2023-05-06 09:49
  • 孙振宇
  • 孙振宇 - 教授 博士生导师-北京化工大学-化学工程学院-个人资料




Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences\r
M.S., Material Sciences, Tianjin Polytechnic University\r
Research Experience\r
Jan. 2015 – present Full Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China\r
Aug. 2014 – Aug. 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK \r
Oct. 2013 – Aug. 2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Analytical Chemistry–Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany \r
Apr. 2012 – Sept. 2013 Alexander Humboldt Research Fellow (experienced), Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany \r
May 2011 – Mar. 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Heterogene Katalyse am Lehrstuhl für Technische Chemie, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany \r
Jan. 2009 – May 2011 Associate Professor, Laboratory of Colloid, Interface and Thermodynamics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China\r
Oct. 2006 – Oct. 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland




Graphene-based materials for electrochemical CO2 reduction; T. Ma, Q. Fan, X. Li, J. S. Qiu and Z. Y. Sun,* J. CO2 Util. (2019). Under revision.\r
Nitrogen fixation by Ru single-atom electrocatalytic reduction; H. C. Tao, C. Choi, L. X. Ding, Z. Jiang, Z. S. Han, M. W. Jia, Q. Fan, Y. N. Gao, H. H. Wang,* A. W. Robertson, S. Hong, Y. Jung* and Z. Y. Sun,* Chem (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2018.10.007.\r
Z. Y. Sun,* M. L. Zhang, C. Choi, H. C. Tao, C. Yan, Y. N. Gao, A. W. Robertson, Q. Fan, Y. Jung,* S. Z. Liu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2018). To be submitted.\r
M. L. Zhang, Y. L. Song, H. C. Tao, C. Yan, Y. C. Liu, S. Z. Liu, R. T. Tao, X. Zhang,* and Z. Y. Sun,* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.(2018). To be submitted.\r
Z. Y. Sun,* Y. Q. Zhang, H. Yu, C. Yan, Y. C. Liu, S. Hong, H. C. Tao, A. W. Robertson, Z. Wang,* A. A. H. Pádua, Adv. Func. Mater. (2018). Under review. \r
P. Zhao, L. Ye, Z. Y. Sun, B. T. W. Lo, H. Woodcock, C. Huang, A. Kirkland, C. Tang, K. Suriyi and S. C. Edman Tsang,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2018). Under review.\r
H. C. Tao, Z. S. Han, M. W. Jia, A. W. Robertson, Y. Jung,* and Z. Y. Sun,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2018). Under review.\r
H. C. Tao, T. Ma, N. Talreja, J. Texter* and Z. Y. Sun,* Prog. Chem. Sci. (2018). Under review.\r
Heterogeneous catalysis of CO2 hydrogenation to C2+ products; Y. N. Gao, S. Z. Liu, Z. Q. Zhao, H. C. Tao, and Z. Y. Sun,* Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.(2018) (Invited). In press.\r
Nanosheet catalysis of carbon dioxide photoreduction: Fundamentals and challenges; Z. Y. Sun, N. Talreja, H. C. Tao, J. Texter, M. Muhler,* J. Strunk and J. F. Chen,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018. In press; DOI: 10.1002/anie.201710509\r
Supercritical diethylamine facilitated loading of ultrafine Ru particles on few-layer graphene for solvent-free hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone; H. C. Tao, J. J. Ding, C. Xie, J. l. Song,* Z. Y. Sun,* Nanotechnology 29, 075708 (2018).\r
Doping palladium with tellurium for highly selective electrocatalytic reduction of aqueous CO2 to CO; H. C. Tao, X. F. Sun, Z. S. Han, Q. G. Zhu, A. W. Robertson, T. Ma, Q. Fan, B. X. Han,* Y. Jung* and Z. Y. Sun,* Chem. Sci. 9, 483-487 (2018).\r
Nitrogen-doped and nanostructured carbons with high surface area for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction; Z. Y. Sui, X. Li, Z. Y. Sun,* H. C. Tao, P. Y. Zhang, L. Zhao and B. H. Han,* Carbon 126, 111-118 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2017.10.003.\r
Nonliear absorption induced transparency and optical limiting of black phosphorus nanosheets; J. W. Huang, N. N. Dong, S. F. Zhang, Z. Y. Sun* and J. Wang,* ACS Photonics 4, 3063-3070 (2017); DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00598.\r
Heterogeneous electrochemical CO2 reduction using nonmetallic carbon-based catalysts: Current status and future challenges; T. Ma, Q. Fan, H. C. Tao, Z. S. Han, M. W. Jia, Y. N. Gao, W. J. Ma* and Z. Y. Sun,* Nanotechnology (2017). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aa8f6f.\r
Fundamentals and Challenges in Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Two-Dimensional Materials; Z. Y. Sun,* T. Ma, H. C. Tao, B. X. Han,* Chem 3, 560-587 (2017); https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1VtM58jWHDxiUy\r
Exfoliation of stable 2D black phosphorus for device fabrication; Y. Q. Zhang, N. N. Dong, H. C. Tao, C. Yan, J. W. Huang, T. F. Liu, A. W. Robertson, J. Texter, J. Wang* and Z. Y. Sun,* Chem. Mater. 29, 6445-6456 (2017); DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b01991\r
Two-dimensional nanosheets for electrocatalysis in energy generation and conversion; H. C. Tao, Y. N. Gao, N. Talreja, F. Guo, J. Texter,* C. Yan and Z. Y. Sun,* J. Mater. Chem. A 5, 7257-7284 (2017); DOI: 10.1039/c7ta00075h\r
High-efficiency mixing process in secondary rotating stream; D. G. Wang, Y. H. Wang, Z. Y. Sun, R. T. Zhou, B. K. Zhu and R. K. Zhang, Chem. Eng. J. 313, 807-814 (2017); DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2016.12.069.\r
N-doping of graphene oxide at low temperature for oxygen reduction reaction; H. C. Tao, C. Yan, A. W. Robertson, Y. N. Gao, J. J. Ding, Y. Q. Zhang, T. Ma and Z. Y. Sun,* Chem. Commun. 53, 873-876 (2017); DOI: 10.1039/c6cc08776k.\r
Scalable exfoliation and dispersion of two-dimensional materials - An update; H. C. Tao, Y. Q. Zhang, Y. N. Gao, Z. Y. Sun* and J. Texter,* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 921-960 (2017); DOI: 10.1039/C6CP06813H.(ESI highly cited paper) [pdf]\r
Graphene/porous beta TiO2 nanocomposites prepared through a simple hydrothermal method; Y. Q. Zhang, H. C. Tao, Y. N. Gao, T. Ma, J. J. Ding and Z. Y. Sun,* Curr. Graphene Sci. 1, 64-70 (2017); DOI: 10.2174/2452273201666161026162838.

