朱大鹏,北航特聘副研究员,博士生导师。\r\r2008年本科毕业于山东大学物理学基地班\r\r2014年博士毕业于山东大学凝聚态物理专业\r\r2015-2019年在新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程系从事博士后研究工作\r\r2019年4月加入北京航空航天大学,在微电子学院以及北航歌尔微电子创新技术研究院开展工作。 2020年入选北航青年拔尖人才支持计划。研究领域
Yi Wang†, Dapeng Zhu†, Yumeng Yang, Kyusup Lee, Rahul Mishra, Gyungchoon Go, Se-Hyeok Oh, Dong-Hyun Kim, Kaiming Cai, Enlong Liu, Shawn D. Pollard, Shuyuan Shi, Jongmin Lee, Kie Leong Teo, Yihong Wu, Kyung-Jin Lee, Hyunsoo Yang, Magnetization switching by magnon-mediated spin torque through an antiferromagnetic insulator, Science 366, 1125 (2019)\r\rHuaiwen Yang, Boyu Zhang, Xueying Zhang, Xi Yan, Wenlong Cai, Yinglin Zhao, Jirong Sun, Kang L. Wang, Dapeng Zhu*, and Weisheng Zhao*, Giant Charge-to-Spin Conversion Efficiency in SrTiO3-Based Electron Gas Interface, Physical Review Applied 12, 034004 (2019)\r\rXinbo Wang†, Liang Cheng†, Dapeng Zhu†, Yang Wu, Mengji Chen, Daming Zhao, Jian-Xin Zhu, Justin C. W. Song, M. Battiato, Hyunsoo Yang, and Elbert E. M. Chia, Ultrafast spin-to-charge conversion at the surface of topological insulator thin films, Advanced Materials 30, 1802356 (2018)\r\rYi Wang†, Dapeng Zhu†, Yang Wu, Yumeng Yang, Jiawei, Yu, Rajagopalan Ramaswamy, Rahul, Mishra, Shuyuan Shi, Mehrdad, Elyasi, Kie-leong Teo, Yihong, Wu and Hyunsoo Yang, Room temperature magnetization switching in topological insulator-ferromagnet heterostructures by spin-orbit torques, Nature Communications 8, 1364 (2017). 编辑推荐文章,ESI高引\r\rDapeng Zhu, Qiang Cao, Ruimin Qiao, Shimeng Zhu, Wanli Yang, Weixing Xia, Yufeng Tian, Guolei Liu and Shishen Yan, Oxygen vacancies controlled multiple magnetic phases in epitaxial single crystal Co0.5(Mg0.55Zn0.45)0.5O1-v thin films, Scientific Reports, 6, 24188 (2016) 相关热点