2023-05-06 09:02
  • 朱虹
  • 朱虹 - 博士 副教授-北京大学深圳研究生院-汇丰商学院-个人资料




朱虹 博士
2008 德州A&M大学,战略管理博士
2000 香港科技大学,经济学硕士
1997 厦门大学,经济学学士

2008-2014 香港中文大学 助教授
Hitt, Michael.A., King, David., Krishnan, Hema., Makri, Marianna., Schijven, Mario., Shimizu, Katsuhiko., & Zhu, Hong. 2012. Creating value through mergers and acquisitions: challenges and opportunities. The handbook of Mergers & Acquisitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Authors equally contribute to the paper. Author names are listed alphabetically.

Lan, Sai., Yang, Fan. & Zhu, Hong. 2013. Chinese firms’ long term value creation from cross-border M&As. Accepted to publish in AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference proceedings, the conference held in Dec 5-7 in Bali, Indonesia. Received the best paper award in the conference.
Zhu, Hong. & Schijven, Mario. 2012. Free market capitalism and firms’ international acquisition performance. Accepted to publish in AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference proceedings, the conference held in Dec 6-8 in Xiamen, P.R. China. Received the best paper award in the conference.
并购重组 (MBA选修), 2014至今
战略领导力 (MA 选修), 2014至今
董事会(MA选修), 2015年至今
商业战略 (商学院本科生必修课), 2008-2014
战略管理 (商学院本科生必修课), 2007-2008


Huang, Zhi., Zhu, Hong*., & Brass, Daneil. 2017. Cross-border acquisitions and the asymmetric effect of Power Distance value difference on long-term post-acquisition performance. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (4): 972-991.
Zhu, Hong., & Zhu, Qi.* 2016. Merger and acquisition by Chinese firms: A review and comparison with other merger and acquisition research in the leading journals. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33 (4): 1107–1149.

Chen, Guoli, Zhu, Hong & Poddar, Siddharth. 2016. SUNAC’s acquisition of Greentown in the Chinese Real Estate Market (A) (B) (C). INSEAD Case Studies & Harvard Case Publishing.
Sai Lan , Fan Yang , Hong Zhu* ,2015. The long-term performance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from the Chinese stock market, Chinese Management Studies, 9 (3): 385 – 400

Zhu, Hong, Xia, Jun. & Makino, Shige. 2015. How do high-technology firms create value in international M&A? Integration, autonomy and cross-border contingencies.Journal of World Business, 50 (4): 718–728.

Zhu, Hong. & Qian, Gong-ming. 2015. US High-tech firms’ international acquisition performance: The influence of host country property rights protection. International Business Review, 24 (4): 556-566.

Ahlstrom, David., Levitas, Edward., Hitt, Michael.A., Dacin, M.Tina. & Zhu, Hong. 2014. The three faces of China: Strategic alliance partner selection in three ethnic Chinese economies. Journal of World Business, 49(4): 572-585.

Zhu, Hong., Eden, Lorraine, Miller, Stewart R., Thomas, Douglas,E., & Fields, Paige. 2012. Host-country location decisions of early movers and latecomers: the role of local density and experiential learning. International Business Review. 21: 145-155.

Hitt, Michael.A., King, David., Krishnan, Hema., Makri, Marianna., Schijven, Mario., Shimizu, Katsuhiko., & Zhu, Hong. 2009. Mergers and acquisitions: overcoming pitfalls, building synergy and creating value. Business Horizons, 52: 523-529. * Authors equally contribute to the paper. Author names are listed alphabetically.

Hitt, Michael.A., Franklin, Victor., & Zhu, Hong. 2006. Culture, Institutions and International Strategy.Journal of International Management, 12: 222-234

Zhu, Hong. 2009. Institutions and firm strategy. Journal of Strategic Management, 1: 60-66.[In Chinese朱虹。2009。国家制度和企业战略。战略管理,1: 60-66]

Zhu, Hong, Hitt, Michael.A., & Tihanyi, Laslo. 2006. The Internationalization of SMEs in Emerging Economies: Institutional Embeddedness and Absorptive Capacity. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 17(2): 1-26.

