2023-05-05 16:35
  • 徐菁
  • 徐菁 - 教授-北京大学-光华管理学院-个人资料




徐菁教授现任北京大学光华管理学院市场营销系教授,银泰公益管理研究中心主任,光华行为科学实验室副主任。她毕业于美国密西根大学(Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan),获得市场营销学博士学位。
徐菁教授的研究致力于理解消费者偏好的形成及影响消费者产品选择的因素及心理机制。她的研究成果发表在国内外顶级学术期刊上,包括Journal of Marketing Research、 Journal of Consumer Research、Journal of Consumer Psychology,《心理学报》、《营销科学学报》等。徐菁教授目前在光华开设的课程为消费者行为学(本科、iMBA、博士生)以及实验设计与分析(博士生)。

徐 菁:这3类企业可以持续增长,你最想做哪一种?
徐菁:“主流”还是“小众” 排斥感如何影响消费选择
徐 菁:自我身份认知越“广”,越爱买“高级”货?| 学术光华
Jiang, Zixi, Margaret Gorlin, Jing Xu, Ravi Dhar, “ Of the Bold and the Beautiful: How Feeling Beautiful Leads to Less Context Dependent Choices,” JMR 2nd Round.
Ding, Ying, Jing Xu and Wen Wan. “Broad vs. Narrow: How Identity Framing Influences Prosocial Behavior,” JCR R&R.
Zheng, Xiaoying and Jing Xu, “To Be Respected or Be Liked: The Effect of Social Comparison on Consumer Desire for Competence and Warmth,” JCR 2nd Round.
Goldsmith, Kelly, Jing Xu, and Ravi Dhar. “The Role of Abstract and Concrete Mindsets on The Purchase of Products from Adjacent Categories,” JCP 1st Round.
Grolin, Margaret, Zixi Jiang, Jing Xu, Ravi Dhar, “How Feeling Beautiful Leads to Optimism in Consumption,” To be submitted to JCR.

2009.1-2011.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目#70872007。 “追求归属感还是个性化?消费者身份构建动态性及其对品牌偏好影响”。项目已结题,结题绩效评估特优。
2013.1-2015.12 主持国家自然科学基金优青项目#71222205。“消费者行为决策”。项目已结题。
2017.1-2020.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目#71672002。“消费者非理性行为干预及引导”。
2007 – 至今 消费者行为 (iMBA,英文授课)
2010 – 至今 Doing Business in China (面向交换 MBA/EMBA学生授课)
2007 – 至今 消费者行为 – 决策及判断 (iPHD学生,英文授课)
2008 – 至今 实验设计及分析(iPHD 学生,英文授课)
2014 - 2016 营销管理 (iMBA, 英文授课)
2015 – 2016 组织与管理小班授课 (本科生)
2013 – 至今 Marketing in Emerging Economies (Wharton + Guanghua MBA学生)

1995-1996 北京诺华制药公司

2014 第八届厉以宁科研奖
2013 北京大学优秀博士学位论文指导老师
2012 北京银行教学奖
2011 北京大学光华管理学院教学二等奖
2010 北京大学光华管理学院教学二等奖
2005 AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow
2005 Kendrick Award in Marketing, Ross School of Business,
University of Michigan
2005 Charles H. Gessner 奖学金, Ross School of Business, University
of Michigan
2005 Brunnett奖学金 (Marketing Communication), Ross School of
Business, University of Michigan
2004 Thomas William Leabo Award, Ross School of Business, University
of Michigan
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2004, April), “Is driving a BMW more enjoyable than driving an Escort? – Depends on how you think about it”. Paper presented at Haring Symposium, Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2004, October), “Is driving a BMW more enjoyable than driving an Escort? – Depends on how you think about it”. Paper presented at Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2004, November), “Feelings and beliefs about feelings – Does the car really matter?” Paper presented at Decision Consortium, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2004, November), “Was it too many or unfamiliar? - Diverging inferences from difficulty of recall”. Poster presented at Annual Conference of Society of Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2005, March), “Was it long ago or unimportant? - Diverging inferences from difficulty of recall”. Paper presented at Annual Conference of Society for Consumer Psychology, St. Pete’s Beach, Florida.
Schwarz, N., Cho, H., & Xu, J. (2005, July). Diverging inferences from identical inputs. European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Wuerzburg, Germany.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2006, February), “Do we really need a reason to indulge?” Paper presented at Annual Conference of Society for Consumer Psychology, Miami, Florida.
Xu, J. & Schwarz, N. (2007, Oct), “Constructing heuristics on the spot.” Paper presented at Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research, Memphis, Tennessee.
Zixi Jiang., Xu J. & Dhar, R. (2010, Oct), “Mental Representation and Assortment Size: How Thinking Abstractly Helps Choosing” Paper presented at Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research, Jacksonville, Florida.
Zixi Jiang, Margaret Gorlin, Jing Xu and Ravi Dhar (2011), “The Beautiful Are the Bold: How Feeling Beautiful Influences Choices”, Association of Consumer Reseach Conference, St. Louis, U.S.
Zixi Jiang, Margaret Gorlin, Jing Xu and Ravi Dhar (2011), “The Beautiful Are the Bold: How Feeling Beautiful Influences Choices”, Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Seattle, U.S.
Zixi Jiang, Margaret Gorlin, Jing Xu and Ravi Dhar (2012), The Beautiful Are the Bold: How Feeling Beautiful Influences Choices”, Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
Ding Ying, Jing Xu, and Wen Wan (2012), Broad or Narrow: How Identity Framing Influences Prosocial Behavior, Association of Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
American Marketing Association

