2023-05-06 10:14
  • 宋怡玲
  • 宋怡玲 - 副教授-北京航空航天大学-生物与医学工程学院-个人资料




1981 – 1985 山东大学、生物系、微生物学专业 学士学位\r
1995 – 1998 山东大学、生命科学学院、微生物学专业、硕士学位\r
2007 – 2008 英国牛津大学、生物化学系、访问学者\r
1985 – 1998 山东轻工业学院、食品与生物工程学院、讲师\r
1998 – 2001 北京大学、生命科学学院、讲师\r
2001 – 今 北京航空航天大学、生物与医学工程学院、讲师、副教授\r
2009-今 北京航空航天大学、生物与医学工程学院在职博士研究生




Yiling Song* (宋怡玲), Jun Yang, Hong Pan et al. Isolation and Identification of a Low Density Polyethylene Degradable Bacterium. Advanced Materials Research 2011; 356-360: 172-76\r
Yury L. Gurevich*, Margarita I. Teremova, Galina N. Bondarenko, Valerie F. Kargin, Sergey V. Khizhnyak, Aleksander S. Romanchenko, Jun Yang, Yiling Song*(宋怡玲). Polyethylene Destruction by the Mixed Culture of Microorganisms. Advanced Materials Research 2011; 356-360: 1693-98\r
YANG, Jun, SONG, Yiling* (宋怡玲), QIN, Xiaoyan. Biodegradation of polyethylene. Environmental Science, 2007, 28(4): 253-256\r
QIN, Xiaoyan, YANG, Jun, SONG, Yiling*(宋怡玲). Advances in Biodegradation of Plastics. Proceedings of 2005 Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Microbiology, October 28-31, 2005, Dalian, Liaoning, China\r
SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲). Teaching system construction and innovative talent training through the course of “Introduction to Life Science”. Higher Education of Sciences. 2006, 70(6): 37-39\r
ZHUANG, F-Y, SUN, LW, SONG, YL (宋怡玲). Possible role of mechano-sensors and the change of relative location of cell organelles in microgravity effects cells. Proceedings of the 10th International Space Conference of Pacific-Asia Societies. Tokyo, Japan. 2003, 241-242\r
ZHUANG, Fengyuan, SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲), SUN, Lianwen. Possible mechanism for the effect of microgravity on cell function. Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Deep Space Exploration, China National Space Administration, 2002, 377-379\r
QIN, Xiaoyan, YANG, Jun, SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲). Advances in Biodegradation of Plastics. Proceedings of 2005 Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Microbiology, October 28-31, 2005, Dalian, Liaoning, China\r
SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲), WANG, Jin, SONG, Guijing. Possible mechanism for the effect of fluoride on improving the productivity of ethanol. Proceedings of 2004 Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Microbiology, November 16-19, 2004, Nanning, Guangxi, China\r
SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲), WANG, Jin, WEI, Shuzhong. Influence of fluoride on alcohol fermentation. Industrial Microbiology, 1997, 27(1): 25-29\r
SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲), WEI, Shuzhong. A Simple Separation Method for Bifidobacteria. Journal of Food Industry of Shanxi, 1994, (1): 23-25\r
SONG, Yiling (宋怡玲), WANG, Jin. Reform and research through the course of microbiology. Proceedings of High Education Research. Tianjin People’s Press, 1994, 217-220\r
姚学峰,宋怡铃*. 细胞色素P450 BM3催化正十六烷动力学. 生物信息学2011, 9(2) 134-137\r
姚学峰,宋怡铃*. 细胞外酶MnP降解聚乙烯分子动力学研究. 生物技术通报. 2009,Z1:356-359\r
发明专利:宋怡玲,杨军,秦小燕,潘洪. 一种印度谷螟幼虫降解聚乙烯塑料的方法. 北京航空航天大学(2011.09.07,ZL 2009 1 0241206.2)\r

