2023-05-06 08:53
  • 张志学
  • 张志学 - 教授-北京大学-光华管理学院-个人资料




张志学现任北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系教授、行为科学研究中心主任。中国心理学会决策心理学专业委员会副主任。在香港大学获得社会心理学博士。曾任北京师范大学心理系讲师,香港理工大学研究员,美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院访问学者,美国伊里诺依大学Freeman访问学者和瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学访问教授。2009年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。任International Association for Chinese Management Research(中国管理研究国际学会)2018年学术大会主席,学会当选主席。
研究兴趣包括企业领导与文化、谈判与冲突处理、团队过程以及跨文化管理等。近百篇研究作品发表在多种国际和国内著名学术期刊上。在国际会议上报告论文80余篇,并应邀在美国多所大学和机构举行学术演讲。2008年美国《盖洛普管理学刊》(Gallup Management Journal)发表张志学关于中国人行为研究的专访。合作主编《中国企业的多元解读》(2010)、主编三部《博光雅华》(2012、2013、2015)、合著《宏观制度环境、CEO管理自主权与微观企业行为》(2014)。合作主编的英文著作\


Ma, L., Zhai, X., Zhong, W., & Zhang, Z. X. (2019). Deploying human capital for innovation: A study of multi-country manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 241-253.
Qin, X., Ren, R., Zhang, Z. X., & Johnson, R. E. (2018). Considering self-interests and symbolism together: How instrumental and value-expressive motives interact to influence supervisors’ justice behavior. Personnel Psychology, 71, 225-253.
Au, E. W. M., Qin, X., & Zhang, Z. X. (2017). Beyond personal control: When and how executives' beliefs in negotiable fate foster entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 69-84.
Dong, Y., Bartol, K.M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual-focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), 439-458.
Ma, L., Brett, J., Wang, H., & Zhang, Z. X. (2017). Negotiating with Chinese outbound foreign direct investors. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(1), 89-90.
Yao, J., Zhang, Z. X., Brett, J., & Murnighan, K. (2017). Understanding the trust deficit in China: Mapping positive experience and trust in strangers. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 85-97.
Yao, J., Zhang, Z. X., & Brett, J. (2017). Understanding trust development in negotiations: An interdependent approach. Journal of Organization Behavior, 38(5), 712-729.
Zhang, Z. X., & Wei, X. (2017). Superficial harmony and conflict avoidance resulting from negative anticipation in the workplace. Management and Organization Review, 13(4), 795-820.
Zhang, Z. X., Wei, X., Chao, M. M., & Zheng, Y. (2017). When do conflicts feel right for prevention-focused individuals? The debiasing effect of low need for closure. Management and Organization Review, 13(2), 375-397.
Aslani, S., Ramirez-Marin, J., Brett, J., Yao, J., Semnani-Azad, Z., Zhang, Z. X., Tinsley, C., Weingart, L., & Adair, W. (2016). Dignity, face and honor cultures: A study of negotiation strategy and outcomes in three cultures. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(8), 1178-1201.
Fu, J. H. Y., Zhang, Z. X., Li, F., & Leung, P. (2016). Opening the mind: Effect of culture mixing on acceptance of organizational change. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (10), 1361–1372.
Ma, L., Chen, A., & Zhang, Z. X. (2016). Task success based on contingency fit of managerial culture and embeddedness. Journal of International Business Studies, 47, 191-209.
Wei, X., Zhang, Z. X., & Chen, X. P. (2015). I will speak up if my voice is socially desirable: A moderated mediating process of promotive versus prohibitive voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100 (5), 1641–1652.
Arvey, R., Dhanaraj, C., Javidan, M., & Zhang, Z. X. (2015). Are there unique leadership models in Asia? Exploring uncharted territory. Leadership Quarterly, 26 (1), 1-6.
Qin, X., Ren, R., Zhang, Z. X., & Johnson, R. E (2015). Fairness heuristics and substitutability effects: Inferring the fairness of outcomes, procedures, and interpersonal treatment when employees lack clear information. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100 (3), 749-766.
Wei, X., Ma, L., Zhang, Z. X., Showail, S. J., Jiao, J., & Wang, X. (2015). Understanding psychological contract breach due to labor costs reduction: Contingent upon employee sex and managerial control. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88 (4), 679-701.
Zhang, Z. X., Chen, Z. X., Chen, Y.R., & Ang, S. (2014). Business leadership in the Chinese context: Trends, findings and implications. Management and Organization Review, 10 (2), 199-221.
Woo, S. E., Chernyshenko, O., Longley, A., Zhang, Z.X., Chiu, C., & Stark, S. E. (2013). Openness to experience: Its lower-level structure, measurement, and cross-cultural equivalence. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96(1), 29-45.
