2023-05-06 10:10
  • 马宝峰
  • 马宝峰 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-流体力学教育部重点实验室-个人资料




中国力学学会 科技进步奖二等奖(马宝峰,邓学蓥),飞行器大迎角复杂空气动力学机理及应用研究, 2019.8.5




Hong-Gang Jiang, Bao-Feng Ma, Experiments on self-sustained oscillations of leeward vortices over a hemisphere cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(9):1-16.\r
Cheng Gong, Bao-Feng Ma, Aerodynamic evaluation of an unmanned aerial vehicle with variable sweep and span, Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(13):4980-4997.\r
Cheng Gong, Bao-Feng Ma, Shape Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Morphing-Wing Aircraft, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2019, 20:57-69.\r
Heng Luo, and Bao-Feng Ma, Time-averaged asymmetries and oscillatory global modes of vortex flows over a slender wing, Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30(9), 097101:1-18.\r
Bao-Feng Ma, and Hong-Gang Jiang, Estimation of perspective errors in 2D2C-PIV measurements for 3D concentrated vortices, Experiments in Fluids, 2018, 59(101): 1-14.\r
Bao-Feng Ma,and Shuo-Lin Yin, Vortex oscillations around a hemisphere-cylinder body with a high fineness ratio, AIAA Journal, 2018, 56(4): 1402-1420.\r
Bao-Feng Ma, Zhijin Wang,and Ismet Gursul, Symmetry Breaking and Instabilities of Conical Vortex Pairs over Slender Delta Wings, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 832:41-72.\r
Bao-Feng Ma, Bing Wang, and Xue-Ying Deng, Effects of Reynolds Numbers on Wing Rock Induced by Forebody Vortices, AIAA Journal, 2017, 55(9): 2980-2991.\r
Ma Baofeng, Deng Xueying, and Wang Bing, Effects of Wing Locations on Wing Rock Induced by Fore-body Vortices, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2016, 29(5): 1226-1236.\r
Bao-Feng Ma,Yu Huang,and Xue-Ying Deng,Dynamic responses of asymmetric vortices over slender bodies to a rotating tip perturbation, Experiments in Fluids, 2016, 57(4):1-16.\r
Bao-Feng Ma,Xue-Ying Deng, Zhen Rong,and Bing Wang,The self-excited rolling oscillations induced by fore-body vortices,Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 47:299-313.\r
Bao-Feng Ma, and Tong-Xin Liu, Low-frequency vortex oscillation around slender bodies at high angles-of-attack, Physics of Fluids, 26, 091701, 2014.\r
Ma Baofeng, Huang Yu, and Liu Tongxin, Low-frequency unsteadiness of vortex wakes over slender bodies at high angle of attack, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 27(4), 2014, pp772-780.\r
Long-Kun Wei, and Bao-Feng Ma, Wing Rock Induced by a Hemisphere-Cylinder Forebody, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.51, No.2, 2014, pp.606-613.\r
Bing Wang, Xue-Ying Deng, Bao-Feng Ma, Zhen Rong, and Bo-Chao Cao, Modeling of Wing Rock Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis to Free-to-Roll Time History, Journal of Aircraft,2011, 48(3):805-811.\r
Bing Wang, Xue-Ying Deng, Bao-Feng Ma, and Zhen Rong, Effects of tip perturbation and wing locations on rolling oscillation induced by forebody vortices,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2010,26(5):787-791.\r
Xueying Deng, Wei Tian, Baofeng Ma, and YanKui Wang, Recent progress on the study of asymmetric vortex flow over slender bodies, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24(5):475-487.\r
Bao-Feng, Ma, and Xue-Ying, Deng, Tip-Disturbance Effects on Asymmetric Vortex Breakdown of a Chined-Forebody, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.45, No.4, 2008.\r
Bao-Feng, Ma, Xue-Ying, Deng, and Ying Chen, Effects of Forced Asymmetric Transition on Vortex Asymmetry around Slender Bodies, AIAA Journal, Vol.45, No.11, 2007.\r
Bao-Feng, Ma, and Xue-Ying, Deng, Vortex Interactions between Chined Forebody and Strake, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.43, No.6, 2006.\r
Bao-Feng, Ma, Pei-Qing, liu, and Yuan Wei, Effects of Wing and Canard Sweep on Lift Enhancement of Canard Configurations, Journal of Aircraft, Vol.41, No.6, 2004.
国际期刊Physicsof Fluids、Journalof propulsion and power、Journal of Visualization、Chinese Journal of aeronautics等审稿专家;

