2023-05-06 10:02
  • 黄海军
  • 黄海军 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-经济管理学院-个人资料








Ren T., Huang H.-J. (2020) A competitive system with transit and highway: Revisiting the political feasibility of road pricing. Transport Policy, 88, 42-56.\r
Ren T., Huang H.-J., Liu T.L., Nie Y. (2020) Some analytical results on spatial price differentiation in first-best congestion pricing schemes. Transportation Research Part C, 114, 425-445.\r
He J., Yang H., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J., (2020) Optimal deployment of wireless charging lanes considering their adverse effect on road capacity. Transportation Research Part C, 111, 171-184.\r
Liu P., Liao F.X., Tian Q., Huang H.J., Timmermans H. (2020). Day-to-day nee ds-base d activity-travel dynamics and equilibria in multi-state supernetworks. Transportation Research Part B, 132, 208-277.\r
Huang H-J., Xia T., Tian Q., Liu T.L, Wang C.L., Li D.Q. (2020) Transportation issues in developing China’s urban agglomerations. Transport Policy, 85, A1-A22.?\r
Shang H.Y., Huang H.-J., Wu W.X. (2019) Bus timetabling considering passenger satisfaction: An empirical study in Beijing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 1155-1166.\r
Li C.Y., Huang H.-J. (2019) Analysis of bathtub congestion with continuous scheduling preference. Research in Transportation Economics, 75, 45-54.\r
Wu W.X., Huang H.-J. (2019) A combined, adaptive strategy for managing evacuation routes. Transportation Research Part B, 123, 182-198.\r
Tian L.J., Sheu J.B., Huang H.-J. (2019) The morning commute problem with endogenous shared autonomous vehicle penetration and parking space constraint. Transportation Research Part B, 123, 258-278.\r
Zhang L.M., Zeng G.W., Li D.Q., Huang H.-J., Stanley H.E., Havlin S. (2019) Scale-free resilience of real traffic jams. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 116 (18), 8673-8678.\r
Wang J.P. Ban X.G., Huang H.-J. (2019) Dynamic ridesharing with variable-ratio charging-compensation scheme for morning commute. Transportation Research Part B, 122, 390-415.?\r
Guo R.Y., Yang H., Huang H.-J. (2019) Tradable credit scheme for control of evolutionary traffic flows to system optimum: Model and its convergence. Network and Spatial Economics, 19(3), 833-868.\r
Tian Q., Yang L., Wang C.L., Huang H.-J. (2018). Dynamic pricing for reservation-based parking system: A revenue management method. Transport Policy, 71, 36-44.\r
Wang J.P., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2018) Tradable OD-based travel permits for bi-modal traffic management with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 118, 589-605.\r
Xu S.X., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J., Liu R.H. (2018) Mode choice and railway subsidy in a congested monocentric city with endogenous population distribution. Transportation Research Part A, 116, 413-433.\r
Tang T.Q., Yang S.P., Ou H., Chen L., Huang H.-J. (2018) An aircraft boarding model with the group behavior and the quantity of luggage. Transportation Research Part C, 93, 115-127.\r
Guo R.Y., Yang H., Huang H.-J., Li X.W. (2018) Day-to-day departure time choice under bounded rationality in the bottleneck model. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 832-849.\r
Xu S.X., Liu R.H., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2018) Pareto-improving policies for an idealized two-zone city served by two congestible modes. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 876-891.\r
Guo R.Y., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2018) Are we really solving the dynamic traffic equilibrium problem with a departure time choice? Transportation Science, 52(3), 603-620.\r
Tang TQ, Yang SP, Ou H, Chen L, Huang H.-J. (2018) An aircraft boarding model accounting for group behavior. J of Air Transport Management, 69, 182-189.\r
Li CY and Huang H.-J. (2018) User equilibrium of a single-entry traffic corridor with continuous scheduling preference.Transportation Research Part B, 108, 21-38.\r
He J., Yang H., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J. (2018) An optimal charging station location model with the consideration of electric vehicle’s driving range. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 641-654.\r
