2023-05-05 16:17
  • 梁子才
  • 梁子才 - 教授-北京大学-分子医学研究所-个人资料




1981-1988年就读南开大学生物系,1985年获学士学位;1988年获硕士学位;1990-1995年就读瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)并获博士学位。1988-1990年到中国科学院动物研究所,任实习研究员;1995-1998年在美国耶鲁大学生化生物物理学系从事博士后研究;1998-2005年任瑞典卡珞琳斯卡医学院基因组与生物信息学中心基因组技术研究室主任, 助教授,副教授;2006年至任北京大学分子医学研究所教授,博士研究生导师,核酸技术研究室主任。同时兼任分子医学研究所教育委员会主任,学术委员会副主任;北京大学生物学科学位委员会副主任。第一届、第二届、第三届中国小核酸技术与应用学术会议(RNAi China, 2008; RNAi Asia, 2009 &RNAi China, 2009; RNAi China, 2011)筹备人,组委会秘书长。2010年至今为中国生物化学与分子生物学学会核糖核酸专业委员会副主任委员。


梁子才教授主要从事RNA干扰领域基础和应用研究,在RNA干扰载体、siRNA特异性、稳定化等方面取得了一系列创新成果,获得了一批具有自主知识产权的核心技术,建立了一个我国的小核酸应用基础研究平台。其中包括:1)运用自有的MAST和siQuant研究方法,首次发表了一个小核酸在其所有单碱基突变的近似靶位上的脱靶效应图谱,完成了对小核酸在双碱基突变的近似靶位点的特异性和脱靶效应的研究,全方位比较RNA干扰过程中的碱基识别特异性在国际上第一次构建了RNA干扰中不同碱基在小核酸不同位置的碱基选择性图谱。这一系列原创性的系统、深入的创新发现对开展小核酸的基础研究和小核酸应用研究具有重要的理论意义。2)在国际上率先发明了双对向启动子驱动的小核酸表达载体,并实现了用这一载体一次性形成上亿种不同小核酸载体的试验。这一工作我国拥有完整的知识产权,与发卡式小核酸表达载体并列为世界上两种小核酸表达载体之一。相关专利在澳大利亚已经获得授权。3)在国际上率先开展了microRNA 22的功能研究,首次发现了microRNA 22与c-Myc和MYCBP形成调控回路,揭示microRNA 22在肿瘤发生发展中的作用。将对microRNA调控肿瘤发生发展的机制研究是一个贡献。4)剖析揭示了双链RNA降解的序列特异性规律,进一步展示了利用这一规律指导小核酸稳定化的可行性。这一研究不仅填补了小核酸以及所有双链RNA代谢过程的空白,也为核酸稳定化提供了理论基础。5)在国际上第一个发现并阐明siRNA在动物体内的一条新的代谢清除途径:肝肠清除途径。填补了siRNA自身体内行为的“另一半”空白,并开展多枝体(dendrimer)和纳米粒(nanoparticle)的合作研究。6)开发了中国第一个细胞电穿孔技术体系用于DNA和siRNA delivery。


