2023-05-06 10:22
  • 肖依永
  • 肖依永 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-可靠性与系统工程学院-个人资料








Xiao Yiyong, et al. The continuous pollution routing problem, \r
Huang Changhao,Xiao Yiyong. An optimal solution approach based on mathematical programming for the k-modes clustering on categorical data (under review)\r
Xiao Yiyong, Yue Xie, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Konak Abdullah. A problem evolution algorithm with linear programming for the dynamic facility layout problem—A general layout formulation. Computers and Operations Research 88 (2017) 187–207. (Q1)\r
Xie Yue, Zhou Shenhan, Xiao Yiyong*, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Konak Abdullah. A β-accurate linearization method of Euclidean distance for the facility layout problem with heterogeneous distance metrics. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(1), 2018, 26-38. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Konak Abdullah. A variable neighborhood search with exact local search for network design problem with relay. Journal of Heuristics 23(2–3), 2017, pp: 137–164. (Q2)\r
Xiao Yiyong Konak Abdullah. A genetic algorithm with exact dynamic programming for the green vehicle routing and scheduling problem. Journal of Clean Production, 167(2017), 1450-1463. (Q1, IF=5.315)\r
Xiao Yiyong Konak Abdullah. The heterogeneous green vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time-varying traffic congestion. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 88 2016 146-166. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Konak Abdullah. A simulating annealing algorithm to solve the green vehicle routing & scheduling problem with hierarchical objectives and weighted tardiness. Applied Soft Computing 34 2015 372-388.(Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Yuan Yingying Zhang Ren-Qian Konak Abdullah. Non-permutation flow shop scheduling with order acceptance and weighted tardiness. Applied Mathematics and Computation 270(1) 2015 312-333. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Tian Yun Zhao Qiuhong. Optimizing frequent time-window selection for association rules mining in a temporal database using a variable neighbourhood search. Computers & Operations Research 52B 2014 241-250. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhang Renqian Zhao Qiuhong Kaku Ikou Xu Yuchun. A variable neighborhood search with an effective local search for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems. European Journal of Operational Research 235(1) 2014 102-114. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhao Qiuhong Kaku Ikou Nenad Mladenovic. Variable Neighborhood Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems. Engineering Optimization 46(4) 2014 562-579. (Q2)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhang Renqian Zhao Qiuhong Kaku Ikou. Permutation flow shop scheduling with order acceptance and weighted tardiness. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 7911–7926. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhao Qiuhong Kaku Ikou Xu Yuchun. Development of a Fuel Consumption Optimization Model for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Computers & Operations Research 39 (7) 2012 1419–1431. (Q1) ESI highly cited paper\r
Xiao Yiyong Kaku Ikuo Zhao Qiuhong Zhang Renqian. Neighborhood search techniques for solving uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems. Computers & Operations Research. 39(3) 2012 647-658. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Kaku Ikou Zhao Qiuhong Zhang Renqian. A reduced variable neighborhood search algorithm for multilevel uncapacitated lot-sizing problems. European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2011) 223-231. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhang Renqian Kaku Ikou. A new framework of mining association rules with time-window on real-time transaction database. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control 2011 7(6) 3239-3253. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Zhang Renqian Kaku Ikou. A new approach of inventory classification based on loss profit. Expert Systems With Applications 38(8) 9382-9391. (Q1)\r
Xiao Yiyong Kaku Ikuo Zhao Qiuhong Zhang Renqian. A variable neighborhood search based approach for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering 60(2011) 218–227. (Q1)\r
Zhang Renqian Kaku Ikou Xiao Yiyong. Deterministic EOQ with partial backordering and correlated demand caused by cross-selling. European Journal of Operational Research 2011 210(3) 537-551. (Q1)\r
Zhang Renqian Zhang Lankang Xiao Yiyong Kaku Ikou. The activity-based aggregate production planning with capacity expansion in manufacturing systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering 2012 62(2) pp.491-503.2011 2012 62(2) pp.491-503. (Q1)\r
