2023-05-05 16:30
  • 王学军
  • 王学军 - 教授-北京大学-城市与环境学院-个人资料




谢涵 2020 上海生态环境局
刘茂甸 2019 耶鲁大学
陈龙 2016 华东师范大学
欧浪波 2015 ERM环境资源管理咨询公司
童银栋 2014 天津大学
鞠莉 2013 北京大学
李爱民 2010 建设部中国城市科学研究会
叶友斌 2010 京诚嘉宇环境科技有限公司
胡俊栋 2010 国家地质实验测试中心
张巍 2009 中国人民大学
王开颜 2009 解放军总装备部环保研究所
戴永宁 2007 北京大学
罗定贵 2006 广州大学环境科学与工程学院
刘瑞民 2004 北京师范大学环境学院
陈静 2004 华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院
黄英娜 2003 深圳市发改局城市发展研究中心
李素菊 2003 国家民政部减灾中心
施赛男 2019 南通市选调专项
杨雯 2018 生态环境部政研中心
邓春燕 2017 成都市锦江区委组织部
叶雪洁 2016 中国航空油料集团有限公司
杨天骏 2015 中国石油海洋工程有限公司
陈岑 2014 天津计量科学研究院
胡丹 2013 北京雪迪龙科技股份有限公司
魏文 2012 中国建设银行海南分行
刘志刚 2011 湖南晟通科技集团
张俊 2010 融智贝能科技(北京)有限公司
沈亚婷 2009 国家地质实验测试中心
李文慧 2009 中信国际合作公司
张树才 2008 中国石化安全工程研究院
沈琼 2007 上海市海事局
高艳 2007 英国碳资源管理有限公司
蒋颖 2006 国家开发银行贵州省分行
胡连伍 2006 清华规划院
吴敏 2005 昆明理工大学
朴秀英 2004 农业部农药检测所
吴倩 2004 国家信息中心中国经济信息网
郑一 2002 加州大学圣芭芭拉分校
张巍 2002 ERM环境资源管理咨询公司
李莹 2002 北卡罗来纳大学
刘瑞民 2001 北京大学
周韫卓 2020 北京大学
袁鎏亮 2019 香港科技大学
蔡兴瑞 2019 北京大学
郑钞月 2019 北京大学
苑雯 2018 加州大学戴维斯分校
刘思亮 2017 哥伦比亚大学
何毅鹏 2017 康涅狄格大学
张悦 2016 卡内基梅隆大学
林慧铭 2016 北京大学
郭昊丽 2015 斯坦福大学
胡歆笛 2014 哈佛大学







1 Liu MD, Xiao WJ, Zhang QR, Shi LL, Wang XJ, Xu YP. Methylmercury bioaccumulation in deepest ocean fauna: implications for ocean mercury biotransport through food webs, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2019, in press
2 Tong YD, Wang MZ, Peñuelas J, Liu XY, Paerl H, Elser J, Sardans J, Couture R, Larssen T, Hu HY, Dong X, He W, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zeng SY, Kong XZ, Janssen A, Lin Y. Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(2020) 11566-11572
3 Zhang XY, Qi M, Chen L, Wu TY, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Tong YD. Recent change in nutrient discharge from municipal wastewater in China's coastal cities and implication for nutrient balance in the nearshore waters, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 242(2020) 106856
4 Li Y, Guan DB, Yu YN, Westland S, Wang DP, Wang XJ, He KB, Tao S, Meng J. A psychophysical measurement on subjective well-being and air pollution, Nature Communications, 10(2019) 5473
5 Liu MD, Zhang QR, Cheng MH, He YP, Chen L, Zhang HR, Cao HL, Shen HZ, Zhang W, Tao S. Rice life cycle-based global mercury biotransport and human methylmercury exposure, Nature Communications, 10(2019) 5164
6 Liu MD, Cheng MH, Zhang QR, Hansen G, He YP, Yu CH, Lin HM, Zhang HR, Wang XJ. Significant elevation of human methylmercury exposure induced by the food trade in Beijing, a developing megacity, Environment International, 135(2020) 105392
7 Liu MD, Xie H, He YP, Zhang QR, Sun XJ, Yu CH, Chen L, Zhang W, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Sources and transport of methylmercury in the Yangtze River and the impact of the Three Gorges Dam, Water Research, 166(2019) 115042
8 Wang MZ, Xu XW, Wu Z, Zhang XQ, Sun PZ, Wen YT, Wang Z, Lu XB, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Seasonal Pattern of Nutrient Limitation in a Eutrophic Lake and Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts from Internal Nutrient Cycling, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2019) 13675-13686
9 Zhang QR, Tong PF, Liu MD, Lin HM, Yun X, Zhang HR, Tao W, Liu JF, Wang SX, Tao S. A WRF-Chem model-based future vehicle emission control policy simulation and assessment for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 253(2020) 109751
10 Liu MD, Baumann Z, He YP, Mason R, Wang XJ. Reply to Comment on “Traditional Tibetan Medicine Induced High Methylmercury Exposure Level and Environmental Mercury Burden in Tibet, China”, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2019) 12956-12958
11 Sun YL, Lv GK, Zhang HF, Zhang XQ, Bu XG, Wang XJ, Zhang W, Tong YD. Characteristics of Speciated Mercury Emissions from Coal Combustion in Air and Oxygen-Enriched Environment, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 102(2019) 695-700