1. Meng X, Jiang Q, Chang N, Wang X, Liu C, Xiong J, Cao H*, Liang Z*. Small activating RNA binds to the genomic target site in a seed-region-dependent manner. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, 44(5):2274-2282.
2. Zhou X, Han X, Wittfeldt A, Sun J, Liu C, Wang X, Gan LM*, Cao H*, Liang Z*. Long non-coding RNA ANRIL regulates inflammatory responses as a novel component of NF-κB pathway. RNA Biol. 2016,13(1):98-108.
3. Cheng Q, Du L, Meng L, Han S, Wei T, Wang X, Wu Y, Song X, Zhou J, Zheng S, Huang Y, Liang XJ, Cao H, Dong A*, Liang Z*. The Promising Nanocarrier for Doxorubicin and siRNA Co-delivery by PDMAEMA-based Amphiphilic Nanomicelles. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016, 8(7):4347-4356.
4. Huang Y, Cheng Q, Jin X, Ji JL, Guo S, Zheng S, Wang X, Cao H, Gao S, Liang XJ, Du Q*, Liang Z*. Systemic and tumor-targeted delivery of siRNA by cyclic NGR and isoDGR motif-containing peptides. Biomater Sci. 2016,4(3):494-510.
5. Zhao D, Huang D, Li Y, Wu M, Zhong W, Cheng Q, Wang X, Wu Y, Zhou X, Wei Z, Li Z*, Liang Z*. A Flow-Through Cell Electroporation Device for Rapidly and Efficiently Transfecting Massive Amounts of Cells in vitro and ex vivo. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:18469.
6. Liu J, Wei T, Zhao J, Huang Y, Deng H, Kumar A, Wang C, Liang Z, Ma X, Liang XJ. Multifunctional aptamer-based nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery to circumvent cancer resistance. Biomaterials. 2016, 91:44-56.
7. Li D, Liu J, Guo B, Liang C, Dang L, Lu C, He X, Cheung HY, Xu L, Lu C, He B, Liu B, Shaikh AB, Li F, Wang L, Yang Z, Au DW, Peng S, Zhang Z, Zhang BT, Pan X, Qian A, Shang P, Xiao L, Jiang B, Wong CK, Xu J, Bian Z, Liang Z, Guo DA, Zhu H, Tan W, Lu A, Zhang G. Osteoclast-derived exosomal miR-214-3p inhibits osteoblastic bone formation. Nat Commun. 2016,7:10872.
8. Zhou J, Li D, Wen H, Zheng S, Su C, Yi F, Wang J, Liang Z, Tang T, Zhou D, Zhang LH, Liang D, Du Q. Inter-molecular β-sheet structure facilitates lung-targeting siRNA delivery. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:22731.
Year 2015
9. Han X, Yang F, Cao H, Liang Z. Malat1 regulates serum response factor through miR-133 as a competing endogenous RNA in myogenesis. FASEB J. 2015,29(7):3054-3064.
10. Han S, Cheng Q, Wu Y, Zhou J, Long X, Wei T, Huang Y, Zheng S, Zhang J, Deng L, Wang X, Liang XJ, Cao H, Liang Z*, Dong A*. Effects of hydrophobic core components in amphiphilic PDMAEMA nanoparticles on siRNA delivery. Biomaterials. 2015,48:45-55.
11. Liu J, Dang L, Li D, Liang C, He X, Wu H, Qian A, Yang Z, Au DW, Chiang MW, Zhang BT, Han Q, Yue KK, Zhang H, Lv C, Pan X, Xu J, Bian Z, Shang P, Tan W, Liang Z, Guo B, Lu A, Zhang G. A delivery system specifically approaching bone resorption surfaces to facilitate therapeutic modulation of microRNAs in osteoclasts. Biomaterials. 2015,52:148-160.
12. Wei T, Chen C, Liu J, Liu C, Posocco P, Liu X, Cheng Q, Huo S, Liang Z, Fermeglia M, Pricl S, Liang XJ, Rocchi P, Peng L. Anticancer drug nanomicelles formed by self-assembling amphiphilic dendrimer to combat cancer drug resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 ,112(10):2978-2983.
13. Liang C, Guo B, Wu H, Shao N, Li D, Liu J, Dang L, Wang C, Li H, Li S, Lau WK, Cao Y, Yang Z, Lu C, He X, Au DW, Pan X, Zhang BT, Lu C, Zhang H, Yue K, Qian A, Shang P, Xu J, Xiao L, Bian Z, Tan W, Liang Z, He F, Zhang L, Lu A, Zhang G. Aptamer-functionalized lipid nanoparticles targeting osteoblasts as a novel RNA interference-based bone anabolic strategy. Nat Med. 2015 ,21(3):288-294.
14. Li Y, Wu M, Zhao D, Wei Z, Zhong W, Wang X, Liang Z*, Li Z*. Electroporation on microchips: the harmful effects of pH changes and scaling down. Sci Rep. 2015, 5:17817.
15. Zhang L, Xu Y, Jin X, Wang Z, Wu Y, Zhao D, Chen G, Li D, Wang X, Cao H, Xie Y, Liang Z*. A circulating miRNA signature as a diagnostic biomarker for non-invasive early detection of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2015,154(2):423-434.
16. Huang Y, Wang X, Huang W, Cheng Q, Zheng S, Guo S, Cao H, Liang XJ, Du Q*, Liang Z*. Systemic Administration of siRNA via cRGD-containing Peptide. Sci Rep. 2015,5:12458.
17. Zhang L, Song X, Wang X, Xie Y, Wang Z, Xu Y, You X, Liang Z, Cao H. Circulating DNA of HOTAIR in serum is a novel biomarker for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2015 ,152(1):199-208.
18. Liang C, Li D, Zhang G, Li H, Shao N, Liang Z, Zhang L, Lu A, Zhang G. Comparison of the methods for generating single-stranded DNA in SELEX. Analyst. 2015, 140(10):3439-3444.
19. He YX, Liu J, Guo B, Wang YX, Pan X, Li D, Tang T, Chen Y, Peng S, Bian Z, Liang Z, Zhang BT, Lu A, Zhang G. Src inhibitor reduces permeability without disturbing vascularization and prevents bone destruction in steroid-associated osteonecrotic lesions in rabbits. Sci Rep. 2015,5:8856.
20. Yang Z, Cheng Q, Jiang Q, Deng L, Liang Z*, Dong A*. Thermo-sensitive nanoparticles for triggered release of siRNA. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2015,26(4):264-276.
21. Wei Z, Huang Y, Zhao D, Hu Z*, Li Z*, Liang Z*. A pliable electroporation patch (ep-Patch) for efficient delivery of nucleic acid molecules into animal tissues with irregular surface shapes. Sci Rep. 2015 ,5:7618.