Yuan, C., Bazarova, N., Fulk, J., & Zhang, Z. X. (2013). Recognition of expertise and perceived influence in intercultural group collaboration: A study of mixed American and Chinese intercultural groups. Journal of Communication, 63, 476-497.
Liu, L. A., Friedman, R., Barry, B., Gelfand, M., & Zhang, Z. X. (2012). The dynamics of consensus building in intracultural and intercultural negotiations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57 (2), 269-304.
Hempel, P. S., Zhang, Z. X., & Han, Y. (2012). Team empowerment and the organizational context: Decentralization and the contrasting effects of formalization. Journal of Management, 38 (2): 475-501.
Au, E. W. M., Chiu, C.-y., Zhang, Z.-X., Mallorie, L. A., Chaturvedi, A., Viswanathan, M., & Savani, K (2012). Negotiable fate: Social ecological foundation and psychological functions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(6), 931-942.
Leung, A. K.-y., Kim, Y.-H., Zhang, Z.-X., Tam, K.-P., & Chiu, C.-y. (2012). Cultural construction of success and epistemic motives moderate American-Chinese differences in reward allocation biases. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(1), 46-52.
Au, E. W. M., Chiu, C.-y., Chaturvedi, A., Mallorie, L. A., Viswanathan, M., Zhang, Z.-X., & Savani, K (2011). Maintaining faith in agency under immutable constraints: Cognitive consequences of believing in negotiable fate. International Journal of Psychology, 46(6), 463-474.
Leung, K., Brew, F. P., Zhang, Z. X., & Zhang, Y. (2011). Harmony and conflict: A cross-cultural investigation in China and Australia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(5), 795-816.
Chao, M. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Chiu, C. y. (2010). Adherence to perceived norms across cultural boundaries: The role of need for cognitive closure and ingroup identification. Group Process and Intergroup Relations, 13, 69-89.
Yang, J., Zhang, Z. X., & Tsui, A. S. (2010). Middle manager leadership and frontline employee performance: Bypass, cascading, and moderating effects. Journal of Management Studies, 47, 654-678
Zhou, J., Shin, S. J., Brass, D. J., Choi, J., & Zhang, Z. (2009). Social networks, personal values, and creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1544-1552.
Hempel, P. S., Zhang, Z. X., & Tjosvold, D. (2009). Conflict management between and within teams for trusting relationships and performance in China. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 41-65.
Chao, M. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Chiu, C. y. (2008). Personal and collective culpability judgment: A functional analysis of East Asian-North American differences. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39, 730-744.
Zhang, Z. X., Hempel, P. S., Han, Y., & Tjsvold, D. (2007). Transactive memory system links work team characteristics to performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1722-1730.
Zhang, Z. X., & Han, Y. L. (2007). The effects of reciprocation wariness on negotiation process and outcome. Group Decision and Negotiation, 16, 507-525.
Tsui, A., Zhang, Z. X., Wang, H., Xin, K. R., & Wu, J. B. (2006). Unpacking the relationship between CEO leadership behavior and organizational culture. Leadership Quarterly, 17, 113-137.
Mok, E., Lai, C., & Zhang, Z. X. (2004). Coping with chronic renal failure in Hong Kong. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 205-213.
Ho, D. Y. F., Chen, S. F. F., & Zhang, Z. X. (2001). Metarelational analysis: An answer to “What is Asian about Asian social psychology?” Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 2, 7-26.
Zhang, Z. X., Luk, W., Arthur, D., & Wong, T. (2001). Nursing competencies: Personal characteristics contributing to effective nursing performance. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33, 468-474.
Zhang, Z. X. (2001). The effect of frequency of social interaction and relationship closeness on reward allocation. Journal of Psychology, 135,154-164.
Lai, A. C., Zhang, Z. X., & Wang, W. Z. (2000). Maternal child-rearing practices in Hong Kong and Beijing Chinese families: A comparative study. International Journal of Psychology,35,60-66.
Zhang, Z., & Yang, C. F. (1998). Beyond distributive justice: The reasonableness norm in Chinese reward allocation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1, 253-269.

