2023-05-06 10:45
  • 王宁
  • 王宁 - 教授-北京交通大学-计算机与信息技术学院-个人资料




1. 本科必修课程《数据库系统原理》
2. 研究生专业基础课《高级数据库系统》

1. 2009.12 北京交通大学优秀研究性教学方案
2. 2009.3 北京交通大学“优秀主讲教师”
3. 2008.10 北京交通大学教学成果二等奖

1995/09 – 1998/06,东南大学,计算机科学与工程系,博士
1988/09 – 1991/03,东南大学,计算机科学与工程系,硕士
1984/09 – 1988/07,东南大学,计算机科学与工程系,学士
研究兴趣: 人工智能赋能的数据管理,大数据与群智计算,数据挖掘
2012/03 – 2012/09,美国亚利桑那州立大学,计算机科学系,访问学者
1998/09 – 2006/04, 国家电力公司电力自动化研究院, 高级工程师
1991/03 – 1995/08,南京邮电大学,计算机系,讲师


1. 王宁,王佳敏,基于分布拟合的网络表格间的外键关系检测方法(专利号:201811250624.3)
2. 王宁,孙伟娟,网络表的实体扩展方法(专利号:201711090437.X)
3. 王宁,张丽方,基于属性间依赖关系的网络表格的实体列的检测方法(专利号:201710002389.7)
4. 王宁,刘华西,网络表格语义恢复方法 (专利号:201510211926X)
5. 王宁,任红伟,选择具有快照关系的网络表格的方法及装置(专利号:201410441120.5)
6. 王宁,李杰,一种适合大数据环境具有抗噪声能力的实体解析方法(专利号:201410030391.1)
1. 陈思宇,王宁,网络表格的主函数依赖关系检测软件,登记号:2018SRBJ1169
2. 王佳敏,王宁,网络表格的外键检测软件,登记号:2018SRBJ0805
3. 孙伟娟,王宁,一致性实体扩展软件,登记号:2018SRBJ0572
4. 暴雨晴,王宁,开放性答案决策软件,登记号:2018SRBJ0573
5. 刘华西,王宁,基于众包的网络表格语义恢复软件,登记号:2015SRBJ0561
6. 王宁,任红伟,网络表格的快照检测软件,登记号:2014SRBJ0618
7. 王宁,任向冉,网络表格的语义标注软件,登记号:2014SRBJ0617
8. 王宁,刘华西,徐保民,支持扩展检索的数据合并软件,登记号:2014SRBJ0286
国家重点研发计划-任务: 社区基础数据采集、处理、应用、共享技术


