教育背景 2002-2006,北京交通大学运筹学与控制论专业,理学博士 1994. 9-1997. 6,北京工业大学应用数学系,硕士 1990. 9-1994. 6,河北师范大学数学系,学士 工作经历 2011. 6-2011. 7,意大利墨西拿大学数学系,学术访问 2009. 9-2010. 3,美国亚利桑那州立大学计算机系,学术访问 2008.2,香港科技大学,学术访问 1997. 6-今,北京交通大学数学系,讲师、副教授、教授研究领域
组合设计与编码理论 组合理论与编码 运筹学中的统计分析近期论文
On the exact size of maximum impulse radio sequences with parameters (m, k,λ, k-1), Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics 171 (2014) 122–136New large sets of resolvable Mendelsohn triple systems, Discrete Mathematics 328 (2014) 27–35A new result on Sylvester’s problem, Discrete Mathematics 331 (2014) 15–19, 28 September 2014Nonexistence of some quantum jump codes with specified parameters, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (2014) 73:223–235Overlarge sets of Mendelsohn triple systems with resolvability[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2013-02,313(4),490-497Large sets of Kirkman triple systems and related designs[J]。Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,2013-03,120(3),649-670Sequence covering arrays, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 27, pp 1844-1861, 2013On tight blocking set in minimum coverings[J]。Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,2013-01,40(1),365-370TBSs in some minimum coverings[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2013-02,313(3),278-285On the exact size of maximum impulse radio sequences with parameters (m, k,λ, k-1), Discrete Applied Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2014.02.009Improving Two Recursive Constructions for Covering Arrays[J]。Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,2012-06,6(6),30-47Further results on large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares[J]。Journal of Combinatorial Designs,2012-09,20(9),399-407带可分解性质的幂等拟群大集[J]。中国科学(数学),2012-10,42(10),1037-1045一类可分解Mendelsohn三元系超大集,北京交通大学学报,36 (6) 2012, 141-143.覆盖阵列的新构造[J]。北京交通大学学报,2012-06,36(3),126-128期 刊-> The existence spectrum for (3, lambda)-GDDs of type g^t u^1[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2012-01,312(1),341-350Overlarge sets of resolvable idempotent quasigroups[J]。 Discrete Mathematics,2012-02,312(2),1461-1467Large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2011-01,311(1),24-31P3BD-Closed Sets[J]。Journal of combinatorial designs,2011-11,19(6),407-421A pair of disjoint 3-GDDs of type g^t u^1, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (1) 60 (2011), 37-62.New results on large sets of Kirkman triple systems[J]。Designs, codes, and cryptography,2010-12,55(1), 1–7Large sets of pure directed triple systems with index λ[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica(English Series),2010-12,26(10)1665–1680.Existence of good large sets of Steiner triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2009-12,309(12)3930-3935.Self-converse large sets of pure Mendelsohn triple systems[J]。Acta Mathematica Sinica,2009-12,25(10)1665–1680.Existence of good large sets of Steiner triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2009-12,309(12),Large Sets of Pure Mendelsohn Triple Systems with Index入, Acta Mathematica Applicate Sinica, (5) 31 (2008), 953-960.The spectrum for large sets of pure Mendelsohn triple systems[J]。Discrete Mathematics,2008-12,308(10)1850-1863. 相关热点