2023-05-06 10:41
  • 彭亚辉
  • 彭亚辉 - 教授-北京交通大学-电子信息工程学院-个人资料




1993-1998 清华大学工程物理系 工程物理 工学学士
1998-2001 清华大学核能设计研究院 核技术及应用 工学硕士
2001-2010 University of Chicago Medical Physics Ph.D.
2010-2013 University of Chicago Department of Radiology Postdoctoral Scholar
2013-2018 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 副教授
2018- 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 教授


人才基金:前列腺动态磁共振图像的计算机分析,2014-01-02 -- 2015-12-31
人才基金:前列腺癌多模磁共振成像计算机定量分析算法研究,2014-11-03 -- 2017-11-03
国家自然科学基金(面上):多模态MRI图像肺癌检测与分类方法研究,2016-01 -- 2019-12
国家自然科学基金(面上):高温气冷堆球形燃料元件三维CT无损检测的伪像校正及统计评价方法研究,2016-01 -- 2019-12
国家自然科学基金(面上):前列腺DCE-MRI数据分析中主动脉输入函数的盲源分离算法研究,2018-01 -- 2021-12"


Y Peng, Y Jiang, C Yang, J Bancroft Brown, T Antic, I Sethi, C Schmid-Tannwald, ML Giger, S Eggener, A Oto. Quantitative analysis of multi-parametric prostate MR images: Differentiation between prostate cancer and normal tissue and correlation with Gleason score-a CAD development study. Radiology (0033-8419). 267(3):787–796, 2013. (IF 6.214, WOS:000319445400015)
FN Soylu, Y Peng, Y Jiang, A Oto. Seminal vesicle invasion in prostate cancer: Evaluation by using multi-parametric endorectal MR imaging. Radiology (0033-8419) 267(3):797–806, 2013. (IF 6.214, WOS:000319445400016)
I Karademir, D Shen, Y Peng, S Liao, Y Jiang, A Yousuf, G Karczmar, S Sammet, S Wang, M Medved, T Antic, S Eggener, A Oto. Prostate volumes derived from MRI and volume-adjusted serum prostate-specific antigen: Correlation with Gleason score of prostate cancer. American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) 201(5):1041–1048, 2013. (IF 2.744, WOS:000326097900037)
B Hansford, I Karademir, Y Peng, Y Jiang, G Karczmar, S Thomas, A Yousuf, T Antic, S Eggener, A Oto. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging features of the normal central zone of the prostate. Academic Radiology (ISSN 1076-6332) 21(5):569–577, 2014. (IF 1.751, WOS:000334559200003)
Liarski VM, Kaverina N, Chang A, Brandt D, Yanez D, Talasnik L, Carlesso G, Herbst R, Utset TO, Labno C, Peng Y, Jiang Y, Giger ML, Clark MR. Cell distance mapping identifies functional T follicular helper cells in inflamed human renal tissue. Science Translation Medicine (ISSN 1946-6234) 6(230):230ra46, 2014. (IF 15.843, WOS:000333905000004)
B Hansford, Y Peng, Y Jiang, H Al-Ahmadie, S Eggener, A Yousuf, A Oto. Revisiting the central gland anatomy via MR imaging: Does the central gland extend below the level of verumontanum? Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI) (ISSN 1053-1807) 39(1):167–171, 2014. (IF 3.210, WOS:000328185400020)
S Wang, Y Peng, M Medved, AN Yousuf, MK Ivancevic, I Karademir, Y Jiang, T Antic, S Sammet, A Oto, GS Karczmar. Hybrid multidimensional T2 and diffusion-weighted MRI for prostate cancer detection. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI) (1053-1807) 39(4):781–788, 2014 (IF 3.210, WOS:000333038300003)
Y Peng, Y Jiang, T Antic, I Sethi, C Schmid-Tannwald, S Eggener, A Oto. Apparent diffusion coefficient for prostate cancer imaging: impact of b values. American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) (ISSN 0361-803X) 202(3):W247–W253, 2014. (IF 2.731, WOS:000332510900009)
Y Peng, Y Jiang, T Antic, I Sethi, C Schmid-Tannwald, ML Giger, S Eggener, A Oto. Cross-MR-manufacture validation of computer-aided diagnosis of prostate cancer: detection and correlation with Gleason score based on multi-parametric endorectal MR imaging. Radiology (0033-8419) 271(2):461–471, 2014. (IF 6.867, WOS:000335153000018)
M Sadinski, M Medved, I Karademir, S Wang, Y Peng, Y Jiang, S Sammet, G Karczmar, A Oto. Short-term reproducibility of apparent diffusion coefficient estimated from diffusion-weighted MRI of the prostate. Abdominal Imaging (0942-8925) 40(7):2523–2528, 2015. (IF 1.630, WOS:000361835700046)
BG Hansford, Y Peng, Y Jiang, MW Vannier, T Antic, S Thomas, S McCann, A Oto. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging curve-type analysis: Is it helpful in the differentiation of prostate cancer from healthy peripheral zone? Radiology 275(2):448–57, 2015. (IF 6.867, WOS:000355987700017)