2010 - 2015营销科学学报 (Journal of marketing science, Chinese journal)




Wan, Wen, Jing Xu, and Ying Ding (forthcoming), “To Be or Not To Be Unique? The Effect of Social Exclusion on Consumer Choice.” Journal of Consumer Research.
Xu, Jing, Zixi Jiang and Ravi Dhar (2013), “Mental Representation and Assortment Size: How Thinking Abstractly Helps Choosing,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50(Aug), 548-59.
Xu, Jing, Hao Shen and Robert Jr. Wyer (2012), “Does the Distance Between Us Matter? Influences of Physical Proximity to Others on Consumer Choice. ”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (3), 418-23.
Zhang, Ying, Jing Xu, Zixi Jiang and Suyi Huang (2011), “Been There, Done That. The Impact of Effort Investment on Goal Value and Consumer Motivation.” Journal of Consumer Research. 38 (1), 78-93.
Schwarz, Nobert and Jing Xu (2011), “Why Don’t We Learn from Poor Choices? The Consistency of Expectations, Choice, and Memory Clouds the Lessons of Experience.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(2), 142-45. 2
Goldsmith, Kelly, Jing Xu and Ravi Dhar (2010), “The Power of Customers’ Mindset.” Sloan Management Review, Vol. 52 (1), 19-20.
Xu, Jing and Norbert Schwarz (2009). “Do We Need a Reason to Indulge?” Journal of Marketing Research, XLVI (Feb), 25-36.
Schwarz, Norbert, Hyunjin Song, and Jing Xu (2009). “When Thinking is Difficult: Metacognitive Experiences as Information,” in Michaela Wänke (ed.), The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, New York: Psychology Press, 201-23.
Schwarz, Norbert, Daniel Kahneman, and Jing Xu (2009). “Global and Episodic Reports of Hedonic Experience”, In Robert Belli, Duane Alwin, and Frank Stafford (eds.) Using calendar and dairy methods in life events research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 157-74.
Schwarz, Norbert, Jing Xu, Hyunjin Song, and Hyejung Cho (2008), “From Feelings to Judgments: Constructing Heuristics on the Spot,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, Angela Lee and Dilip Soman (eds.), 133-137.
Xu, Jing, Soyeon Shim, Sherry Lotz, and David Almeida (2004). “Ethnic Identity, socialization factors, and cultural-specific consumption behavior,” Psychology & Marketing, 21(2), 93-112.
盛峰, 徐菁 (2013). 神经营销: 解密消费者的大脑. 营销科学学报, 9 (1), 1-17.
张红霞,丁瑛,Angela Lee, 徐菁 (2013). 依赖VS独立?中国消费者自我构念的地域和年龄差异及其对广告诉求偏好的影响。营销科学学报, 9 (1), 50-61
丁瑛,徐菁,张影 (2012). 消费者如何应对选择困难——选择困难的不同归因方式对折中效应的影响. 营销科学学报.
徐菁,涂艳苹,腾添 (2010). “皮肤白即净”-肤色深浅对个性特征及消费行为判断的影响.营销科学学报,6(3), 21-29.
徐菁,蒋多 (2009).期望、体验和回忆:当消费者不能从体验中学习。心理学报,41(8), 745-752.
Ad hoc Reviewers
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Consumer Research
Psychological Science
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

