2023-05-05 16:18
  • 雷奕安
  • 雷奕安 - 副教授-北京大学-物理学院-个人资料




Academic Experiences: 1985-1989, B.E., Hefei University of Technology, Metal Materials, Hefei, Anhui 1989-1995, Ph.D, Beijing University, Theoretical Physics, 1995-1997, Postdoc, Institute of Theoretical Physics, China Academy of Sciences 1997- now, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Beijing University 2002-2003, Visiting Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2007, Jan.-Apr., Visiting scholar, Department of Physics and Astrolomy, University of California, Irvine 2010, Feb.-May., Visiting scholar, Magnetic Target Fusion Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.


Energy research, fusion energy, magnetic confinement fusion, inertial confinement fusion.Nuclear physics: Nuclear structure, simulation, ...Quantum mechanics: quantum computing, decoherence, ...Molecular Dynamics Computer: Clustering, high performance computing, large-scale computer simulation, programming, system administration


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