12 Tong PF, Zhang QR, Lin HM, Jian XH, Wang XJ. Simulation of the impact of the emergency control measures on the reduction of air pollutants: a case study of APEC blue, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(2020) 116
13 Du P, Zhang LR, Ma YT, Li XY, Wang ZL, Mao K, Wang N, Li Y, He J, Zhang X, Liu MD, Wang XJ. Occurrence and Fate of Heavy Metals in Municipal Wastewater in Heilongjiang Province, China: A Monthly Reconnaissance from 2015 to 2017, Water, 12(2020) 728
14 Zhang HR, Li RX, Chen B, Lin HM, Zhang QR, Liu MD, Chen L, Wang XJ. Evolution of the life cycle primary PM2. 5 emissions in globalized production systems, Environment International, 131(2019) 104996
15 Zhang HR, He KH, Wang XJ, Hertwich E. Tracing the uncertain Chinese mercury footprint within the global supply chain using a stochastic, nested input–output model, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2019) 6814-6823
16 Chen YC, Zang L, Shen GF, Liu MD, Du W, Fei J, Yang LY, Chen L, Wang XJ, Liu WP. Resolution of the ongoing challenge of estimating nonpoint source neonicotinoid pollution in the Yangtze River basin using a modified mass balance approach, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2019) 2539-2548
17 Chen YC, Zang L, Liu MD, Zhang CL, Shen GF, Du W, Sun Z, Fei J, Yang LY, Wang YH, Wang XJ, Zhao MR. Ecological risk assessment of the increasing use of the neonicotinoid insecticides along the east coast of China, Environment international, 127(2019) 550-557
18 Xie H, Liu MD, He YP, Lin HM, Yu CH, Deng CY, Wang XJ. An experimental study of the impacts of solar radiation and temperature on mercury emission from different natural soils across China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(2019) 545
19 Shi SN, Zhang HR, Yang W, Zhang QR, Wang XJ. A life-cycle assessment of battery electric and internal combustion engine vehicles: A case in Hebei Province, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 288(2019) 606-618
20 Chen L, Liang S, Liu MD, Yi YJ, Mi ZF, Zhang YX, Li YM, Qi JC, Meng J, Tang X, Zhang HR, Tong YD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Shu J, Yang ZF, Trans-provincial health impacts of atmospheric mercury emissions in China, Nature Communications, 10(2019) 1484
21 Liu MD, Zhang QR, Ge SD, Mason R, Luo Y, He YP, Xie H, Sa R, Chen L, Wang XJ, Rapid increase in the lateral transport of trace elements induced by soil erosion in major karst regions in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2019) 4206-4214
22 Lin HM, Tong YD, Yin XF, Zhang QG, Zhang H, Zhang HR, Chen L, Kang SC, Zhang W, Schauer J, Foy B, Bu XG, Wang XJ, First Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury Species in Qomolangma Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and Evidence of Transboundary Pollutant Invasion, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(2019) 1373-1391
23 Deng CY, Tong YD, Chen L, Yuan W, Sun YL, Li JL, Wang XJ, Zhang W, Lin HM, Xie H, Bu XG, Impact of particle chemical composition and water content on the photolytic reduction of particle-bound mercury, Atmospheric Environment, 200(2019) 24-33
24 Chen L, Liang S, Zhang YX, Liu MD, Meng J, Zhang HR, Tang X, Li YM, Tong YD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Shu J. Atmospheric mercury outflow from China and interprovincial trade, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2018) 13792-13800
25 Tong YD, Li JQ, Qi M, Zhang XY, Wang MZ, Liu XY, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Lu YR, Lin Y. Impacts of water residence time on nitrogen budget of lakes, Science of the Total Environment, 646(2019) 75-83
26 Yang W, Yu CY, Yuan W, Wu XY, Zhang W, Wang XJ. High-resolution vehicle emission inventory and emission control policy scenario analysis, a case in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 203(2018) 530-539
27 Liu MD, He YP, Ge SD, Cheng MH, Xie H, Yu CH, Wang XJ. Chemical Form and Bioaccessibility of Mercury in Traditional Tibetan Medicines, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 5(2018) 552-557
