2023-05-06 09:35
  • 彭跃莲
  • 彭跃莲 - 教授-北京工业大学-环境与能源工程学院-个人资料




教育背景 1988年--1993年 西安建筑科技大学环境工程工学学士 1993年--1996年 西安建筑科技大学环境工程工学硕士 1996年--1999年 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境科学理学博士 工作经历 1999年至今 北京工业大学 教授 2008年 澳大利亚Curtin University访问


1.膜蒸馏过程及疏水膜研究 2.富氧膜的研制和推广应用 3.水处理与回用


1. Haoran Qiu, YuelianPeng*, Lei Ge, Byron Villacorta Hernandez, Zhonghua Zhu, Pore channelsurface modification for enhancing anti-fouling membrane distillation, AppliedSurface Science Volume (2018) 217-226
2. Hongwei Fan, Yuelian Peng*, Application of PVDF membranes in desalination andcomparison of the VMD and DCMD processes, Chemical Engineering Science79(2012)94-102
3. YuelianPeng*, Ju Ge, Shaobin Wang, Zhehao Li, Occurrence of salt breakthrough andair-vapor pocket in a direct-contact membrane distillation, Desalination 402 (2017)42-49
4. XuemeiLu, Yuelian Peng*, Haoran Qiu, Lei Ge, Xinrui Liu, Anti-foulingmembranes by manipulating surface wettability and their anti-fouling mechanism,Desalination 413C (2017)127-135
5. Xuemei Lu, YuelianPeng*, Lei Ge, Rijia Lin, Zhonghua Zhu, Shaomin Liu, Amphiphobic PVDFcomposite membranes for anti-fouling direct contact membrane distillation,Journal of Membrane Science505(2016)61-69
6. Yonggang Zhang, Yuelian Peng*, Shulan Ji, Shaobin Wang, Numerical simulation of 3Dhollow-fiber vacuum membrane distillation by computational fluid dynamics,Chemical Engineering Science152(2016)172-185
7. Yonggang, Zhang, Yuelian, Peng*, Shulan, Ji, Review of thermal efficiency and heatrecycling in membrane distillation processes, Desalination367(2015)223-239
8.JuGe, Yuelian Peng*, Zhehao Li, PingChen, Shaobin Wang, Membrane fouling and wetting in a DCMD process for RO brineconcentration, Desalination 344 (2014) 97-107
9. YuelianPeng*, Yajun Dong, Hongwei Fan, Ping Chen, Zhehao Li, Qi Jiang, Preparationof polysulfone membranes via vapor-induced phase separation and simulation ofdirect-contact membrane distillation by measuring hydrophobic layer thickness, Desalination316 (2013) 53-66
10. Yuelian Peng*,Ju Ge, Effects of anti-scaling and cleaning chemicals on membrane scale indirect contact membrane distillation process for RO brine concentrate, Separationand Purification Technology 154(2015)22-26
11. YuelianPeng*, Hongwei Fan, Ju Ge, Shaobin Wang, Ping Chen, Qi Jiang, The effectsof processing conditions on the surface morphology and hydrophobicity ofpolyvinylidene fluoride membranes prepared via vapor-induced phase separation,Applied Surface Science 263 (2012) 737-744
12.YuelianPeng*, Hongwei Fan, YajunDong, Yanna Song, Hua Han,Effects of exposure time on variations inthe structure and hydrophobicity of polyvinylidene fluoride membranes preparedvia vapor-induced phase separation, Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 7872-7881
13.YuelianPeng*, Hua Han, HongweiFan, Characterization and performance of PVA/Psf composite hollow fiber UFmembrane prepared with interfacial polymerization, Polymer Engineering &Science 52(3)(2012)557-565
14.Hongwei Fan, Yuelian Peng*, Zhehao Li, Ping Chen, Qi Jiang, Preparation andcharacterization of hydrophobic PVDF membranes by vapor-induced phaseseparation and application in vacuum membrane distillation,Journal of Polymer Research20(2013)134
15.Yuelian Peng*, Yan Sui, Compatibilityresearch on PVC/PVB blend membrane, Desalination 196 (2006) 13-21
16.Ying Shang, Yuelian Peng*, Research of a PVA composite ultrafiltration membraneused in oil-in-water,Desalination 204 (2007) 322-327
17.Ying Shang, Yuelian Peng*, UF membrane of PVA modified with TDI, Desalination221 (2008) 324-330
18.Xiaojuan Liu, Yuelian Peng*, Shulan Ji, A new method to prepare organic–inorganichybrid membranes, Desalination 221 (2008) 376-382

