2023-05-06 09:58
  • 关振宇
  • 关振宇 - 教授-北京航空航天大学-网络空间安全学院-个人资料




2003.09 - 2008.06大连理工大学工学学士学位\r
2008.10 - 2009.11英国帝国理工大学工学硕士学位\r
2009.11 - 2013.10英国帝国理工大学工学博士学位\r
2014.11 - 2018.05 北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院讲师\r
2018.05 - 2019.08 北京航空航天大学网络空间安全学院讲师\r
2019.09 - 2021.11 北京航空航天大学网络空间安全学院副教授\r
2021.12 至今北京航空航天大学网络空间安全学院教授 \r




Zheng, H. , Wu, Q. , Guan, Z. , Qin, B. , He, S. , & Liu, J. . (2019). Achieving liability in anonymous communication: auditing and tracing. Computer Communications, 145(SEP.), 1-13.\r
Zheng, H. , Wu, Q. , Xie, J. , Guan, Z. , Qin, B. , & Gu, Z. . (2020). An organization-friendly blockchain system. Computers & Security, 88, 101598-.\r
Guan, Z. , Wong, J. , Chaudhuri, S. , Constantinides, G. , & Cheung, P. . (2013). Exploiting stochastic delay variability on FPGAs with adaptive partial rerouting. International Conference on Field-programmable Technology. IEEE.\r
Xu , M. , Li, C. , Wang, Z. , Chen, Z. , & Guan, Z. . (2017). Assessing visual quality of omnidirectional videos.\r
Cheng, D. , Liu, J. , Guan, Z. , & Shang, T. . (2016). A one-round certificateless authenticated group key agreement protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. Ieice Transactions on Information & Systems, E99.D(11), 2716-2722.\r
Guan, Z. , Zhao, Y. , Li, D. , & Liu, J. . (2018). TBDCT: A Framework of Trusted Big Data Collection and Trade System Based on Blockchain and TSM. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). IEEE.\r
Wang, X. , Xu, M. , Li, L. , Wang, Z. , & Guan, Z. (2019). Pathology-aware deep network visualization and its application in glaucoma image synthesis.\r
X Chen, Shang, T. , Zhang, F. , Liu, J. , & Guan, Z. . (2020). Dynamic data auditing scheme for big data storage. Frontiers of Computer Science (print).\r
Guan, Z. , Lyu, H. , Li, D. , Hei, Y. , & Wang, T. . (2020). Blockchain: a distributed solution to uav-enabled mobile edge computing. IET Communications, 14(11).\r
Stott, E. , Guan, Z. , Levine, J. M. , Wong, J. , & Cheung, P. . (2013). Variation and reliability in fpgas. IEEE Design & Test, 30(6), 50-59.\r
Guan, Z. , Bian, L. , Shang, T. , & Liu, J. . (2018). When Machine Learning meets Security Issues: A survey. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics (ISR). IEEE.\r
Du, Y. , Liu, J. , Guan, Z. , & Feng, H. . (2018). A Medical Information Service Platform Based on Distributed Cloud and Blockchain. (pp.34-39).\r
Deng, H. , Qin, Z. , Wu, Q. , Guan, Z. , & Zhou, Y. . (2020). Identity-based encryption transformation for flexible sharing of encrypted data in public cloud. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, PP(99), 1-1.\r
Xu, J. , Xu, M. , Wei, Y. , Wang, Z. , & Guan, Z. . (2019). Fast h.264 to hevc transcoding: a deep learning method. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21(7), 1633-1645.\r
Wang, M. , Wu, Q. , Qin, B. , Wang, Q. , Liu, J. , & Guan, Z. . (2018). Lightweight and manageable digital evidence preservation system on bitcoin. Journal of Computer Science and Technology.\r
Li, D. , Liu, J. , Wu, Q. , & Guan., Z. . (2019). Efficient cca2 secure flexible and publicly-verifiable fine-grained access control in fog computing. IEEE Access, 1-1.\r
Lei, P. , Liang, J. , Guan, Z. , Wang, J. , & Zheng, T. . (2019). Acceleration of fpga based convolutional neural network for human activity classification using millimeter-wave radar. IEEE Access, 7(99), 88917-88926.\r
Zhong, L. , Wu, Q. , Xie, J. , Guan, Z. , & Qin, B. . (2019). A secure large-scale instant payment system based on blockchain. Computers & Security, 84(JUL.), 349-364.\r
Guan, Z. , Xing, Q. , Mai, X. , Ren, Y. , & Wang, Z. . (2019). Mfqe 2.0: a new approach for multi-frame quality enhancement on compressed video. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PP(99), 1-1.\r
Yang, R. , Xu, M. , Liu, T. , Wang, Z. , & Guan, Z. . (2017). Enhancing quality for hevc compressed videos. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, PP, 1-1.\r
Li, T. , Xu, M. , Zhu, C. , Yang, R. , & Guan, Z. . (2019). A deep learning approach for multi-frame in-loop filter of hevc. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, PP(99), 1-1.\r
Xu, M. , Li, T. , Wang, Z. , Deng, X. , Ren, Y. , & Guan, Z. . (2017). Reducing complexity of hevc: a deep learning approach. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, 5044-5059.
§ 担任IEEE TIP、TEM等高水平期刊审稿人
§ Publicity-Chair of SmartBlock 2019
§ 2019 CSAC会议程序委员会副主席
§ 组织协办2019年网络安全与应用密码学国际研讨会