28 Liu MD, Chen L, He YP, Baumann Z, Mason R, Shen HZ, Yu CH, Zhang W, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Impacts of farmed fish consumption and food trade on methylmercury exposure in China, Environment International, 120(2018) 333-344
29 Liu MD, He YP, Baumann Z, Yu CH, Ge SD, Sun XJ, Cheng MH, Shen HZ, Mason R, Chen L, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Traditional Tibetan Medicine Induced High Methylmercury Exposure Level and Environmental Mercury Burden in Tibet, China, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2018) 8838-8847
30 Yin XF, Kang SC, Foy B, Ma YM, Tong YD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Zhang GS, Zhang QG. Multi-year monitoring of atmospheric total gaseous mercury at aremote high-altitude site (Nam Co, 4730ma.s.l.) in the inland Tibetan Plateau region, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(2018) 10557-10574
31 Liu MD, Zhang QR, Luo Y, Mason R, Ge SD, He YP, Yu CH, Sa R, Cao HL, Wang XJ, Chen L. Impact of water-induced soil erosion on the terrestrial transport and atmospheric emission of mercury in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2018) 6945-6956
32 Ou LB, Wang HH, Chen C, Chen L, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of Human Lactational Transfer of Methylmercury in China, Environment International, 115 (2018) 180-197
33 Chen L, Meng J, Liang S, Zhang HR, Zhang W, Liu MD, Tong YD, Wang HH, Wang W, Wang XJ, Shu J. Trade-induced atmospheric mercury deposition over China and implications for demand-side controls, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2018) 2036-2045
34 Liu MD, Du P, Yu CH, He YP, Zhang HR, Sun XJ, Lin HM, Luo Y, Xie H, Guo JM, Tong YD, Zhang QG, Chen L, Zhang W, Li XQ, Wang XJ. Increases of total mercury and methylmercury releases from municipal sewage into environment in China and implications. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(2018) 124-134
35 Zhang HR, Chen L, Tong YD, Zhang W, Yang W, Liu MD, Liu LB, Wang HH, Wang XJ. Impacts of supply and consumption structure on the mercury emission in China: An input-output analysis based assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170 (2018) 96-107
36 Zhang Y, Ye XJ, Yang TJ, Li JL, Chen L, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Evaluation of Costs Associated with Atmospheric Mercury Emission Reductions from Coal Combustion in China in 2010 and Projections for 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 610-611(2018) 796-801
37 Chen L, Zhang W, Zhang YX, Tong YD, Liu MD, Wang HH, Xie H, Wang XJ. Historical and future trends in global source-receptor relationships of mercury. Science of the Total Environment, 610-611 (2018) 24-31
38 Tong YD, Wang MZ, Bu XG, Guo X, Lin Y, Lin HM, Li J, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Mercury concentrations in China’s coastal waters and implications for fish consumption by vulnerable populations. Environmental Pollution, 231 (2017) 396-405
39 Tong YD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Couture R, Larssen T, Zhao Y, Li J, Liang HJ, Liu XY, Bu XG, He W, Zhang QG, Lin Y. Decline in Chinese lake phosphorus concentrations accompanied by shift in sources since 2006, Nature Geoscience, 10(2017) 507-511
40 Lin HM, Zhang W, Deng CY, Tong YD, Zhang QG, Wang XJ. Evaluation of passive sampling of gaseous mercury using different sorbing materials. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(2017) 14190-14197
41 Zhang W, Zhen GC, Chen L, Wang HH, Li Y, Ye XJ, Tong YD, Zhu Y, Wang XJ. Economic evaluation of health benefits of mercury emission controls for China and the neighboring countries in East Asia, Energy Policy, 106(2017) 579-587
42 Tong YD, Yin XF, Lin HM, Duo B, Zeng D, Wang HH, Deng CY, Chen L, Li JL, Zhang W, Schauer J, Kang SC, Zhang GS, Wang XJ, Zhang QG. Recent decline of atmospheric mercury recorded by Androsace tapete on the Tibetan Plateau , Environmental Science & Technology, 50(2016) 13224-13231
