2023-05-06 09:58
  • 付博
  • 付博 - 副研究员-北京航空航天大学-仪器科学与光电工程学院-个人资料




所获荣誉包括:清华大学“优秀博士学位论文”,清华大学精密仪器系“学术新秀”,入选清华大学“优秀博士学位论文丛书”,“NSK机械工学优秀论文”,“冯如杯”优秀指导教师,北航仪器光电学院学科建设贡献奖、国际合作交流工作贡献奖、优秀科技实践指导教师、优秀本科毕业设计指导教师、先进基层教师等。任全国光电测量标准化技术委员会委员,国际期刊“Photonics”客座主编、Frontiers of Physics青年编委、“Military Medical Research”科学编辑,北航高等理工学院(沈元荣誉学院)学生学业荣誉导师、北航学院导师,多次国际会议特邀报告,并担任分会主席。迄今为止,发表Advanced Functional Materials(卷首封面)、Small(封底,ESI高被引论文)、Advanced Optical Materials(内封面)、Laser & Photonics Reviews等论文60余篇,申请发明专利20余项。




X. Zhao, H. Jin, J. Liu, J. Chao, T. Liu, H. Zhang, G. Wang, W. Lyu, S. Wageh, O. A. Al-Hartomy, A. G. Al-Sehemi, B. Fu (corresponding author), and H. Zhang, “Integration and applications of nanomaterials for ultrafast photonics,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 16, 2200386 (2022).\r
G. Wang, T. Liu, J. Chao, H. Jin, J. Liu, H. Zhang, W. Lyu, P. Yin, A. Al-Ghamdi, S. Wageh, B. Fu (corresponding author), and H. Zhang, “Recent advances and challenges in ultrafast photonics enabled by metal nanomaterials,” Advanced Optical Materials, 10, 2200443 (2022). Inside Cover\r
B. Fu, C. Zhang, W. Lyu, J. Sun, C. Shang, Y. Cheng, and L. Xu, “Recent Progress on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Determination of Gaseous Chemical Species,” Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 57, 112 (2022).\r
J. Li, C. Shang, Y. Rong, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, B. He, Z. Wang, M. Li, J. Ma, B. Fu (corresponding author), and X. Ji, “Review on Laser Technology in Intravascular Imaging and Treatment,” Aging and Disease, 13, 246 (2022).\r
C. Shang, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, B. Yao, B. Fu (corresponding author), and J. Li, “Nonlinear Optical Properties of MXene and Applications in Broadband Ultrafast Photonics,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918, 165580 (2022).\r
B. Fu, J. Sun, Y. Cheng, H. Ouyang, G. Compagnini, P. Yin, S. Wei, S. Li, D. Li, V. Scardaci, and H. Zhang, “Recent progress on metal-based nanomaterials: fabrications, optical properties, and applications in ultrafast photonics,” Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2107363 (2021). Frontispiece\r
B. Fu, Y. Cheng, C. Shang, J. Li, G. Wang, C. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Ma, X. Ji, and B. He, B. Fu, J. Sun, C. Wang, C. Shang, L. Xu, J. Li, and H. Zhang “MXenes: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Applications in Ultrafast Photonics,” Small, 17, 2006054 (2021). Inside Back Cover, ESI高被引论文\r
B. Fu, C. Zhang, P. Wang, M. Condorelli, M. Pulvirenti, E. Fazio, C. Shang, J. Li, Y. Li, G. Compagnini, and V. Scardaci, “Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ag Nanoplates Plasmon Resonance and Applications in Ultrafast Photonics,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, 2084 (2021).\r
B. Fu, P. Wang, Y. Li, M. Condorelli, E. Fazio, J. Sun, L. Xu, V. Scardaci, and G. Compagnini, “Passively Q-switched Yb-doped all-fiber laser based on Ag nanoplates as saturable absorber,” Nanophotonics, 9, 3873 (2020).\r
B. Fu, J. Li, Z. Cao, and D. Popa, “Bound states of solitons in a harmonic graphene-mode- locked fiber laser,” Photonics Research, 7, 116 (2019).

