2023-05-05 16:40
  • 颜学庆
  • 颜学庆 - 教授-北京大学-物理学院-个人资料




1977年 出生于湖南永州市 1999年 清华大学工程物理系工学学士 2004年 北京大学物理学院理学博士 2006年 北京大学物理学院副教授; 2008~2010年 德国洪堡访问学者; 2010年 获得国家杰出青年基金。获奖情况:2005年获得北京大学优秀青年加速器工作者奖;2007年获得中国核物理学会胡济民教育科学奖; 2008年获得“北京大学钟盛标物理教育基金”教师奖;2008年获得中国粒子加速器学会希望杯青年优秀论文奖 二等奖; 2009年获得第十届北京市青年优秀科技论文奖 一等奖。


主要研究方向为高能量密度物理,高能量密度物理(HEDP)是研究能量密度超过10^11焦耳/米^3的极端条件下物质结构与特性及变化规律的科学, 是近年发展起来的重要交叉前沿领域,HEDP的研究对惯性约束聚变、材料物理、天体物理、加速器物理、国防等具有极其重要的意义。 我们将主要开展基于超强激光与等离子体相互作用中的粒子加速和辐射等相关物理问题的研究,具体方向如下: 1.强场物理(激光等离子体相互作用);2. 激光加速器;3. 加速器技术及其应用。


X. Q. Yan*, T. Tajima, M. Hegelich, L. Yin and D. Habs Theory of ion acceleration from targets of nanometers Appl. Phys. B, 98:711-721, (2010) X. Q. Yan*, H. C. Wu, Z. M. Sheng, J. E. Chen and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn Self-organizing GeV nano-Coulomb collimated proton beam from laser foil interaction at 7 × 10^21 W/cm^2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 135001 (2009) X. Q. Yan*,C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, B. C. Liu,Y. R. Lu, J. X. Fang, and J. E. Chen Reply on comments on High current and monoenergetic proton beams generated by a circularly-polarized laser pulse in the phase-stable acceleration regime Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 239502 (2009) A. Henig*, S. Steinke, M.Schnuerer, T. Sokollik, P.V. Nickles,D. Jung, D. Kiefer,J. Schreiber, T. Tajima, X. Q. Yan*, M. Hegelich, W. Sandner, and D. Habs Radiation pressure acceleration of ion beams driven by circularly polarized laser pulses Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 245003 (2009) T. Tajima*, D. Habs* and X. Q. Yan* Laser Acceleration of Ions For Radiation Therapy, Review of Accelerator Science and Technology RAST, 2: 201-228 (2009) X. Q. Yan*, M. Chen, Z. M. Sheng, J.E. Chen Self-induced magnetic focusing of proton beams by Weibel-like instability in the laser foil-plasma interactions Physics of Plasmas 16, 044501, (2009) X. Q. Yan*, C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, B. C. Liu,Y. R. Lu, J. X. Fang, and J. E. Chen High current and monoenergetic proton beams generated by a circularly-polarized laser pulse in the phase-stable acceleration (PSA) regime Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 135003 (2008) B. C. Liu, Z. H. He, X. Q. Yan*, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu, and J. E. Chen Generation of High-Current Proton Beams With a Low Energy Spread by Phase-Stable Acceleration (PSA) IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, Volume 36, Issue 4, 1854 – 1856 (2008) X. Q. Yan*, R.A. Jameson, Y.R. Lu, Z.Y. Guo, J.X. Fang, J.E. Chen Matched and equipartitioned design method for modern high-intensity radio frequency quadrupole accelerators Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 577,402–408 (2007) X. Q. Yan*, Y. R. Lu, J. X. Fang, Z.Y. Guo, X. T. Ren, J. X. Yu, Y. Xie, and C. E. Chen The numerical simulations and experiments of simultaneous acceleration of positive and negative ions in a RFQ Physical Review Special Topics, 9, 020101,(2006) X. Q. Yan*, C. E. Chen, Z. Y. Guo, J. X. Fang The beam mismatches in the RFQ dynamics design Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 554, 132-137, (2005). X. Q. Yan*, C.E. Chen, J.X. Fang, Z.Y. Guo, Y.R. Lu SFRFQ with diaphragms linac structure Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A Volume: 539, Issue: 3, March 1, pp. 606-612 (2005). X. Q. Yan*, C. E. Chen, J. X. Fang, Z. Y. Guo, W. G. Li, Y. R. Lu, Y. Wu Exploring the Feasibility of a Separated Function RFQ with minivane Structure Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 506, 1-6, (2003) S. Steinke, A. Henig, M. Schnuerer, T. Sokollik, P.V. Nickles, D. Jung, D. Kiefer, R. Hoerlein, J. Schreiber, T. Tajima, X.Q. Yan, M. Hegelich, J. Meyer-Ter-Vehn, W. Sandner And D. Habs Efficient ion acceleration by collective laser-driven electron dynamics with ultra-thin foil targets Laser and Particle Beams, 28, 215–221 (2010) M.Chen, A.Pukhov, Z.M.Sheng, X. Q. Yan,Laser mode effects on the ion acceleration during circularly polarized laser pulse interaction with foil targets, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 113103, 2008 X. Q. Yan*, C. E. Chen, J. X. Fang, Study of the rod style SFRFQ structure, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol 51, 1153-1155, (2002). Z. M. Sheng, W. M. Wang , X. Q. Yan , M. Chen, J. Zhang , J. E. Chen, LASER-DRIVEN RELATIVISTIC PLASMAS APPLIED TO SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND MEDICINE, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume: 1153 Page: 189-200 (2009) Z.Wang, J. E. Chen, Y. R.Lu, K. Zhu, M.L.Kang, X. Q. Yan, Z.Y.Guo, S.L.Gao, J.X.Fang,Design and measurements of SFRFQ cavity, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, AVolume: 607 Issue: 3 Page: 522-526 (2009) Y. R. Lu, C. E. Chen, J. X. Fang, S. L. Gao, J. F. Guo, Z. Y. Guo, D. S. Li, W. G. Li, O. J. Pan, X. T. Ren, Y. Wu, X. Q. Yan, J. X. Yu, M. L. Yu, U. Ratzinger, H. Deitinghoff, H. Klein, A. Schempp, Investigation of high duty factor ISR RFQ-1000. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A Volume 515, Issue 3, Pages 394-401, (2003). X. Q. Yan*, C. E. Chen, J. X. Fang, Study of the rod style SFRFQ structure, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol 51, 1153-1155, (2002).

