TeachingIn the fall of 2019, I'm teaching a class on Calculus (in Chinese).In the spring of 2018, I'm teaching a class on Differential Manifolds (in Chinese).In the fall of 2018, I'm teaching a class on Linear algebra (in Chinese).In the spring of 2018, I'm teaching a class on Geometry Group Theory (in Chinese).In the spring of 2017, I'm teaching a honor class on Geometry of surfaces (in Chinese).In the spring of the past three 2014-2016, I was teaching a course on Geometry Group Theory.Preprint1. H.T. Nguyen, H.C. Tran & W.Y. Yang. \研究领域
研究方向: Geometric Group Theory and Kleinian Groups"Research InterestsGeometric Group Theory and Low Dimensional Topology: I'm primarily interested in the class of relatively hyperbolic groups and their generalizations called acylindrically hyperbolic groups近期论文
Publications1. L. Potyagailo & W.Y. Yang. \标签: 北京大学 北京国际数学研究中心