43 Li JG, Zheng Y, Luo XL, Lin ZR, Zhang W, Wang XJ. PAH contamination in Beijing's topsoil: A unique indicator of the megacity's evolving energy consumption and overall environmental quality. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep33245
44 Deng CY, Xie H, Ye XJ, Zhang HR, Liu MD, Tong YD, Ou LB, Yuan W, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Mercury risk assessment combining internal and external exposure methods for a population living near a municipal solid waste incinerator. Environmental Pollution, 219(2016) 1060-1068
45 Zhang W, Zhen GC, Tong YD, Yang L, Yan Z, Liu GH, Wang XJ, Li Ying. Perspectives on policy framework for trans-boundary water quality management in China. Environmental Hazards, 15(2016), DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2016.1140631
46 Tong YD, Wang XJ, Zhen GC, Li Ying, Zhang W, He W. Agricultural water consumption decreasing nutrient burden at Bohai Sea, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 169(2016): 85-94
47 Liu MD, Zhang W, Wang XJ, Chen L, Wang HH, Luo Y, Zhang HR, Shen HZ, Tong YD, Ou LB, Xie H, Ye XJ, Deng CY. Mercury Release to Aquatic Environments from Anthropogenic Sources in China from 2001 to 2012, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(2016) 8169-8177
48 Liu MD, Chen L, Wang XJ, Zhang W, Tong YD, Ou LB, Xie H, Shen HZ, Ye XJ, Deng CY, Wang HH, Mercury Export from Mainland China to Adjacent Seas and Its Influence on the Marine Mercury Balance, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(2016) 6224-6232
49 Benjamin F, Tong YD, Yin XF, Zhang W, Kang SC, Zhang QG, Zhang GS, Wang XJ, Schauer J. First field-based atmospheric observation of the reduction of reactive mercury driven by sunlight, Atmospheric Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.03.028
50 Liang L, Ju L, Hu JD, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Transport of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS)-dispersed carbon nanotubes and enhanced mobility of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in saturated porous media, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 497(2016) 205-213
51 Tong YD, Chen L, Chi J, Zhen GC, Zhang QG, Wang RN, Yao RH, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Riverine nitrogen loss in the Tibetan Plateau and potential impacts of climate change, Science of the Total Environment, 553(2016) 276-284
52 Tong YD, Zhao Y, Zhen GC, Chi J, Liu XH, Lu YR, Wang XJ, Yao RH, Chen JY, Zhang W. Nutrient Loads Flowing into Coastal Waters from the Main Rivers of China (2006-2012), Scientific Reports, 19(2015) doi: 10.1038/srep16678
53 Chen L, Zhang YX, Jacob D, Soerensen A, Fisher J, Amos H, Horowitz H, Corbitt E, Wang XJ. Differences in decadal trends of atmospheric mercury between the Arctic and northern mid-latitudes suggest a decline in Arctic Ocean mercury, Geophysical Research Letters, 42(2015) 6076-6083
54 Ou LB, Chen C, Chen L, Wang HH, Yang TJ, Xie H, Tong YD, Hu D, Zhang W, Wang XJ. Low-level prenatal mercury exposure in North China: an exploratory study of anthropometric effects, Environmental Science & Technology, 49(2015) 6899-908
55 Ye XJ, Hu D, Wang HH, Chen L, Xie H, Zhang W, Deng CY, Wang XJ. Atmospheric mercury emissions from China’s primary nonferrous metal (Zn, Pb and Cu) smelting during 1949-2010. Atmospheric Environment, 103(2015) 331-338
56 Tong YD, Ou LB, Chen L, Wang HH, Chen C, Wang XJ, Zhang W, Wang QG. Modeled methylmercury exposure and risk from rice consumption for vulnerable populations in a traditional fish eating area in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(2015) 1161-1168
Environmental Geochemistry and Health、Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal、Journal of Environmental Sciences、中国科学:地球科学、农业环境科学学报、生态与农村环境学报等期刊编委

