2023-05-06 10:02
  • 黄行蓉
  • 黄行蓉 - 讲师-北京航空航天大学-中法工程师学院-个人资料




黄行蓉 女 1989年6月博士 硕导:航空宇航科学与技术






X. R. Huang,J. Z. Liu,L. Li, Dynamic characteristics analysis method of complex systemsbased on nonlinear mode, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics,2019,45(7):1337-1348 (in Chinese), EI.
H. W. Zhao, X. R. Huang, J. L.Xu, L. Fang, Sound Insulation Properties of Composite Laminated Structures, GlobalPower and Propulsion Society, Beijing, 2019.09
X.R. Huang, H. Zhu, D.S. Li, L.Jiang, Multi-scale sensitivity analysis of structural vibration behaviors ofthree-dimensional braided composites with respect to material properties, Mechanicsof Materials, 2019, 144, 103301,SCI, Q1
X. R. Huang, L. Jézéquel, S. Besset, L. Li, O. Sauvage, Nonlinearmodal synthesis for analyzing structures with frictional interface usinggeneralized Masing model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, July 2018,SCI, Q1
X. R. Huang, L.Jézéquel, S. Besset, L. Li, O. Sauvage, Nonlinear hybrid modal synthesis basedon branch modes for dynamic analysis of assembled structure, MechanicalSystems and Signal Processing, 2018, 99,624-646, SCI, Q1
X. R. Huang, L. Jézéquel, S. Besset, L. Li, Optimization of the dynamicbehavior of vehicle structures by means of passive interface controls, Journalof Vibration and Control, 2016, I-26, SCI, Q2
J. Z. Liu, L. Li, X. R.Huang,L. Jézéquel, Dynamic characteristics of the blisk with synchronized switchdamping based on negative capacitor, Mechanical Systems and SignalProcessing, 2017, 95,425-445, SCI, Q1
J. Z. Liu, L. Li, Y. Fan, X. R.Huang, A modified nonlinear modal synthesis scheme for mistuned bliskswith synchronized switch damping, International Journal of AerospaceEngineering, May 2018, SCI, Q3
X. R. Huang, S. Besset, L. Jézéquel, L. Li, Reducing noise levels invehicles by padding rubber layers at structural interfaces, Noise ControlEngineering Journal, 2016, 64(3), 305-313, SCI, Q4
X. R. Huang, L. Jézéquel, S. Besset, L. Li, O. Sauvage, Double modalsynthesis method applied in analyzing large-size nonlinear systems,International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Belgium,Leuven, 2016.09, EI
X. R. Huang, L. Jézéquel, S. Besset, L. Li, O. Sauvage, Synthèse modalenon-linéaire pour l’analyse des systèmes complexes, 13ème CongrèsFrançais d'Acoustique et le 20ème colloque VIbrations, SHocksand NOise, 2016.04
X. R. Huang, S. Besset, L. Jézéquel, L. Li, Improving the acousticcomfort of vehicle structures by padding rubber layer on interfaces, 43rdInternational Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Sans Francisco,2015.08, EI

