 教授-北京交通大学-建筑与艺术学院-个人资料




受教育情况:学位及取得时间 学校名称(请注明国家、城市) 专业
1984-1986 美国密歇根大学 建筑和建筑设计学硕士
1986-1992 美国密歇根大学 建筑和建筑设计学博士
主要工作经历:工作单位(请注明国家、城市) 职称或职位
香港中文大学建筑学系 教授、博导
香港中文大学城市住宅研究中心 主任
香港中文大学太空与地球资讯科学研究所 副所长
国际电脑与土木工程学会(ISCCSE) 理事


近年来主持科研及环境设计规划谘询专案三十余项。同时,与香港中文大学其他系所、国际和内地、香港、台湾地区的知名大学、研究单位和知名学者、城市规划与建筑设计与研究机构、香港及内地政府规划、建设管理部门及企业有广泛的合作关系幷开展相关研究,并与香港特区房屋署、中国城市规划设计研究院等重要机构专门建立有密切的固定研究协作伙伴关系。积极参与多个不同类型的科研专案包括自基础科学研究、应用科研专案、政府及商界专业顾问服务。主要有:世界卫生组织就香港淘大花园非典型肺炎病毒空气传播的可能途径专案研究报告:“Architectural Studies of Air Flow at Amoy Gardens


•邹经宇, 张兴国, 许溶烈, 金德钧(eds) (2008) 第七届中国城市住宅研讨会论文集:绿色建筑与人文环境——山地及地理资源有效利用下的住宅发展(Proceedings of the 7th China Urban Housing Conference: Green Architecture and Social Sustainability: Housing Development Coherent with Geographical Resources and Contexts). 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社.
•Jin-Yeu Tsou, Han Yu, Hui Heung-Sum Cecilia, 2008. Challenges for the Implementation Strategy of Affordable China Housing. Paper presented in China Task Force Meeting of Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Manchester, July 15, 2008.
•Benny KM CHOW and TSOU Jin-yeu, 2008. The Environmental Challenge on Evaluating the External Daylight Provision on High-rise Residential Development in the High-density Urban Living Environment of Hong Kong. Proceedings of The 13th Inter–University Seminar on ASIAN MEGACITIES, Quezon City, Philippines, March 14-16, 2008.
•邹经宇(2008). 风自悠然水自清——城市多尺度通风体系及水循环体系的应用研究(The Application of Multi-scale Natural Ventilation Simulation and Ecological Water System in Sustainable Planning and Building Design). 新建筑(New Architecture), 2. pp.8-13.
•邹经宇, 许溶烈, 金德钧, 潘颖君(eds) (2007) 第六届中国城市住宅研讨会论文集:永续•和谐——快速城镇化背景下的住宅与人居环境(Proceedings of the Sixth China Urban Housing Conference: Sustainable and Harmonious: Development of Eco and Sustainable Housing and Human Settlements under Rapid Urbanization Process). 北京: 中国城市出版社.
•Lawrence LAU, Jin Yeu TSOU, Hui LIN, Jie HE, 2007. Critical Integration – Zoning for Regional Sustainability under Rapid Urbanization Process of China. Paper presented in China Task Force Meeting of Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Manchester, July 4-5, 2007.
•TSOU, Jin Yeu, HE, Jie, XUE, Yucai. 2006. Remote Sensing Applications In Multidisciplinary Urban Planning: A Case Study of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. In Kaga, A. and Naka, R. (eds.), Proceedings of The 11th Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Kumamoto, March 30-April 2, 2006. Kumamoto: Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University. pp.461-470.
•邹经宇, 许溶烈, 金德钧(eds) (2005) 第五届中国城市住宅研讨会:城市化进程中的人均环境和住宅建设:可持续发展与建筑节能(Proceedings of fifth China Urban Housing Conference: Human Settlement and Housing Development under Urbanization Process: Sustainable Development and Energy Conservation). 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社.
•Jin Yeu TSOU, (2005) “Applying Scientific Simulation to Integrate Thermoelectric Conductor Module into Architectural Design - Smart Wall for Thermal Comfort” [Proceedings of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture 2005 (ACADIA)] Savannah (Georgia), October 13-16 2005.
•Jin Yeu TSOU, Jie HE and Yucai XUE (2005) “An Open Space with Scenery: a New Approach to the Performance Based Planning for High Design Urban Habitation” [Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) Volume I / ISBN 81-902816-1-5] New Delih (India): TVB-SHS, GGSIPU, 28-30 April 2005, pp. 328-334

