基本情况 1957年出生,陕西西安人。1978年2月~1982年1月在西北工业一般力学专业上本科。1982年2月~2002年6月在西北工业大学任教。1985年、1995年分别获西北工业大学硕士、博士学位。1998-1999年在俄罗斯萨玛拉航空航天大学进修。2002年6月起在北京航空航天大学工作。北京航空航天大学优秀主讲教师。 Zhao YushanGender: MaleDegree level: Ph.DTitle: Ph.D Supervisor /ProfessorPost: Secretary of the Party BranchResearch interests: Dynamics, Control, Guidance and Navigation of Spacecraft, Overall design of missile system Biography:Prof. Zhao was born in 1957 in Xi'an City, Shannxi Province. He majored general mechanics for his bachelor degree in Northwestern Polytechnical University between February, 1978 and January, 1982, and then got his master degree in 1985 and Ph.D degree in 1995. During 1998 and 1999, he engaged in advanced studies in Samara University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Russia. He taught in Northwestern Polytechnical University from February, 1982 to June, 2002, and then worked in Beihang University since 2002, where he was awarded the excellent teacher of Beihang University. 科研成果 主持多项自然科学基金和横向课题,发表论文30余篇,编写教材4本。研究领域
航天器动力学与控制,航天器制导导航与控制,导弹总体设计 相关热点