Y Peng, D Shen, S Liao, B Turkbey, S Rais-Bahrami, B Wood, I Karademia, T Antic, A Yousef, Y Jiang, PA Pinto, PL Choyke, A Oto. MRI-based prostate volume-adjusted prostate-specific antigen in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI) (1053-1807) 42(6):1733–1739, 2015 (IF 2.788, WOS:000368258100030)
K Ibrahim, E Ward, Y Peng, L Wise, C Buckle, R Kunnavakkam, and A Oto. Measurements of Hepatic Metastasis on MR imaging: Assessment of Interobserver and Intersequence Variability. Academic Radiology (ISSN 1076-6332) 23(2):132–143, 2016 (WOS:000368470900002)
S Guneyli, E Ward, S Thomas, AN Yousuf, I Trilisky, Y Peng, T Antic, and A Oto. Magnetic resonance imaging of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (ISSN 1305-3825) 22(3):215-219, 2015 (IF 1.436 WOS:000376590400003)
M Sadinski, G Karczmar, Y Peng, S Wang, Y Jiang, M Medved, and A Oto. Pilot Study of the Use of Hybrid Multidimensional T2-Weighted Imaging–DWI for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer and Evaluation of Gleason Score. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology (ISSN 0361-803X) 207(3):592–598 2016 (WOS:000383980200022 doi:10.2214/AJR.15.15626)
Kichul Ko, Jianing Wang, Stuart Perper, Yulei Jiang, Denisse Yanez, Natalya Kaverina, Junting Ai, Vladimir M. Liarski, Anthony Chang, Yahui Peng, Li Lan, Susan Westmoreland, Lisa Olson, Maryellen L. Giger, Li Chun Wang, and Marcus R. Clark. BCL-2 as a Therapeutic Target in Human Tubulointerstitial Inflammation. Arthritis & Rheumatology (ISSN 2326-5191) 68(11):2740-2751, 2016. (IF 7.764 doi:10.1002/art.39744)
Y Li, H Chen, X Wei, Y Peng, L Cheng. Mass classification in mammograms based on two-concentric masks and discriminating texton. Pattern Recognition, 60:648-656. 2016.
H Chen, Y Li, Y Peng. Survey of multi-view matching in mammogram. Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing, 31(5):845-855. 2016. (in Chinese)
E Ward, M Baak, Y Peng, T Antic, AN Yousuf, and A Oto. Multi-parametric MR Imaging of the Anterior Fibromuscular Stroma and its Differentiation from Prostate Cancer. Abdominal Imaging (ISSN 0942-8925) 2017:926-934.
S Guneyli, E Ward, Y Peng, A Yousuf, I Trilisky, T Antic, A Oto. MRI evaluation of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Correlation with international prostate symptom score. J Magn Reson Imaging. 45(3):917-925, 2017.
Q Wan, Y Deng, J Zhou, Y Yu, Y Bao, Q Lei, H Chen, Y Peng, Y Mei, Q Zeng, X Li. Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MR imaging in assessing and characterizing solitary pulmonary lesions. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:43257.
L Zhu, X Xiang, Y Du, G Yu, Z Li, Y Peng, X Wang. Uniformity Assessment of TRISO Fuel Particle Distribution in Spherical HTGR Fuel Element Using Voronoi Tessellation and Delaunay Triangulation. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. vol. 2018, Article ID 7274261, 2018.
Z Jiang, Z Yu, S Feng, Z Huang, Y Peng, J Guo, Q Ren, Y Lu. A super-resolution method-based pipeline for fundus fluorescein angiography imaging. Biomedical Engineering Online, 17:125, 2018.
W Lv, H Chen, Y Peng, Y Li, J Li. An atlas-based multimodal registration method for 2D images with discrepancy structures. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 56(11):2151-2161, 2018.
P Zhou, H Chen, Z Yu, Y Peng, Y Li, F Yang. Review of cross-modality medical image prediction. Acta Electronica Sinica (in Chinese). 47(1), 220-226, 2019.
Y Peng, X Cao, H Chen, Y Li, J Li, X Wang. Preliminary study on noise and artifact reduction in phase-contrast CT image of tristructural-isotropic coated fuel particle. Acta Electronica Sinica (in Chinese), 47(2):448-453, 2019.
L Zhu, X Xiang, Y Peng, X Wang. Three-Dimensional Measurement of TRISO Coated Particle Using Micro Computed Tomography. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2019:2908538, 2019.