Zhang C, Liu TL, Huang H.-J., Chen J. (2018) A cumulative prospect theory approach to commuters’ day-to-day route-choice modeling with friends’ travel information. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 527-548.\r
Li Q, Liao FX, Timmermans HJP, Huang H.-J., Zhou J. (2018) Incorporating free-floating carsharing into an activity-based dynamic user equilibrium model: A demand-side model. Transportation Research Part B, 107, 102-123.\r
Li M., Huang H.-J. (2017) A regret theory-based route choice model. Transportmetrica Part A: Transport Science, 13(3), 250-272.\r
Li C.Y., Huang H.-J. (2017) Morning commute in a single-entry traffic corridor with early and late arrivals. Transportation Research Part B, 97: 23-49.\r
Liu P., Liao F.X., Huang H.-J. and Timmermans H. (2016) Dynamic activity-travel assignment in multi-state supernetworks under road and location capacity constraints. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 12(7), 572-590.\r
Guo RY, Yang H, Huang H.-J. and Tan ZJ. (2016) Day-to-day flow dynamics and congestion control. Transportation Science, 50(3), 982-997.\r
Xiao LL, Liu TL, Huang H.-J. (2016) On the morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint. Transportation Research Part B, 91, 383-407.\r
Guo RY and Huang H.-J. (2016) A discrete dynamical system of formulating traffic assignment: Revisiting Smith’s model. Transportation Research Part C, 71, 122-142.\r
Zhao C.L. and Huang. H.-J. (2016) Experiment of boundedly rational route choice behavior and the model under satisficing rule. Transportation Research Part C, 68, 22-37.\r
Long J.C., Szeto W.Y., Gao Z.Y., Huang H.-J. and Shi Q. (2016) The nonlinear equation system approach to solve dynamic user optimal simultaneous route and departure time choice problems. Transportation Research Part B, 83, 179-206.\r
Wu W.X. and Huang H.-J. (2015) An ordinary differential equation formulation of the bottleneck model with user heterogeneity. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 34-58.\r
Liu P., Liao F.X., Huang H.-J. and Timmermans H. (2015) Dynamic activity-travel assignment in multi-state supernetworks. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 656-671.\r
Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J. and Shang H.Y. (2015) Influences of the driver’s bounded rationality on micro driving behavior, fuel consumption and emissions. Transportation Research Part D, 41, 423-432.\r
Lu X.S., Liu T.L. and Huang H.-J. (2015) Pricing and mode choice based on nested logit model and trip-chain costs. Transport Policy, 44, 76-88.\r
Tian LJ, Huang H.-J. (2015). Modeling the modal split and trip scheduling with commuters' uncertainty expectation. European Journal of Operational Research, 244, 815-822.\r
Long JC, Szeto WY, Huang H.-J. and Gao ZY. (2015) An intersection-movement-based stochastic dynamic user optimal route choice model for assessing network performance. Transportation Research Part B, 74, 182-217.\r
Long JC, Szeto WY, Shi Q, Gao ZY and Huang H.-J. (2015) A nonlinear equation system approach to the dynamic stochastic user equilibrium simultaneous route and departure time choice problem. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 11 (5), 388-419.\r
Xiao LL, Huang H.-J. and Liu RH. (2015) Congestion behavior and tolls in a bottleneck model with stochastic capacity. Transportation Science, 49 (1), 46-65.\r
Guo RY, Yang H, Huang H.-J. and Tang ZJ. (2015) Link-based day-to-day network traffic dynamics and equilibria. Transportation Research Part B 71, 248-260.\r
Gao ZY, Qu YC, Li XG, Long JC and Huang H.-J. (2014) Simulating dynamic escape process in large-scale public places. Operations Research 62 (6), 1344-1357.\r
Wu WX and Huang H.-J. (2014) Finding anonymous tolls to realize target flow pattern in networks with continuously distributed value of time. Transportation Research Part B 65, 31-46.\r
Long JC, Szeto WY and Huang H.-J. (2014) A bi-objective turning restriction design problem in urban road networks. European Journal of Operational Research 237(2), 426-439.\r
Xiao LL, Liu RH and Huang H.-J. (2014) Stochastic bottleneck capacity, merging traffic and morning commute. Transportation Research Part E 64, 48-70.\r
Wu WX and Huang H.-J. (2014) Equilibrium and modal split in a competitive highway/transit system under different road-use pricing strategies. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 48 (1), 153-169.\r