[1] Yihai Xi, Ning Wang, Shuang Hao, Wenyang Yang, Li Li, PocketView: A Concise and Informative Data Summarizer, ICDE 2020 (CCF-A)
[2] Shuang Hao, Chengliang Chai, Guoliang Li, Nan Tang, Ning Wang, Xiang Yu. Outdated Fact Detection in Knowledge Bases, ICDE 2020 (CCF-A)
[3] Weijuan Sun, Ning Wang. Gathering Information on the Web by Consistent Entity Augmentation, 2019, 38(5) (SCI)
[4]Xiaoyu Wu, Ning Wang, Huaxi Liu. Discovering Foreign Keys on Web Tables with the Crowd, 2019, 38(3) (SCI)
[5] Siyu Chen, Ning Wang, Mengmeng Zhang. Mining Approximate Primary Functional Dependency on Web Tables, IEICE Transactions on Informations and Systems, E102.D, 2019 (SCI)
[6] 郝爽,李国良,冯建华,王宁. 结构化数据清洗技术综述.清华大学学报,2018,58(12) (EI)
[7] Ning Wang, Xiangran Ren. Identifying Multiple Entity Columns in Web tables.International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,2018,3(28) (SCI)
[8 Ning Wang, Huaxi Liu.Annotating web tables with the crowd.Computing and Informatics,2018,37(4) (SCI)
[9] Fei Qi, Xiaoyu Wu, Ning Wang.Building Top-k Consistent Results for Web Table Augmentation.WISA 2017,2017 (EI)
[10] Yihai Xi, Ning Wang, Xiaoyu Wu, Yuqin Bao, Wutong Zhou.CrowdIQ:A Declarative Crowdsourcing Platform for Improving the Quality of Web Tables.APWeb-WAIM: Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint Conference on Web and Big Data,2017 (EI)
[11] 齐飞,王宁,张丽方,孙伟娟.基于列重合度的网络表格一致性扩展.计算机科学,2017,9(44)
[12] 张丽方,王宁,齐飞.Web表格的实体列发现算法.计算机工程,2017,12(43)
[13] Ning Wang, Tian Tian.Summarizing Personal Dataspace Based on User Interests.International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,2016,5(26) (SCI)
[14] 王宁,任红伟.网络表格间的快照关系发现.计算机科学,2015,7(42)
[15] 王宁,黄敏.基于MapReduce与两层相关性聚类的实体解析方法.计算机工程,2015,9(41)
[16] Huaxi Liu, Ning Wang, and Xiangran Ren , CrowdSR: A Crowd Enabled System for Semantic Recovering of Web Tables, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 9098, pp.581-583, 2015. (WAIM 2015 BEST DEMO AWARD) (EI)
[17] Ning Wang, Hongfang Du, Baomin Xu, Compact Indexes Based on Core Content in Personal Dataspace Management System, Computing and Informatics, Vol.33, No.2, pp.281-302, 2014. (SCI)
[18] Nathalie Cindy Kuicheu, Ning Wang, et.al, An Iterative Approach to Managing Uncertain Mappings in Dataspace Support Platforms, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.24, No.4,pp.635-652, 2014. (SCI)
[19] 王宁,李杰,大数据环境下用于实体解析的两层相关性聚类算法,计算机研究与发展,Vol.51, No.9, pp.2018-2116, 2014. (EI)
[20] 宋玉玲,王宁,利用实体语义信息的关键字查询结果多样化,计算机科学与探索,Vol.8, No. 3, pp.266-274, 2014.
[21] Xudong Lin, Ning Wang, XML Normalization Based On Entity Segments, Information Sciences, Vol.239,pp.85-95, 2013.8 (SCI)
[22] Nathalie Cindy Kuicheu, Ning Wang, Managing Uncertain Mediated Schema and Semantic Mappings Automatically in Dataspace Support Platforms, Computing and Informatics, Vol.32, No.1, pp.175-202,2013.1. (SCI)
[23] Ning Wang, Jie Li, Restoring: A Greedy Heuristic Approach Based on Neighborhood for Correlation, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2013. (EI)
[24] Yuling Song, Ning Wang, Results Diversification for XML Keyword search Based on the Semantic Category of Central Entity, The 10th Web Information System and Application Conference, Nov. 1-3, Yangzhou, China, 2013. (EI)
[1] Description Logic Based Icons Semantics: an Ontology for Icons, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing, Oct. 21-25, Beijing, China, pp.1260-1263, 2012. (EI)
[2] 2PROM: a Two Phase Image Retrieval Optimization on Dataspace Using Predictive Modelling, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing, Oct. 21-25, Beijing, China, pp.1176-1179, 2012. (EI)
[3] A Novel XML Keyword Query Approach Using Entity Subtree,Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.83, No.6, 2010, pp. 990-1003. (SCI)
[4] A Novel Two-Phase XML Keyword Query Algorithm, Chinese of Journal Electronics, Vol.19, No.4, 2010, pp.613-617. (SCI)
[5] Predicting Dataspace Retrieval using Probabilistic Hidden Information, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and System, Vol.E93-D, No.7, 2010, pp.1991-1994. (SCI)
[6] Collaborative Integration and Management of Community Information in the Cloud, Proceedings of International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Guangzhou, China, May 7-9,2010, pp.1406-1409. (EI)
[7] A Complete Data Dependency Model, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Aug. 10-12, 2010, Yantai, China, pp.1927-1931.( ISTP)
[8] SMX/R: Efficient Way of Storing and Managing XML Documents Using RDBMSs Based on Paths, Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, April 16-18, 2010, Chengdu, China, pp.143-147. (ISTP)
[9] Building Semantic Relationships Incrementally in Dataspace, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, Dec. 18-20, 2009, Nanjing China. (EI)
[10] Resource Summary for Pay-as-you-go Dataspace Systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, October 26-29, 2008, Beijing, China.(ISTP)
[11] Rank-aware XML Data Model and Algebra: Towards Unifying Exact Match and Similar Match in XML,Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet & Video Technologies, September 15-17,2007,Beijing, China (ISTP)
[12] NNQM: a novel non-navigating XML Query Model, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet & Video Technologies, September 15-17,2007,Beijing, China(ISTP)
[13] XIRS: an XML-based Image Retrieval System, Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet & Video Technologies, September 15-17,2007,Beijing, China
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[20] 异构数据源集成系统中基于数据源能力的查询分解和优化策略,《计算机学报》,Vol.22,No.1,1999年1月
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[22] 异构数据源集成系统查询处理的实现,《计算机科学》, 1998年10月
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[24] 同构OIM对象及其存储策略,《计算机科学》, 1998年10月
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1. 铁路信息系统工程与实践,中国铁道出版社,2014.10
1. 中国计算机学会数据库专委会委员,全国数据库学术会议程序委员会委员
2. 数据库与数据挖掘领域著名国际会议SIGIR 2020、CIKM 2020、DASFFA 2020、DASFFA 2019、CIKM 2017、CIKM 2018 的程序委员会委员
3. 担任《软件学报》、《计算机科学》、《Distributed and Parallel Databases》、《International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering》审稿人