Brett, J., Yao, J., & Zhang, Z.X. (2018). OFFER: Behaviorally coding direct and indirect information exchange in negotiation. In E. Brauner, M. Boos, & M. Kolbe (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of group interaction analysis (pp.483-490). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zhang, Z. X., & Zhong, W. (2016). Barriers to organizational creativity in Chinese companies. In Arie Y. Lewin, A. Y., Kenney, M., & Murmann, J. P. (Eds.), China’s innovation challenge: Overcoming the middle income trap (pp. 339-367). Cambridge University Press.
Zhang, Z. X. (2014). The growth path of entrepreneurs. In Zhang, Z. X., & Zhang, J. (Eds.), Understanding Chinese firms from multiple perspectives (pp. 81-118). New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Y., & Wang, M. (2011). Harmony, illusionary relationship cost, and conflict resolution in Chinese contexts. In Leung, K., Chiu, C., & Hong, Y. (Eds.), Cultural processes: A social psychological perspective (pp.188-209). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Qiu, J., Zhang, Z. X., & Liu, L. A. (2010). Cultural processes in teams: The development of team mental models in heterogeneous work teams.In Leung, K., Chiu, C., & Hong, Y. (Eds.), Cultural processes: A social psychological perspective (pp.172-187). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Zhang, Z. X., Chen, C. C., Liu, L. A., & Liu, X. F. (2008). Chinese traditions and Western theories: influence on business leaders in China. In C. C. Chen & Y. T. Lee (Eds.), Leadership management in China: Philosophies, theories, and practices (pp.239-271). London: Cambridge University Press.
Zhang, Z. X. (2006). Chinese conceptions of justice and reward allocation. In Kim, U., K. S. Yang, & K. K. Hwang (Eds.), Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context (pp.403-420). New York: Springer.
Xin, K. R., Tsui, A., Wang, H., Zhang, Z. X., & Chen, W. Z. (2002). Corporate culture in Chinese state-owned enterprises: An inductive analysis of dimensions and influence. In A. S. Tsui & C. M. Lau (Eds.) Management of enterprises in People’s Republic of China (pp.414-443). MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

张志学、张建君、梁钧平(2006):企业制度和企业文化的功效:组织控制的观点。《经济科学》, 1,117-128。
张志学、Paul S. Hempel、韩玉兰、邱静(2006):高技术工作团队的交互记忆系统及其效果。《心理学报》,38,271-280。


陈昭全、张志学、沈伟(2018):管理研究中的理论建构。陈晓萍、沈伟(主编)《组织与管理研究的实证方法》(第三版) (第68-102页)。北京:北京大学出版社。
张志学、仲为国(2016):中国企业组织创造力的障碍。载Arie Y. Lewin等主编,张志学审校:《中国创新的挑战:跨越中等收入陷阱》(第289-312页)。北京大学出版社。
陈昭全、张志学、David Whetten(2012):管理研究中的理论建构。陈晓萍、徐淑英、樊景立(主编)《组织管理研究的实证方法》(第二版)(第63-95页)。北京:北京大学出版社。
张志学(2012):R&D in China,华为如何做到?《天下杂志》(台湾)。2012年7月11日,141。
担任Management and Organization Review的高级编审(2010-),Asian Journal of Social Psychology的副主编(2016-2017),Negotiation and Conflict Management Research和《心理学报》的编委(2005-2017)。与国际同行合作主编Management and Organization Review的特刊Business Leadership in the Chinese Context (2014)和Leadership Quarterly的特刊The Asian Model of Leadership (2015)。

