教师简介 华盛顿大学政治学博士。研究领域为比较政治制度、发展政治学和中国政治。已发表和正在审稿中的论文从制度主义视角出发,对精英间的权力分享、产权保护、地方治理和公共品提供等问题进行研究。当前正在从事一本关于制度如何规范精英行为、促进可信权力分享,并影响政府间资源的分配的专著写作。研究先后发表在Journal of East Asian Studies, Security Studies, China Review, Political Communication, Journal of Contemporary China,《北大政治学评论》、《公共管理评论》等国内外期刊。目前开设本科生《政治学原理(上)》、研究生《发展政治学专题研究》等课程。 教育背景 1、2017 华盛顿大学 政治学 博士2、2012 耶鲁大学 东亚研究 硕士3、2011 浙江大学 日语 学士 职业经历 1、2017年9月 北京大学中国政治学研究中心 助理教授 荣誉奖励 1、University of Washington Department of Political Science Best TA Award, 2017, UW Political Science2、China Times Young Scholar Award, 2016, China Times Cultural Foundation 3、Taraknath Das Prize for Best Graduate Paper in Comparative Politics, 2015, UW Political Science4、Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, 2015, Social Science Research Council5、Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship, 2014, American Political Science Association当前研究2017年10月至今,作为子课题负责人参与教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“国家治理经验评估研究教授课程1、 本科生: 政治学原理(上)、研究设计和论文写作2、研究生:发展政治学3、MPA:中国治理及其经验专题研修、中国国际战略和外交4、MPP:国家治理与中国经验(英文)近期论文
同行评审国际期刊论文1. Forthcoming, “Partnering with the State: Socialist Legacies, the Local State Sector, and Foreign Direct Investment in China” Journal of Contemporary China 2. 2019. “Is Any Publicity Good Publicity? Media Coverage, Party Institutions, and Authoritarian Power-Sharing.” (with Fengming Lu) Political Communication 36(1): 64-82. 3. 2019. “Consent to Contend: The Power of the Masses in China’s Local Elite Bargain.” The China Review 19(1): 1-29. 4. 2018. “Popular Threats and Nationalistic Propaganda: Political Logic of China's Patriotic Campaign.” (with Chuyu Liu) Security Studies 27(4): 633-664. 5. 2016. “Term Limits and Authoritarian Power Sharing: Theory and Evidence from China.” Journal of East Asian Studies 16(1): 61-85. 中文论文6. 2019. 《产权制度的中国经验及其学术意义》 载《北大政治学评论》2019年第一期,第58-72页。7. 2018. 《基于历史的因果识别设计在政治学研究中的应用》 载《公共管理评论》2018年第二期,第3-12页。(《人大复印报刊资料(政治学)》2019年第三期转载)其他发表8. 2016. “Book Review: Information for Autocrats: Representation in Chinese Local Congress.” The China Review, 16(3). 9. 2013. “Book Review: Capital, Coercion, and Post-Communist States.” Comparative Political Studies, 47(5). 工作论文1. “Guardians and Gridlock: Bureaucratic Fragmentation, Power-Sharing, and Authoritarian Policymaking” (book project)2. “The Politics of Paying a Visit: Leadership Visits among Chinese Provinces” (with Franziska B. Keller)3. “Land Taking and Vote Buying in Rural China” (with Susan Whiting and Tan Zhao)4. “Income and Regime Support: Field-experimental Evidence from China’s Stock Market” (with Jason Q. Guo and Erik H. Wang)5. “Making Reform Work: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Rural China” (with Shuo Chen) 6. “Who Wins Approval?: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment of Chinese Officials” (with Fengming Lu and Xufeng Zhu)7. “Validating Vignette Designs with Real-World Data: A Study of Legal Mobilization in Response to Land Grievances in Rural China” (with Susan Whiting)担任匿名审稿人American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, The China Journal, The China Quarterly, The China Review, Government and Opposition, Security Studies, Studies in Comparative and International Development, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 相关热点