2023-05-06 09:40
  • 杨士林
  • 杨士林 - 教授-北京工业大学-理学部-个人资料




杨士林, 男, 教授, 理学博士, 博士生导师. 分别于1999年4月-2000年4月、 2005年2月-2006年2月在德国Bielefeld大学数学系、斯图加特大学数学系学习和访问.

分别在《Journal of Algebra》、《Communications inAlgebra》、《Algebra andRepresentation Theory》、《Letter in Mathematical Physics》、《Journal of Mathematical Physics》、《AlgebraColloquium》、《Journal of Algebra and its Application》、《中国科学》(中英文版)、《数学学报》(英文版)、《数学年刊》等国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文60余篇.
1998年获北京市高校优秀青年骨干教师称号, 2004年获北京工业大学十佳青年称号.
代数及其应用、代数表示论、量子群结构与表示、 Ringel-Hall代数、(弱) Hopf 代数等.
8. 张嘉斌,谭晓军2011年
10. 许会转,李庆林2013年
11. 刘薇薇,尚娟2014年
(3)毕业的博士研究生:刘军丽(2011), 陈佳蕾、侯波(2012)、许勇军(2013)、徐华博(2015)。


1] Finite dimensional representations of u-Hopf algebras. Comm. Algebra 29 (12), 2001, 5359- 5370.
[2 ] Coxeter transformations in quantum groups. Algebr. Represent. Theory 4 (5), 2001, 491-501.(with J. Xiao)
[3]BGP-reflection functors and Lusztig's symmetries: a Ringel-Hall algebra approach to quantumgroups. J. Algebra 241(2001), 204-246.(With J. Xiao)
[4]Global dimension for Hopf actions. Comm. Algebra 30 (8), 2002, 3653-3667.
[5]Finite-dimensional representations of quantum group Uq(f(K,H)) . Comm. Algebra 30 (5), 2002, 2191-2211.(with D. Wang, Q. Ji)
[6]Representations of simple pointed Hopf algebras. J. Algebra Appl. 3(1), 2004, 91--104.
[7]Quantum groups and deformations of preprojective algebras. J. Algebra 279 (1), 2004, 3--21. [8]Uqres(sl2)-invariant forms on their modules. Comm. Algebra 32(5), 2004, 1685--1703. (with D. Wang)
[9]Quantum groups and double quiver algebras. Lett. Math. Phys. 71(2005), no. 1, 49--61. (with H. Huang).
[10]Weak Hopf algebras corresponding to Cartan matrices. J. Math. Phys. 46(2005), no. 7, 073502, 18 pp.
[11]Representations of weak Hopf algebras associated to cyclic quivers. Comm. Algebra. 33 (2005), 4321--4335 (with D. Wang).
[12]Automorphism groups of pointed Hopf algebras. Front. Math. China 2(2007), no. 2, 305--316.
[13]Representations of nonstandard Poincaré Hopf algebras. Comm. Algebra 36 (2008), no. 2, 732--748. (with Y. Yang).
[14]Representations of deformed preprojective algebras and quantum groups. Sci. China Ser. A 52 (1), 2009, 109-118.(with J. Liu),
[15]弱Hopf 超代数wslqd(m|n), 数学物理学报, 29(2009): 70--86. (with J. Liu).
[16]Young tableaux and crystal base for Uq(osp(1|2n)), Sci. China Math. 53(2010):289-303. (with J.Liu).
[17]Lusztig symmetries and automorphisms of quantum superalgebras Uq(osp(1|2r)),J. Algebra Appl. 9(2010):725-768.
[18]Orthosymplectic quantum function superalgebras OSPq(2l +1|2n), Acta Math. Sinica (Engl. Ser.) 27(2011):983 -1004.(with J. Liu).
[19]Skew group algebras of deformed preprojective algebras, J. Algebra, 332(2011):209-228. (with B. Hou)
[20]Quantum superdeterminant of OSPq(1|2n), Front. Math. China. 6(2011):115-127. (with J. Liu).
[21] Quantum superalgebras at root of unity, Front. Math. China 7 (2012), no. 4, 607–628. (with J. Chen).
[22]Algebra automorphisms of two-parameter quantum superalgebras Ur,s(osp(1, 2, c)), Far East. J. Math. Sci. 64 (2012):63-80. (with J. Chen)
[23]Restricted forms of quantum supergroups, J. Math. Phys. 53(4), 2012: 043505, 13 pages. (with J. Chen).
[24]Elementary superalgebras. Algebra Colloq. 19(4), 2012, 673–682.(with B. Hou).
[25]Liu, Junli; Yang, Shilin Lusztig symmetries and Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt basis for wUdr,s(osp(1|2n)). J. Math. Phys. 54 (12), 2013, 121704, 27 pp.
[26]Xu, Yongjun; Yang, Shilin A categorification of the spin representation of U(so(7,C)) via projective functors. Comm. Algebra41(10), 2013, 3868–3888.
[27]PBW-deformations of quantum groups. J. Algebra ,408 , 2014, 222–249. (With Xu, Y.)
[28]Hochschild cohomology of the Z2-Galois covering of a class of quantum Koszul algebras. 数学年刊. Ser. A 35(4),2014, 385-398. (with B. Hou).
[29]Generalized McKay quivers, root system and Kac-Moody algebras. J. Korean Math. Soc.52(2), 2015, 239–268.(with B. Hou).
[30]Gorenstein theory for n-th differential modules. Period. Math. Hungar.71 (1), 2015, 112–124. (with H. Xu, et.la).
[31]Two-parameter Quantum Superalgebras and PBW Theorem, Algebra Colloq. 23(2), 2016, 303-324. (with C. Ai).
[32]H-simple module algebras for eight-dimensional non-semisimple Hopf algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,15(7), 2016, 1650134 (25 pages). (with F. Gao).

