2023-05-06 10:41
  • 彭双和
  • 彭双和 - 副教授-北京交通大学-计算机与信息技术学院-个人资料




(1) 彭双和,韩臻,刘吉强。基于移动TPM的引导文件可信校验


期刊论文-> Peng Shuanghe,Liu Peiyao,Han Jing. A Python Security Analysis Framework in Integrity Verification and Vulnerability Detection,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, April 2019, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 141–148.
期刊论文->计算机高速缓存相关概念案例教学的探讨. 赵佳利, 彭双和, 韩静. 计算机教育, 2018.9.
期刊论文->动态内存分配及内存泄漏相关概念案例教学的探讨. 韩静,彭双和 , 赵佳利. 计算机教育, 2019.1
期刊论文->彭双和,图尔贡·麦提萨比尔,金傳. 针对减弱隐蔽信道攻击的Xen虚拟机调度策略研究, 武汉大学学报(工学版) 51(4):195-204, 2018.
期刊论文->彭双和,图尔贡·麦提萨比尔,基于Simhash的中文文本去重技术研究, 计算机技术与发展,27(11):137-145, 2017.11.
期刊论文->彭双和, 陈志阁, 陈得恩. 跳表和认证跳表的性能分析及对比,北京交通大学学报,40(2):58-62,2016.
期刊论文->Shuanghe Peng, Zhige Chen, Deen Chen. Membership Proof and Verification in Authenticated Skip Lists based on Heap, China Communications,2016
期刊论文->Shuanghe Peng , Zhen Han. Enhancing PC Security with a U-Key, IEEE Security & Privacy, 4(5):34-39, 2006.
期刊论文->彭双和,韩臻,沈昌祥. 安全域间信息资源访问的协议和方法, 计算机研究与发展, 42(9):1587-1593, 2005.
期刊论文->彭双和,韩臻.一种扩展应用边界安全设备认证能力的方法, 北京交通大学学报, 28(5):6-10, 2004.
期刊论文->彭双和,杨根兴.32位微处理器下伪SPI技术的设计与实现, 微型机与应用, 21(2):25-27, 2002.
会议论文->Zihao Wang, Shuanghe Peng, Xinyue Guo, Wenbin Jiang. Zero in and TimeFuzz: Detection and Mitigation of Cache Side-Channel Attacks. the 11th International Conference of Security for Information Technology and Communications (SecITC 2018), Nov.2018, Bucharest, Romania.

会议论文->Shuanghe Peng,, Qiaofeng Zhou. Detection of Cache-based Side Channel Attack Based on Performance Counters, AIIE2017.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Yingjie Qin and Zhige Chen. A Simple and More Versatile Authentication Path Computation Algorithm for Binary Hash Tree, the Third ASE International Conference on Cyber Security, CyberSecurity2014, Pages:1-8.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Meng Fan, Yingjie Qin and Zhige Chen. A Public-Verifiable Secure Logging Scheme on Chinese Trusted Platform, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Science and Engineering, CyberSE 2013, Pages:324-330.
会议论文-> 彭双和,刘吉强.Trust Verification of Booting File in Real Mode Using Portable TPM。Proceedings of 2011 cross-strait conference on information science and technology and icube ,台北,239:239,2011-12
会议论文-> 彭双和,韩臻.A Trusted Boot System Using Portable TPM on EFI based BIOS。Proceedings of 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology,秦皇岛,2010-12
会议论文-> 章睿,刘吉强,彭双和.A Trusted Bootstrap Scheme on EFI。MINES2009,武汉,2009-12
会议论文-> 彭双和,韩臻.Design and Implementation of Portable TPM Device Driver Based on Extensible Firmware Interface。Mines2009,武汉,2009-12
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Zhen Han. Trust of user using U-Key on trusted platform,2008 8th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2006, Pages:3023-3026.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Zhen Han. Proxy cryptography for secure inter-domain information exchanges, 11th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC 2005, Pages:193-199.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Zhen Han. ID-Based Proxy Signature and Designated-verifier Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Maps, Chinese Conference of Information and Communication Security CCICS'2005, Pages:220-227.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng, Jiqiang Liu. Security Enhancement for Two Remote User Authentication Schemes. ICSP'04 Proceedings, Pages:2628-2631, 2004.
会议论文->Shuanghe Peng. Apply secure policy infrastructure to build active and defensive application boundary device, the 19th Chinese Conference of Computer Security, 2004.
期刊论文-> Zeyu Mi, Haibo Chen,Yinqian Zhang, Shuanghe Peng, Xiaofeng Wang, and Michael Reiter. CPU Elasticity to Mitigate Cross-VM Runtime Monitoring, In Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2018.
(1) CTCIS2010
(2) CTCIS2013
(3) CTCIS2014
(4) CTCIS2015