Zhang Renqian Kaku Ikou Xiao Yiyong. Model and heuristic algorithm of the joint replenishment problem with complete backordering and correlated demand. International Journal of Production Economics 2012 139(1) 33-41. (Q1)\r
Huang Zhaodong Chang Wenbing Xiao Yiyong. Human Resources Allocation with Predefined Sequence. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 2010 21(6) 1008–1013. (Q4)\r
Xiao Yiyong Konak Abdullah. Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Varying Traffic Congestion. 14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference Richmond Virginia January 11-13 2015 pp. 134-148 (美国计算领域顶级会议)\r
Zhang Jie Dong Jianrui Xiao Yiyong Research on Single-level Lot-sizing Problem under the Time-varying Environment IEEE conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2015) Singapore 2015. \r
Zhang Jie Dong Jianrui Yiyong Xiao A New Method on Finding Optimal Centers for Improving K-means Algorithm IEEE conference on Control and Decision Conference (2015 CCDC) Guangzhou 2015. (研究生)\r
Yuan Yingying Zhang Jie Xiao Yiyong. A Reliability and Activity-cost based model for the Operation and Maintenance Cost Estimation of Exported Aircraft. ICRMS 2014 2014 年4 月,广州. \r
田韵 袁莹莹 曹金龙 肖依永. 复杂装备研制项目的动态挣值管理与可视化技术. 系统工程 2014 32(4) pp.45-53. \r
Xiao Yiyong Tian Yun Zhao Qiuhong Discovering Frequent Itemset with Maximum Time-Window on Temporal Transaction Database using Variable Neighborhood Search. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2012 39 137-144.\r
Zhao Qiuhong Xie Chao Xiao Yiyong. A variable neighborhood decomposition search algorithm for multilevel capacitated lot-sizing problems. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2012 39 129-135\r
Kaku Ikou Zhang Renqian Xiao Yiyong. A Quantitative Approach for Estimating the Opportunity Cost with Cross-Selling. International Journal of Services Sciences 2011 4(1) 14-37.\r
肖依永张人千常文兵.基于制造清单的企业计划模型研究.系统工程理论与实践201030(2) 227-235.\r
Yuan Yingying Xiao Yiyong Zhang Jie Y. Tian. Mining status-set Sequential Pattern based on frequent itemset for failure prediction in a temporal database with multiple status items monitored. IEEE conference on Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC) The 26th Chinese pp5314-5319. \r
Tian Yun Yuan Yingying Cao Jinlong Xiao Yiyong. An optimization model based dynamic EVM and its visualization technique for complex projects. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research ICAICTE-13 2013 pp.857-863. \r
Xiao Yiyong Kaku Ikou Variable Neighborhood Search based Approach for Solving Multilevel Lot-Sizing Problems. Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER ENGINEERING Penang Malaysia March 23-25 2010 pp.119-124.\r
Xiao Yiyong Xing Xiaoyan Kaku Ikou. Neighborhood Search Techniques of Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Uncapacitated Multilevel Lot-Sizing Problems. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2010) Xiamen Otc. 2010 pp.798-804.\r
Xing Xiaoyan Xiao Yiyong Chang Wenbing et al. The Establishment of a Preventive Maintenance Period Optimum Model. The 18th Int. Conf. on Management Science and Engineering (IEEE) Changchun Sep2011 PART 2 pp.1169-1172. \r
Cao Jinlong Xiao Yiyong Xing Xiaoyan. A life cycle Cost-based Product Design Approach through Integral Architecture. The 18th Int. Conf. on Management Science and Engineering(IEEE)ChangchunChinaSep2011 PART 1 pp.526-531. \r
Cao Jinlong Xiao Yiyong. A Wavelet-analysis-based Change point Model for Process Monitoring. The 9th Int. Conf. on Reliability Maintainability and Safety. Guiyang China June 2011 Vol.II pp.1347-1353.\r
Kaku Ikou Xiao Yiyong. Implemental Techniques and their Effectives for Evolutionary Algorithms Used to Solve Multilevel Lot Sizing Problems. The IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications Changsha ChinaSeptember 23 - 26 2010 pp. 303-309.\r
Xing Xiaoyan Xiao Yiyong and Huang Zhaodong. Uncertainty Research on Economical Reliability of Equipment based on Extended Mentor Carlo Simulation. 2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2010 pp.986-990. \r
Xing Xiaoyan Xiao Yiyong and Zhang Renqian. Parameter Selection Optimization for Parametric Cost Estimation based on Simulated Annealing. 2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM2010)2010 pp.231-236. \r
Huang Zhaodong Chang Wenbing Xiao Yiyong and Liu Rui. An Extended Monte Carlo Method on Simulating the Development Cost Uncertainties of Aircraft. Advanced Material Research 118-120(2010) 810-814. \r
Huang Zhaodong Chang Wenbing Xiao Yiyong and Liu Rui. Optimizing Human Resources Allocation on Aircraft Maintenance with Predefined Sequence. Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management 2010 VOL.1-3 pp.1018-1022.