Long JC, Huang H.-J., Gao ZY and Szeto WY. (2013) An intersection-movement-based dynamic user optimal route choice problem. Operations Research 61(5), 1134-1147.\r
Guo RY, Yang H and Huang H.-J. (2013) A discrete rational adjustment process of link flows in traffic networks. Transportation Research Part C 34, 121-137.\r
Tian L.J., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2013) Tradable credit schemes for managing bottleneck congestion and modal split with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 54(Aug.), 1-13.\r
Tian L.J., Huang H.-J. and Gao Z.Y. (2012) A cumulative perceived value-based dynamic user equilibrium model considering the travelers’ risk evaluation on arrival time. Network and Spatial Economics 12(4), 589-608.\r
Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2012) Route choice in pedestrian evacuation under conditions of good and zero visibility: experimental and simulation results. Transportation Research Part B 46 (6), 669-686.\r
Guo R.Y. and Huang H.-J. (2012) Formulation of pedestrian movement in microscopic models with continuous space representation. Transportation Research Part C 24, 50-61.\r
Tang T.Q., Wu Y.H., Huang H.-J., Lou Caccetta (2012) An aircraft boarding model accounting for passengers’ individual properties. Transportation Research Part C 22, 1-16.\r
Tian Q. Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Gao Z.Y. (2012) Efficiency and equity of ramp control and capacity allocation mechanisms in a freeway corridor. Transportation Research Part C 20, 126-143.\r
Liu T.L., Chen J. and Huang H.-J. (2011) Existence and efficiency of oligopoly equilibrium under toll and capacity competition. Transportation Research Part E 47(6), 908-919.\r
Zhang X.N., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2011) Improving travel efficiency by parking permits distribution and trading. Transportation Research Part B 45 (7), 1018-1034.\r
Huang H.-J., Liu T.L., Guo X. and Yang H. (2011) Inefficiency of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium in a traffic network under ATIS. Network and Spatial Economics 11(2), 255-269.\r
Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2011) Collection, spillback, and dissipation in pedestrian evacuation: a network-based method. Transportation Research Part B 45 (3), 490-506.\r
Tian Q., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2010) Novel travel cost functions based on morning peak commuting equilibrium. Operations Research Letters 38, 195-200.\r
Liu T.L., Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Zhang X.N. (2009) Continuum modeling of park-and-ride services in a linear monocentric city with deterministic mode choice. Transportation Research Part B 43(6), 692-707.\r
Huang H.-J. and Guo R.Y. (2008) Static floor field and exit choice for pedestrian evacuation in rooms with internal obstacles and multiple exits. Physical Review E 78, 021131\r
Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Huang H.-J., Zhu D.L. (2008) Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities. Network and Spatial Economics 8, 355-381.\r
Zhang X.N., Yang H., Huang H.-J. (2008) Multiclass multicriteria mixed equilibrium on networks and uniform link tolls for system optimum. European Journal of Operational Research 189, 146–158.\r
Zhang X.N., Huang H.-J. and Zhang H.M. (2008) Daily commuting patterns under road tolls and parking charges in a linear city. Transportation Research Part B 42(1), 38-56.\r
Huang H.-J., Tian Q, Yang H and Gao ZY. (2007) Modal split and commuting pattern on a bottleneck-constrained highway. Transportation Research Part E 43, 578-590.\r
Tian Q, Huang H.-J. and Yang H. (2007) Equilibrium properties of the morning peak-period commuting in a many-to-one mass transit system. Transportation Research Part B 41, 616-631.\r
Huang H.-J. and Li Z.C. (2007) A multiclass, multicriteria logit-based traffic equilibrium assignment model under ATIS. European Journal of Operational Research 176(3), 1464-1477.\r
Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2006) Modeling time-dependent travel choice problems in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B 40(5), 368-395.\r
Tang T.-Q., Huang H.-J. and Gao Z.Y. (2005) Stability of the car-following model on two lanes. Physical Review E 72, 066124.\r
Zhang X.N., Yang H., Huang H.-J. and Zhang H.M. (2005) Integrated scheduling of daily work activities and morning-evening commutes with bottleneck congestion. Transportation Research Part A 39, 41-60.\r
Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2005) A stochastic model for combined activity/destination/route choice problem. Annals of Operations Research 135, 111-125.\r
Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2004) Modeling user adoption of advanced traveler information systems: a control theoretic approach for optimal endogenous growth. Transportation Research Part C 12, 193-207.\r
Yang H. And Huang H.-J. (2004) The multi-class, multi-criteria traffic network equilibrium and system optimum problem. Transportation Research Part B 38, 1-15.\r
Huang H.-J. (2002) Pricing and logit-based mode choice models of a transit and highway system with elastic demand. European Journal of Operational Research 140, 562-570.\r
Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2002) Quasi-continuous dynamic equilibrium assignment with departure time choice in congested unidirectional pedestrian networks. Journal of the Operational Research Society 53, 97-107.\r
Lam W.H.K and Huang H.-J. (2002) A combined activity/travel choice model for congested road networks with queues. Transportation 29, 5-29.\r
Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2002) Modeling and solving the dynamic user equilibrium route and departure time choice problem in network with queues. Transportation Research Part B 36, 253-273.\r
Huang H.-J. (2000) Fares and tolls in a competitive system with transit and highway: The case with two groups of commuters. Transportation Research Part E 36, 267-284.\r
Huang H.-J. and Yang H. (1999) Optimal utilization of a transport system with auto/transit parallel modes. Optimal Control Applications and Methods 20, 297-313.\r
Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Bell M.G.H. (2000) The models and economics of carpools. The Annals of Regional Science 34, 55-68.\r
Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1999) Carpooling and congestion pricing in a multilane highway with high-occupancy-vehicle lanes. Transportation Research Part A 33, 139-155.\r
Huang H.-J. and Bell M.G.H. (1998) A study on logit assignment which excludes all cyclic flows. Transportation Research Part B 32, 401-412.\r
Huang H.-J. and Xu G. (1998). Aggregate scheduling and network solving of multi-stage and multi-item manufacturing systems. European Journal of Operational Research 105, 52-65.\r
Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1998). The principle of marginal cost pricing: how does it work in general networks? Transportation Research Part A 32, 45-54.\r
Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1997). Analysis of? time-varying pricing of a bottleneck with elastic demand using optimal control theory. Transportation Research Part B 31, 425-440.\r
Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1995). Dynamic user optimal traffic assignment model for many to one travel demand. Transportation Research Part B 29, 243-259.\r
Huang H.-J. (1995). A combined algorithm for solving and calibrating the stochastic user equilibrium assignment model. Journal of the Operational Research Society 46, 977-987.\r
Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1992). Calibration of the combined trip distribution and assignment model for multiple user classes. Transportation Research Part B 26, 289-305.\r
Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1992). A combined trip distribution and assignment model for multiple user classes. Transportation Research Part B 26, 275-287.\r
Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K.(1992). Modified Evans algorithms for solving the combined trip distribution and assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B 26, 325-337.
担任任中国系统工程学会(2018年到期卸任)、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会(2019年到期卸任)、中国管理科学与工程学会副理事长(2017年到期卸任),现任中国仿真学会副理事长,国务院第七届学科评议组(管理科学与工程)成员,国家杰出青年科学基金评审委员会委员,国家自然科学基金委员管理科学部学科评议组专家、专家咨询委员会委员,国家社科基金学科规划评审组专家。《Transportation Research Part B》、《Transportation Research Part C》、《J Adv Transportation》、《Transportmetrica A》、《Transportation Letters》、《J Systems Science and Complexity》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》、《交通运输系统工程与信息》、《系统科学与数学》等刊物编委。2011年7月在UC Berkeley会议上当选ISTTT国际顾问委员会委员,2019当选WCTRS Steering Committee委员。2019年1月始任《Transportation Research Part E》副主编。2017年1月始担任《Transport Policy》的Editor,2020年1月始任该刊主编。

